Smythe Richbourg

A gadget nerd from childhood, Smythe has always been drawn to solving everyday problems with clever tools. An Apple fan since his Mac Plus in 1987, he's usually pretty current with devices. Sometimes, however, he still misses his Newton 2100 MessagePad.

iFrogz CS40 Headphones Review

The iFrogz CS40s in their heat-sealed cocoon.

Headphones are the bane of our modern living style. We want to hear things that we have chosen – TV shows, music, podcasts, etc. – but we want to isolate those around us from what we’re hearing. The folks at iFrogz have a Comfort Series in their Earpollution line, which offer a seemingly nice balance between size, separation, and style.

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Tekkeon myPower 1250 iPhone External Battery Case Review

The Tekkeon myPower 1250

The more you use them, the less you need your laptop – that’s the marketing line for smartphones. As the bellwether smartphone, the iPhone leads the pack in usage and accessories. Third in our series of battery cases for iPhone is the myPower 1250 from Tekkeon. This battery case departs from the others reviewed thus

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Griffin Elan Form and Richard Solo Custom iPhone case shootout

joint overlap

I’m not one to swap cases around for a different “look” with my mobile devices. I’ll swap out a laptop bag in a heartbeat depending on where i’m going or what else I’m taking along, but I tend to leave the same old case on my PDA/phone until it’s not protecting or working for how

Griffin Elan Form and Richard Solo Custom iPhone case shootout Read More

Classics2Go iPhone eBook Reader App Review

classics page turn

Electronic Books (eBooks) are huge news these days. From the Kindle to Barnes & Noble’s latest offering, portable readers are the news of the day. While some think this is the wave of the future, I have come full circle from my non-comvergence stance: At some point in the future, there will be a single

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SplashData’s File Magic and Magnetism Studio’s File Magnet for the iPhone

file magic iphone

Many years ago, while using one of my Palm devices, I discovered a company named SplashData. They had, among other programs, an app called SplashPhoto. This pair of apps (one for Palm, one for Mac or PC) allowed me to sync photos with my Palm, creating an electronic brag book – photos I had taken,

SplashData’s File Magic and Magnetism Studio’s File Magnet for the iPhone Read More

Mophie Juice Pack Review

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Some folks outfit their cars with 12-volt USB connectors or charging cables, others make sure they have a charging cable in their home, their office and in their bag, so they can top off at coffee shops, airports, libraries or where ever they stop to use their laptop. I’ve done both of those, but recently have found a third and, in many ways, easier solution: I’ve been using a Mophie Juice Pack.

Mophie Juice Pack Review Read More

Radius Atomic Bass Aluminum Earphones with In-Line Microphone for iPhone Review

radius earbuds in box

The Radius RK-CA511S Atomic Bass Aluminum Earphones with In-Line Microphone for iPhone are only $49.99, but bill themselves as having “better bass response than a $1200 pair of professional headphones.” Do they make the grade? Read the full post to find out.

Radius Atomic Bass Aluminum Earphones with In-Line Microphone for iPhone Review Read More