
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

Zyxel PLA6456 Powerline Pass-Thru Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Review

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REVIEW – I’ve always been skeptical of powerline ethernet technology. When the chance came along to review the Zyxel PLA6456 powerline pass-thru gigabit ethernet adapter, I figured it would be the perfect time to see if my preconceived notions were valid. Read on to find out if I was correct! What is it? The Zyxel

Zyxel PLA6456 Powerline Pass-Thru Gigabit Ethernet Adapter Review Read More

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 79 Smart AI Noise Reduction earbuds review

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  REVIEW – Intelligence, artificial or otherwise, seems to be in short supply these days. If we can apply intelligence to our communication, it would be a great thing, right?  TaoTronics it trying just that by offering the world’s first real-time artificial intelligence (AI) based voice enhancement to your phone calls.  While it won’t add

TaoTronics SoundLiberty 79 Smart AI Noise Reduction earbuds review Read More

MouseTrapper Alpha Ergonomic Pointing Device with Full Sized Keyboard review

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REVIEW – Over the past year or so, I have had the opportunity to test and review a couple of the MouseTrapper devices that are designed to completely alleviate any stress caused by constantly using a mouse. The previous models that I tested and loved were just the mouse control pad with a palm rest.

MouseTrapper Alpha Ergonomic Pointing Device with Full Sized Keyboard review Read More

Feed. meal replacement shakes, bars, and snacks review

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REVIEW – Do you have healthy eating habits or do you just eat whatever “food” that is within arm’s reach? I consider myself a mindful eater, but my habits have not always very good. Fast food and sweets are one of my vices, and since I’m a diabetic that controls my blood sugar only with

Feed. meal replacement shakes, bars, and snacks review Read More

Bissell Barkbath Portable Dog Bath & Deep Cleaning System review

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REVIEW – Does your dog hate bath time? Mine does, and so do I. It’s messy and bending over the bathtub wreaks havoc on my lower back. The Bissell BARKBATH is a portable dog bath that’s supposed to make bathing your dog more comfortable and less messy. And hopefully, less traumatic for your fur baby.

Bissell Barkbath Portable Dog Bath & Deep Cleaning System review Read More

Erzetich Thalia portable dynamic headphone review

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REVIEW – With rare exception, most headphones are made in China no matter where they might be designed. Erzetich is one of those rarities. It’s a headphone and amplifier company from Slovenia. If you’ve never heard of Slovenia, it used to be a part of Yugoslavia, a former Eastern Bloc country controlled by Russia. Thankfully,

Erzetich Thalia portable dynamic headphone review Read More