
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

Apple eMate 300 (Blast From The Past) Review

Product Requirements: Device: PC or Mac with CD-ROM Drive LocalTalk or RS-232-compatible serial connection A new crop of PDAs have just been released, and yet another are being groomed for a fall launch – but is the latest and greatest gizmo always the best? As I have already made my PDA purchase for the near

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Davis Vantage Pro Weather Station Review

With the new transistorized miniature weather stations on the market, you can predict tomorrow’s weather like a pro. We all know what effect the weather has on doing anything outdoors, stuff like boating, fishing and hunting, camping, and even simple things like planning a picnic, so the more we know about what’s-to-come weather-wise, the better

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Pilot Pentopia Chameleon Stylus for the Compaq iPAQ Review

Product Requirements: Device: Compaq iPAQ 3100/3600 & 3700 series I can’t count the number of times I have been looking around in PDA bulletin boards, only to stumble across people asking if there will ever be a stylus available for the iPAQ that has a built-in ballpoint pen. A stylus that also fits inside the

Pilot Pentopia Chameleon Stylus for the Compaq iPAQ Review Read More

CompanionLink PDA Products Review

Have you noticed how many companies are coming out with their own versions of screen accessories for the various PDAs? Everything from screen buffers and cleaners, to various forms of screen protection. Evidently I’m not the only person out there that wants to keep my PDA’s screen pristine; It looks like this is becoming a

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