
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

BeeJive IM Review

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I’ve always wondered why Apple’s Messages app on the iPhone didn’t support IM like iChat. I’ve tried a couple different IM apps on the iPhone, but never found one I liked and for some reason I never saw or heard of BeejiveIM. That is until the recent news stories showing pirated versions of the app popping

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Yamaha PDX-60 Portable Player Dock for iPhone/iPod Review

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My 5 disc Denon CD changer hasn’t been powered on in several years and my 200+ CD collection has been sitting idle on a shelf for just as long. It’s not that I don’t listen to music anymore, just the opposite. Now I listen to everything on my iPod or iPhone through whichever compatible speaker

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WikiReader Review

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Back before the Internets were invented by Al Gore, we couldn’t just look up information on a computer when we had questions about people, places and things. In those days our ‘google’ was a set of Encyclopedia Britannica books. Today, all that same info that we used to look up in multiple volumes of hardbound

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Yubz Clipo Bluetooth Retractable Headset Review

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I’m not fond of starting reviews on a negative slant, but I would like to make clear that I am not a fan of Bluetooth headsets.  I like, no love, Bluetooth technology.  I think it rocks.  But I am one of those rare individuals who honestly doesn’t get this insane thirst to stay connected 24/7

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Vtech Expandable Cordless Phone System LS6245 Review

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I’ve been using the VTech 6042 Two Handset Cordless Phone System since reviewing it a little over 2 years ago. It’s been a decent phone and  answer machine, but after 2 years, I’m ready to try something different. How about another VTech phone? I’m replacing the 6042 system with the Vtech Expandable Cordless Phone System

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A Wild Eyed Salivating Rat? “Windows 7 Unleashed” Book Review

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Windows 7 will be available in October.  If you are a Vista survivor this will be a long-awaited and welcome relief.  And this book will be a nice read as your blood pressure returns to pre-Vista values.  I can tell if a book passes my goodness test if, while reading it, I pause and double-check

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Sony PRS-600 Touch Edition Reader Review

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Last month, news of two new Sony readers leaked when someone found repair manuals for new devices called the PRS-300 and the PRS-600.  Gadget sites were rife with speculation about these devices and when they’d be released.  Sony quickly confirmed that these new devices would be released at the end of August, and they even

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Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000 Review

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Like a lot of us, I travel for work fairly often, lugging my rotator-cuff rending Lenovo T60p (with extended life battery) and its builders-grade power brick through airports and hotels.  Because of this, I am rather fanatical about accessories that can help me save time, weight and space, both on my daily grind commute and

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