Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Know Your Knots Bandana is a multi-functional accessory for the outdoorsman

colter know your knots bandana

Most everybody has used a bandana.  They are useful for many things – tying back your hair, tied around your head to act as a sweat catcher when you’re working or playing hard outdoors, wrapping up things in your bag…  Now they can even serve as a reference guide.  The Know Your Knots Bandana from […]

Know Your Knots Bandana is a multi-functional accessory for the outdoorsman Read More

Keep your hands warm with this backup battery

rechargeable hand warmer

If your hands are always cold as ice, you need one of these rechargeable hand warmers.  (My daughter needs one; her hands are always as cold as ice.)  Its lithium-ion battery charges from USB power, and then it can provide you with up to 6 hours of heat (up to a maximum of 130oF) to

Keep your hands warm with this backup battery Read More

Bushnell Mini SolarWrap keeps your phone charged through the longest hikes

bushnell mini solarwrap

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, working or playing, you’ll find the Bushnell Mini SolarWrap a useful product for keeping your phone charged.  The SolarWrap is 18.25″ X 4.3″, but it rolls up into a small cylinder only 1.25″ in diameter to fit into your gear bag or pocket.  Unfurl it and hang

Bushnell Mini SolarWrap keeps your phone charged through the longest hikes Read More

This water bottle is filled with music!

Malektronic Rocket Speaker

The Malektronic Rocket Speaker may look like a water bottle, but it’s filled with a different kind of refreshment.  The Malektronic Rocket is a Bluetooth speaker that was created for outdoor activities.  It’s drop-proof, dust-proof, and protected against splashing water from any angle.  It has a 6W speaker and a battery that provides 15+ hours of

This water bottle is filled with music! Read More

Hook-Eze is a hook tying gadget for fisherman


Here’s a little something for our gadget loving fisherman readers. It’s the Hook-Eze and it claims to help you quickly and safely tie a fishing hook to your line without drawing any blood. It’s a simple gadget invented by Ross Bain of Australia, that is basically a holder that snaps over the hook’s barb so

Hook-Eze is a hook tying gadget for fisherman Read More

Don’t get twacked in the noggin with a bungee cable ever again, switch to LYNX Hooks


Bungee cables, I love them and I hate them. I remember using them all the time when I had a small pickup truck. I would use them to secure boxes in the back on trash day. Numerous times I was snapped by one of the cords when it slipped out of the hook while trying

Don’t get twacked in the noggin with a bungee cable ever again, switch to LYNX Hooks Read More

TEC RETREEV is a pocket grappling hook for your Ninja toolbelt

tec retreev

The RETREEV Compact Retrieval Tool from TEC Accessories is a tool that any spy, ninja or MacGyver wannabe would love to add to their collection of gear. The RETREEV looks like a small flashlight, but it’s actually a grappling hook that will fit in your pocket. It’s made of aircraft grade 6061-T6 aluminum with a

TEC RETREEV is a pocket grappling hook for your Ninja toolbelt Read More

Qlipter is a new twist on carabiners


Carabiners are handy clips that allow you to attach items together, but the Qlipter goes one step farther by combined a carabiner with a 360º hook. The Qlipter (say it like “clipter”) is a multi-purpose tool made of a light weight, durable aircraft grade aluminum alloy. It is available in 5 colors and features a

Qlipter is a new twist on carabiners Read More

DIY Project: Dropcam Pro outdoor enclosure

dropcam diy enclosure

It is not that the Logitech Alert video surveillance system we use has become all that long in the tooth. It still works well enough. The fact is I want/need to expand my coverage and their outdoor cameras are difficult to get ahold of and surprisingly costly when you do. Julie and I have been discussing surveillance

DIY Project: Dropcam Pro outdoor enclosure Read More

This new emergency light needs only water to operate for 72 hours

blackout buddy h2o

I recently reviewed the Eton Blackout Buddy, which is a combination night light, emergency pathway lighting, and flashlight in one compact unit.  It’s a great way to have a flashlight in your home with constantly charged batteries when you need one.  Eton’s new Blackout Buddy H2O is a perfect flashlight for your emergency kit in

This new emergency light needs only water to operate for 72 hours Read More

LOFTEK 10 Watts Rechargeable LED Floodlight review

loftek ledworklight 1

I am the quintessential handyman…always building, repairing, and/or tearing out something. I started my first home improvement project nearly 25 years ago. Back in the day, there were limited battery operated tools and work typically involved dragging electrical cords everywhere you went. As battery technology improves and becomes much more cost effective, we find it powering devices/tools

LOFTEK 10 Watts Rechargeable LED Floodlight review Read More

TacLace makes lacing easy, and could save time when seconds count


For those who wear boots regularly, lacing and unlacing them can be a drag.  Properly laced boots can have a big impact your performance while wearing them, but sometimes you may need to lace them quickly. I stumbled upon TacLace (see what I did there?) when I was researching boots to wear during a GORUCK

TacLace makes lacing easy, and could save time when seconds count Read More

Rachio Iro smart sprinkler system keeps your lawn green while saving water


A couple of weeks ago I told you about the Skydrop sprinkler system which uses your soil conditions and local weather to better schedule when it waters your lawn. That system was priced at $299. If you want a slightly less expensive solution, consider the Rachio Iro smart sprinkler system. Priced at $249, this system also mounts on

Rachio Iro smart sprinkler system keeps your lawn green while saving water Read More

ZeroHour XD Tactical Flashlight and Battery Backup review


I’m starting to see the benefit in the multi-purposing of devices.  ZeroHour takes a flashlight  and uses the batteries to also serve as battery backup for devices powered by a USB cable.  As I usually carry two separate items in my car or pack to accomplish the same goal, I’m now able to cut back to just

ZeroHour XD Tactical Flashlight and Battery Backup review Read More

Safely enjoy a campfire anywhere

big red campfire 2

With the Camco “Big Red Campfire” Propane Camp Fire, you can have a fire without having to gather firewood first.  It uses standard LP gas and has a built-in gas regulator with a 10-ft hose.  Camco says the “realistic log pieces and full ring burner help create the natural look and ambiance of wood log

Safely enjoy a campfire anywhere Read More