
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

Acura Push Me Pull Me Duo Stylus Review

Product Requirements: Device: Any touch screen device I haven’t written a stylus review in quite awhile. Why? Mainly because I haven’t found one to spark my interest in a long time. It seems like most of the new styli that I’ve seen advertised are huge 584 function pens that require you to devote an entire

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PDA Panache Stylus for the Sony CLIÉ NR70 Series Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony CLIÉ NR70 Series PDA <climbing onto soapbox> I don’t know about you, but I have yet to see a stock stylus that I haven’t wanted to replace with something more substantial. It honestly galls me that companies will put out innovative PDAs that they are asking over half a grand for,

PDA Panache Stylus for the Sony CLIÉ NR70 Series Review Read More

Brando 3-in-1 Stylus for the Sony CLIÉ T/NR Series Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony CLIÉ T or NR Series PDA Generally when I am looking for a replacement stylus for any PDA, I am wanting something that will not only look more aesthetically pleasing, but that will also add a bit of weight to the original. If neither of those needs are met, then I

Brando 3-in-1 Stylus for the Sony CLIÉ T/NR Series Review Read More

Pilot Pentopia Chameleon for the Sony Clie Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony Clie n700 series   If you are unwilling to settle for just any stylus – and you feel that your choice should be able to do more than just write on your PDA’s screen, then you really need to check out the line of stylus replacements that Pilot Pentopia offers. Like

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Next Pen Ultra Carbon Fiber Twin Stylus Review

Product Requirements: Device: Any touch-screen PDA For those of you that don’t want to use the thin stylus that fits in your PDA’s silo, finding a good multi-pen that includes a stylus tip just makes sense. Like every other thing in life, there are many different choices that you can make when deciding which multi-pen

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CSD4-USB 4-in-1 Memory Card Reader/Writer Review

Product Requirements: Device: Windows 98 or later Mac OS 8.6 or later Most PDAs, digital cameras, MP3 players, etc. have one thing in common. They all use removable media. Whether it be Compact Flash (CF), SmartMedia (SM), Secure Digital (SD), Memory Sticks (MS) or MultiMedia Cards (MMC). That in itself is fine and dandy, but

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