Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Keep the BBQ going with the Smart GasWatch


The weather is getting warmer and summer is just around the corner. Across the country BBQ enthusiasts are dusting off their grills and wondering the same thing, “Is there any propane left in the tank?” Wonder no more with The Smart GasWatch. The Smart GasWatch is a propane tank scale that uses Bluetooth to communicate […]

Keep the BBQ going with the Smart GasWatch Read More

Relax outdoors without being “bugged” by insects

mosquito thwarting hammock

Nothing disturbs a relaxing nap in the hammock under the shade tree like a swarm of mosquitos or other biting insects.  The Mosquito Thwarting Hammock keeps the pests at bay because it’s covered by a 4-sided canopy made of super-fine nylon netting; it unzips on two sides for easy entry.  The roof of 180g polyester

Relax outdoors without being “bugged” by insects Read More

Give your iPhone 6 power to spare and protection from the elements with the mophie H2PRO

h2pro waterproof mophie juice pack iphone 6

The mophie juice pack H2PRO for iPhone 6 is a external battery case, just as you expect from mophie.  It has 2750mAh, which more than doubles the battery life of the iPhone 6.  Just like other mophie cases, it can protect your phone from bumps and drops.  Unlike other mophie cases, the juice pack H2PRO meets

Give your iPhone 6 power to spare and protection from the elements with the mophie H2PRO Read More

Convert a disposible lighter into a pocket torch

soto pocket torch

With the Soto PT-14SB Pocket Torch, you can transform a standard disposable lighter into a strong, wind-resistant burner with electronic ignition.  With the Soto enclosure, a lighter can produce a flame that reaches temperatures up to 2300oF (about 1300°C).  You’ll be able to light stoves and lamps, solder metal, and melt snow with the torch.  Soto

Convert a disposible lighter into a pocket torch Read More

Carry your picnic – plus a picnic table – in this rolling cooler

multi function cooler and picnic table 2

Summer’s nearly here, and it’s almost time to start planning picnics.  If you don’t like sitting on the ground with the dirt and insects, you probably prefer going to places with picnic tables available, but with the Multi Function Rolling Cooler with Table and 2 Chairs, you can go anywhere and still enjoy using a

Carry your picnic – plus a picnic table – in this rolling cooler Read More

Notch gear lets you wear your hat down low with shades


I wear glasses daily (I can’t wear contacts) and wear ballcap-style hats often, especially when outdoors. I sometimes wish I could pull my cap down lower over my eyes, but my glasses or shades get in the way. Notch must have been reading my mind, because their hats potentially solve this problem.  Founded by a U.S.

Notch gear lets you wear your hat down low with shades Read More

Light up the night with this solar patio umbrella

ATLeisure solar lighted umbrella 2

If you’re lucky enough to have a personal outdoor area to enjoy warm weather, check out this lighted umbrella for your patio table.  The ATLeisure 9′ Easy Light Touch Solar Umbrella with 44 LEDs will fit in the umbrella holder made into most patio tables, or you can use it without a table if you purchase a

Light up the night with this solar patio umbrella Read More

Can’t get a cellular signal where you are? Connect to a satellite instead.

spot connect satellite phone

Do you spend a lot of time in areas that lack cellular service?  If you do, you can supplement your cell phone with SPOT.  Anytime you find yourself in a remote (or not so remote) area without a usable cellular signal, you can pair your phone to the SPOT device via Bluetooth and “get connected to

Can’t get a cellular signal where you are? Connect to a satellite instead. Read More

Hang this mini pendant light anywhere

usb touchlight

The USB Touchlight is a small pendant light that is powered by any USB power source, even a battery pack.  Turn the light on/off and toggle it through three lighting levels by pressing on the patent-pending lens.  You can hang it anywhere and use it indoors or outdoors.  The light is 114-132 lumens at 350 mA,

Hang this mini pendant light anywhere Read More

Glider Gloves Winter Style Touchscreen Gloves review

glidergloves 3

I hate winter with a passion. I think snow is pretty to look at from inside a warm house, but I loathe being outdoors when the temperature drops to less than 40 degrees. I usually get my gloves out by the end of October so I can keep my hands warm when I’m going to and from work. Gloves

Glider Gloves Winter Style Touchscreen Gloves review Read More

Turn a Mason canning jar into an emergency solar light

solar lid light

Replace the lid of a normal Mason canning jar with a Solar Lid Light, and you’ll have an emergency lantern you can use indoors or outdoors.  The lid has a water-resistant solar panel and rechargeable (and replaceable) batteries to power the bright LED lights.  They are available in either silver or rustic brown.  The Solar

Turn a Mason canning jar into an emergency solar light Read More

The rEvolve is the Cadillac of outdoor chairs

revolve chair with speakers

This is not the typical folding outdoor chair!  Although the rEvolve chair does fold up into a carry bag, that’s where the similarities end with most outdoor chairs.  The rEvolve has a swivel base, so you can turn from side and side – even a full 3600 – and never miss the action of a game.

The rEvolve is the Cadillac of outdoor chairs Read More

You can see where you’re going and where you’re walking simultaneously with this flashlight

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Do you find yourself having to constantly move the flashlight around when you’re walking at night to see what’s ahead and to make sure you’re not going to trip over something?  With the Nightlighter Flashlight, you’ll be able to light up both directions without moving your hand.  The Nightlighter looks about the size and shape of

You can see where you’re going and where you’re walking simultaneously with this flashlight Read More