
Walls of Williamsburg iPad Art Book App Review

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I knew the iPad would make a perfect device for eBook reading, newspaper reading, web surfing and game playing. But I didn’t realize that it could also be the perfect device to replace large format coffee table books. You know the books I’m talking about, the ones you see in the bargain book areas near

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Handcrafted splendour for your iPad

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The masters at Versaudio have created a wonderful wooden case, if you ever fancy using your beloved iPad as a part-time picture frame. It’s a stunning masterpiece, hand-crafted from solid woods and bamboo, reinforced with steel in order to provide extra strength.   There are also openings for the connections and it’s top loading slip-case design is

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Apple: Multi-tasking and more for this summer’s iPhone OS 4

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In case you missed it, yesterday Apple announced this summer’s release of iPhone OS 4.  With this update, Apple is touting 1500 new developer APIs and 100+ user new features including the long-awaited multi-tasking of 3rd-party applications.   Other new features include folder organization of up to 2160 apps, a 5x digital camera zoom, an improved

Apple: Multi-tasking and more for this summer’s iPhone OS 4 Read More

iPad Pick Up


Unlike Julie, I live in an area with six Apple Store all within 15-20 miles of my house. So, instead of having my iPad delivered, I chose to embrace the hype and pick my iPad up at a brick & mortar store. Fortunately, unlike NYC, the line to pick up my iPad did not stretch

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Also available this Friday

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Piggy backing on the other big release this Friday is the PixelPad.  Not exactly the same as the real thing, but the PixelPad may be an alternative option to the iPad for non-early adopters.  The PixelPad provides you with the original user interface. It is a pad of 10×10 grid paper that comes with a

Also available this Friday Read More

case-mate announces 8 new accessories at CTIA: 7 for iPad and 1 for BlackBerry

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Today case-mate announced 8 new gadget accessories, including 7 new iPad cases. Made from a variety of materials from leather to felt to nylon, there is sure to be a case for every future iPad user. The release also announces the I Make My Case tool for BlackBerry. I Make My Case launched at CES

case-mate announces 8 new accessories at CTIA: 7 for iPad and 1 for BlackBerry Read More

Morph your iPad with the modulR case system


The iPad will be here in less than a month, so it’s time to start dreaming about all the ways that you’ll use and carry it. Enter the modulR case and accessory system. he system consists of a play through case that has four ‘buttons’ on the back that can accept interchangeable accessory attachments. Their

Morph your iPad with the modulR case system Read More