
Posts about a variety of topics which are not news and are not reviews.

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team for 2013 part 1

2013 favegear

Several weeks ago I asked everyone on the Gadgeteer team to write up a quick list of their favorite gadgets from 2013. I didn’t ask them to restrict their list of items to reviews they had posted, but to include any products that they have enjoyed using this past year. Almost everyone on the team

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team for 2013 part 1 Read More

Gift ideas – Four portable Bluetooth speakers

bluetooth speakers

For the music fan on your gift list, here are four portable Bluetooth speakers that I reviewed this year and think are worthy enough to consider. They are all small enough to stow in a gear bag or backpack (I’ll admit that one of them is borderline too big for that statement) so that you can

Gift ideas – Four portable Bluetooth speakers Read More

Gift ideas – Eight styluses for digital artists and doodlers


If you have a digital sketcher, doodler, painter or artist on your Christmas list this year, here are eight gift ideas that will help them with their artwork. I’ve broken the list up into pressure sensitive styluses, paint brush style styluses and precision tip styluses. If you have a favorite stylus not mentioned, be sure

Gift ideas – Eight styluses for digital artists and doodlers Read More

Gift ideas – 6 headphones and earphones for music lovers


When Julie asked me to choose five headphones/earphones that would make great gift ideas, I knew this could get interesting. 2013 has been a great year for portable listening, and the holiday choices are better than ever. There are many choices to fit any budget, so there is no excuse this year for putting up

Gift ideas – 6 headphones and earphones for music lovers Read More

Gift ideas – Five accessories for the iPad and iPhone user

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Julie asked me to suggest some gift ideas for the iPhone and iPad users in your life.  I thought about how I have used my original iPad mini, the new iPad Air I owned for a short while, and the iPad mini with Retina display I replaced the Air with, and I came up with

Gift ideas – Five accessories for the iPad and iPhone user Read More

Gift ideas – 7 activity trackers to support your upcoming New Year’s resolutions

activity trackers

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are behind, but there is still plenty of time to get your holiday shopping completed and we’re here to offer some inspiration on  popular gadget categories like iPhone / iPad cases, Bluetooth speakers, headphones, wallets and styluses. First up, activity trackers. This has been a popular category for 2013. I know

Gift ideas – 7 activity trackers to support your upcoming New Year’s resolutions Read More

Why we switched from the iPad Air to the iPad mini with Retina display

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Dave Rees recently told us about his experiences when he and Ryan Chapman bought Apple‘s new iPad Air on release day.  I also bought a new iPad Air on release day, and I had been happily using it as a replacement for my first-gen iPad mini.  Eventually both Dave and I replaced our new Airs

Why we switched from the iPad Air to the iPad mini with Retina display Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – A week with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

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Back in March of this year, I test drove a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for a couple weeks to see if a phablet was the right device for me. If you’re not hip to the latest gadget lingo, the term phablet refers to smartphones that approach tablet dimensions. I came away with mixed feelings from my

Julie’s gadget diary – A week with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – Back from vacation, how did the Nexus 7 work out as my laptop replacement?

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Last week I was down on Sanibel Island, Florida for vacation. I had the bright idea that I would leave my 13″ Macbook Air at home and use my shiny new Nexus 7 (2013) Android LTE tablet as a laptop replacement. For those of you who are regulars here, you may remember a similar scenario

Julie’s gadget diary – Back from vacation, how did the Nexus 7 work out as my laptop replacement? Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – One month TV detox complete and going on vacation with the Nexus 7 2013


Yesterday signaled the end of my 30 day self-imposed TV detox. During the whole month of September, we watched zero TV shows. When the TV was on, it was playing one of the DirecTV music channels. It was surprisingly easy and liberating. I didn’t miss it at all. However, according to one of my friends

Julie’s gadget diary – One month TV detox complete and going on vacation with the Nexus 7 2013 Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – choosing between the Motorola Moto X, Droid Ultra or Droid Maxx

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I’m up to my eyeballs in phones right now because Verizon has sent me not one, not two, but three of Motorola’s latest Android smartphones to try out for a few days. Yeah, I know it’s a rough life, but someone has to live it 😉 I have the Moto X, DROID Ultra and the

Julie’s gadget diary – choosing between the Motorola Moto X, Droid Ultra or Droid Maxx Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – Apple is boring and I miss Steve

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I really tried to be excited about yesterday’s Apple iPhone 5C and 5S unveiling. As I watched the live stream, I kept telling myself maybe Apple will surprise me again. Maybe there will be “one more thing” to wow me. Maybe… But there wasn’t and it made me sad. Today I visited Apple’s site and

Julie’s gadget diary – Apple is boring and I miss Steve Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – 30 days without TV

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If you look up the term “couch potato” in the dictionary, you’ll probably see my picture. I’ve always loved TV and easily get hooked on shows which I’ll faithfully follow from the premier episode to its finale. I like sitcoms, movies, medical dramas, sci-fi, fantasy, talent shows, some reality shows, etc. At one point last

Julie’s gadget diary – 30 days without TV Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – it’s time to crack open a new journal

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Although I enjoy using electronic gadgets and gizmos, I still love simpler products like journals, pens and pencils just as much. Earlier this week I finished up my latest journal – the 80 page Quo Vadis Habana 4 x 6 inch plain page notebook shown above. I really liked the soft cover and bright white 85-gram paper. Although

Julie’s gadget diary – it’s time to crack open a new journal Read More

Make it yourself – Midori Traveler’s style leather Moleskine Cahier or Field Notes notebook cover

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A couple years ago I reviewed the Midori Traveler’s Notebook and commented that it was too expensive at $60 and that I could easily make one of my own for $20 or less. After I posted that review, I ended up buying all the supplies I needed to make my own covers. The next year

Make it yourself – Midori Traveler’s style leather Moleskine Cahier or Field Notes notebook cover Read More