
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

Tashtego Roll-up Travel Kit review

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Packing for travel is a pain sometimes. You need clothes, various charging cables, and, of course, your toiletries. I generally pack fewer items in this category than my Lovely Bride, since I’m willing to wash my hair with whatever soap is available and use one lotion for skin, hair, and face. (Coconut oil is wonderful!)

Tashtego Roll-up Travel Kit review Read More

Hercules WAE Outdoor Rush Bluetooth speaker review

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  With summer quickly approaching, many of us will soon find ourselves at the beach, by the pool, on a boat etc. While soaking up the summer sun, many of us enjoy having a summer soundtrack playing in the background. Of course using a radio, smartphone, or speaker near the water or on the beach

Hercules WAE Outdoor Rush Bluetooth speaker review Read More

Withings Go activity tracker review

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Wearable activity trackers are everywhere and come in every imaginable shape and size. That means finding one that is perfect for you can be a challenge because there are so many choices. If battery life and the ability to wear a tracker somewhere else on your body besides your wrist is important to you, consider

Withings Go activity tracker review Read More

Papago GoSafe TPMS100 Tire Pressure Monitoring System review

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Your car’s tires are an integral part of your safety while driving, and responsible adults pay attention to them. But really, checking my tire pressure is way at the bottom of my list of things I want to do.   The Papago GoSafe TPMS 100 (TPMS: Tire Pressure Monitoring System) makes this task easy and much

Papago GoSafe TPMS100 Tire Pressure Monitoring System review Read More

Scan Sound single ear stereo headphone and earphone review

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I like to listen to music and podcasts through earphones or headphones while I’m at work, but when someone comes up to talk to me, they either startle me or I have to remove the earphones to hear them. My solution to this problem has been to put only one earphone in my ear and leave the other one

Scan Sound single ear stereo headphone and earphone review Read More

Astore Qi Type-C Nexus 6P wireless charger sticker receiver review

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When I switched from the LG G3 to the Nexus 6P last fall, I knew I’d be giving up a couple features that I had been enjoying for years with the LG G3 and previous smartphones – a microSD card and most of all, wireless charging. With the 6P’s USB-C fast charging, the lack of

Astore Qi Type-C Nexus 6P wireless charger sticker receiver review Read More

Ventev S500 desktop charging hub review

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One of the drawbacks to having a gadget addiction is the resulting clutter. Much to my wife’s chagrin, my house is usually littered with gadgets, plugs, cords, etc. I’m always looking for ways to help me organize things better, but generally find myself coming up short. Recently, I was given the chance to review the Ventev

Ventev S500 desktop charging hub review Read More

Satechi Aluminum Mini Docking Station review

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Laptops are fantastic for all your on the go computing tasks, but when you use them at home, they tend to become a magnet for cables connected to all the ports. When you want to go mobile, you have to unplug everything and then reconnect when you return. An easier way around this hassle is to

Satechi Aluminum Mini Docking Station review Read More

Pocket Hoses, automated flower pots, flashlights with square beams and more – Review updates


It’s time for another set of updated reviews. This time around, we’re updating a selection of garden and outdoors gadgets reviews. It took me awhile to find a handful of outdoor themed reviews. That tells me we need to do more of them! Click through to see a list of the reviews that I’ve updated.

Pocket Hoses, automated flower pots, flashlights with square beams and more – Review updates Read More