Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Everything you need for a picnic for two except the food

levenger pioneer picnic basket

Levenger says this picnic basket is inspired by pioneer wagons, hence the name.  It has a durable canvas exterior, a water-resistant polyester lining, and faux leather trim.  The Pioneer Canvas Picnic Basket measures 20″ x 12.75″  x 11.5″ and weighs 11 pounds.  It has a double lid, two storage pockets on the front, and a water-resistant […]

Everything you need for a picnic for two except the food Read More

Survival Hax 6″ Fire Starter Flint Review

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Do you know what the Ten Essentials for the Outdoors are?  From the Boy Scout Handbook, it includes a pocketknife, first aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, water bottle, flashlight, trail food, matches/fire starters, sun protection and map/compass.  Let’s take a look at starting a fire with a flint. What is it? A 6″ fire-starting

Survival Hax 6″ Fire Starter Flint Review Read More

That’s no moon! That’s a Death Star Dome Tent!

thinkgeek death star tent

ThinkGeek follows its grand tradition of providing us with great Star Wars collectibles and gear with the Death Star Dome Tent.  With a 7-foot diameter, the tent can sleep three Galactic Empire members.  It weighs only 11 pounds, so you won’t need an AT-AT walker to carry it.  It has a fast-click assembly frame with

That’s no moon! That’s a Death Star Dome Tent! Read More

Use the magic of fire to charge your gadgets

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Can you imagine what the first humans thought when they were able to create fire for the first time? You can experience a tiny bit of that magic by harnessing the energy from fire to charge your gadgets. The FlameStower converts heat from a campfire into electricity that you can use to charge your USB

Use the magic of fire to charge your gadgets Read More

The Pocket Shot Jr. Slingshot review

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You’re familiar with the classic slingshot design, right? Well, the gang at Pocket Shot has tossed that out the window, reimagining the slingshot concept with a completely new form factor. We’ve got the mini-sized version of their product, the Pocket Shot Jr., for testing. I also recruited a pair of teenagers to help with testing.

The Pocket Shot Jr. Slingshot review Read More

Always be prepared with the Adventure Mate 5-in-1 outdoor multi-tool

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I’ve never been camping, but when I daydream about being more outdoorsy, I can picture myself with all sorts of gear for both utility and protection. The problem is that too much gear weighs you down. Conrad Sayer of Australia has designed a modular 5-in-1 multi-tool that eases the burden of carrying too much gear

Always be prepared with the Adventure Mate 5-in-1 outdoor multi-tool Read More

Relaxing with a good book on your iPad at the beach just got easier

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One of my favorite vacation activities is reading a good book at the beach. Our usual destination is Sanibel Island, Florida at Ocean’s Reach condos where we usually carry chairs and an umbrella down to the beach so we can relax in the shade which is important if your method of reading is an iPad

Relaxing with a good book on your iPad at the beach just got easier Read More

Magellan’s eXplorist TRX7 CS helps you navigate off-road


Pre-loaded with more than 117,000 trails and landmarks, the Magellan eXplorist TRX7 CS is an all in one GPS turn by turn navigation system that can take you off the beaten path and back home again without getting lost. The eXplorist TRX7 is shock resistant and IP67 dust and waterproof. It includes a 7-inch touchscreen,

Magellan’s eXplorist TRX7 CS helps you navigate off-road Read More

The Pocket Shot Hammer Full Kit Slingshot review

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The Pocket Shot Slingshot is an innovative, modern take on the classic slingshot design. With the addition of the Pocket Hammer handle and Arrow Cap, this reimagining of the classic Y-shaped slingshot, a circular design which replaces strong rubber bands with an elastic pouch, is incredibly effective and so much fun to use.

The Pocket Shot Hammer Full Kit Slingshot review Read More

DynaTrap DT2000XL Insect Trap review

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According to DynaTrap, size matters. DynaTrap engineers produce pesticide free mosquitoes killers of various shapes and sizes. The DT2000XL is the biggest, baddest insect trap in their lineup. The DynaTrap DT2000XL Insect Trap attracts and kills mosquitoes and other flying insects across 1 acre. And while here in Washington State, we do not get mosquitoes

DynaTrap DT2000XL Insect Trap review Read More