Targus Stylus for iPad Review

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targus stylus review 1When I recently received the Targus Versavu Keyboard and Case for iPad 2 for review, I also received a Targus Stylus at the same time.  I thought I’d save the stylus for a separate review, and I thought it would be perfect for the series of holiday gift idea reviews Julie had planned.  Let’s give the Targus Stylus for iPad, iPhone, and iPod a closer look.

Most of the images in this review can be clicked for a larger view.

targus stylus review 2Although the packaging says the stylus is for iOS devices, it should work for any capacitive touch screen.  Specifications says the stylus is 4-3/8″ long and weighs 0.4 ounce.

targus stylus review 3The body of the stylus seems to be made of a powder-coated metal.  There’s a chrome-colored pocket clip and a keyring fixture at the top of the stylus.

targus stylus review 4The other end has a chrome-colored ring that holds a rounded rubber tip.

The rubber tip is soft and compressible, but it isn’t spongy like some stylus tips I’ve tried.  The tip is smooth, and it glides easily over the iPad’s screen.  I could draw, write, slide, and tap easily with the Targus stylus.  I was able to use the on-screen keyboard with the stylus, although this does slow me down from a two-fingered typist to a one-fingered typist, as it were.  The Targus stylus worked equally well for my iPhone 4 and my iPod touch (2nd generation).  It also worked well to answer a call, so it could come in handy this winter when I’m wearing gloves.  I found I needed to hold the stylus at a more perpendicular angle than I usually use with a pencil, and I need to press just a bit more firmly than I usually do with my finger.  It doesn’t require a lot of pressure, just enough to depress the rubber tip a bit.

targus stylus review 5The Targus stylus is available in black, green, two shades of blue, pink, red, white, and silver.  The package said the particular shade of blue that I received was designed to match the iPad 2 Smart Cover.  You can see that it’s a very good match.

targus stylus review 6You can also see that it fits into the convenient pen/stylus holder in the Targus Versavu Keyboard and Case for iPad 2, although it’s not as good a color match here.

If you’re in the market for a stylus for your capacitive touch screen phone or tablet, you should take a look at the Targus Stylus.  It works well without requiring too much pressure, and you’ll be able to draw, write, and slide as well as type.  At $15, it’s less expensive than a lot of the styluses out there.  And it will come in handy for answering your phone when you’re wearing gloves this winter.


Product Information

  • Device with a capacitive touch screen
  • Let's you draw, write, and slide as well as tap
  • Works well
  • Available in many colors
  • None

8 thoughts on “Targus Stylus for iPad Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. @Henry Thanks! I’ve had good and bad experiences with eBay products, but those are cheap enough that you wouldn’t risk much to try them and you wouldn’t feel bad if you lost one.

  3. Don’t go for cheap ebay options. I got one from ebay for less than a dollar using some coupons and it was bad.
    Firstly, they are all smaller than they look in the pictures. Secondly I had to almost use it like a drilling machine to get some response from the screen. No small amount of pressure helped. I had to press it down like crazy. I almost feared it would damage the screen and threw it away.
    It was not worth even the paltry sum I paid for it. So better go for brands with a warranty or something.

  4. Even though this article focuses on the Targus stylus, I would definitely recommend checking out the TruGlide stylus from LYNKtec! It’s my own personal favorite. You might change your mind on what the best stylus is. 🙂

  5. Targus works great when it is new. Give it a few months. It no longer slides easily after about 3 or 4 months of average use, can’t imagine it under heavy usage. Doubt it would be good after a few weeks. For me it was easy to compare, I misplaced the one I had open, and was forced to get another. Both purchased retail at about 13 bucks. The new one worked like magic compared to the other one. As luck always has it I found the older one. Now I could feel how quickly it had worn. It didn’t slide on the glass, it pulled. My friends tip actually ripped off while trying to move screen icons. Targus is glad to talk about warranty replacement. Even if they were glad to do a replacement every 3 or 4 months, I really won’t hassle with it. This review is typical of most. They review a new product. Not one with some use. Most things work well new. I want something with a life expectancy of a decent length. I am looking for a better replacement. I would welcome comment from anyone who has used a brand for 6 months or better and still retains its performance. I wouldn’t mind paying a little more for something that lasted. Replacing these is going to get costly at this rate anyway. Unfortunately, experience has me strongly dis agreeing with this review. This is one of those products to buy if nothing else is available. Contacted Targus, there is no coating or solution used to their knowledge during the manufacture of this product and nothing to be used to restore it back to its original glory. Where to from here? Still looking.

  6. I have two of these pretty gizmos. In the con section, both of them are missing their little rubber tip. it just falls out of the silver retaining ring. The pro is that your booger pickers are off of the iPad and you can see better without your hand in the way.

    That’s it. If I type too much your ADD will kick in and you will……

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