Steve Holt

Boats-To-Go MP3 Boombox Review

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Back in 1984 (geesh, I’m old) I received a wonderful Christmas present.  It was my very first boom box, and it had dual tape decks and a radio, and a line-in jack to plug up a microphone.  I didn’t want one of those single tape deck boom boxes, no sir. I wanted to be big

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VXi BlueParrott Xpress Bluetooth Noise-Canceling Wireless Headset Review

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For years I have been a Bluetooth headset evangelist.  I have reviewed many Bluetooth headsets for The Gadgeteer (see related links for some of my reviews).  I have long since gotten over any self-conscious feelings about looking like an employee in the McDonald’s drive-thru, and I have embraced my inner, and outer, geekness.  Then along

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Digital Zone Juicebar DO10-JB Pocket Solar Charger Review

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In my ever-present quest for more power for my gadgets, I was excited about the chance to review the solar DO10-JB Pocket Charger from Juicebar when the people at CableOrganizer offered to send one. I have tried other mobile power solutions that haven’t always cut the mustard, so to speak. But the price of this little

Digital Zone Juicebar DO10-JB Pocket Solar Charger Review Read More

Amplicom TCL 200 Digital Alarm Clock with Wireless Vibrating Pad Review

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Once upon a time, a locomotive train ran through my son’s bedroom and he didn’t wake up.  Well, maybe not.  But if a train ever did run through his room he wouldn’t wake up.  Perhaps you have a family member who would fall into that category because they sleep so hard.  We have tried a

Amplicom TCL 200 Digital Alarm Clock with Wireless Vibrating Pad Review Read More

Plantronics Voyager Pro HD Bluetooth Headset Review

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For a couple years now my go-to Bluetooth headset has been the Voyager by Plantronics. I have used several versions of it since the first one (read one of my previous reviews here), so I was excited to do a review of the latest version, the Plantronics Voyager Pro HD. I have been extremely pleased

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Noisehush N650 Solar Bluetooth Carkit Review

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The Noisehush N650 from WirelessGround is a bluetooth carkit that enables hands-free operation of your cellphone while you are driving.  It attaches to the car window, it charges by solar power, and it has control buttons on its face.  So would I replace my bluetooth headset for this baby?  Let’s find out.

Noisehush N650 Solar Bluetooth Carkit Review Read More

MobileEdge ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0 Review

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When you are going through airport security, what’s the most important thing?  I mean, aside from making sure your socks don’t have holes in them, that is.  You want to get through it fast, right?  And it sure is a hassle having to remove your laptop from its bag and then put it back in

MobileEdge ScanFast Checkpoint Friendly Briefcase 2.0 Review Read More

Charcoal Companion Steak Station Review

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The Charcoal Companion Steak Station was designed to make your time at the grill more productive and relaxing by letting the Steak Station keep track of the meat temperature while you relax and enjoy your beer.  So does it work?  How does it compare to those digital meat thermometer forks that we have all used

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Pinnacle Studio 14 MovieBox Ultimate Review

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The latest offering from Pinnacle Systems is Pinnacle Studio 14 MovieBox Ultimate, and there are some new goodies under the hood for those of you who are long-time Pinnacle users.  I started using Pinnacle video software about 6 years ago and still stand by their products as good entry-level consumer video editors.   There is alot

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Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 Review

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The Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 (hereafter referred to as “Natural Mouse”) would make any elephant nervous!!  Like any good computer professional, over the years I have gone through a boatload of mouse products, from touchpads to trackballs, wireless mice, corded mice, travel mice, Bluetooth mice, laser mice, and even a few pointing sticks. 

Microsoft Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 6000 Review Read More