Alex Birch

YHE BP Doctor Pro Smartwatch review – it’s a blood pressure cuff on your wrist


REVIEW – According to the CDC, nearly half of adults in the United States (108 million) have hypertension or high blood pressure as of 2018. That’s defined as readings greater than 130/80 or on medication. If untreated this can lead to increased chances of heart disease or stroke and by itself is a primary or […]

YHE BP Doctor Pro Smartwatch review – it’s a blood pressure cuff on your wrist Read More

Pitaka Pita!Flow MagEZ system for tablets review – A case, folio and stand that just may change how you use your iPad

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REVIEW – I thought I used my iPad Pro a lot. Then this new system from Pitaka arrived and I quickly realized how important the positioning and accessibility of the iPad comes into play at your desk. It’s called Pita!Flow and is made up of a few of Pitaka’s different MagEZ accessories for iPad. And

Pitaka Pita!Flow MagEZ system for tablets review – A case, folio and stand that just may change how you use your iPad Read More

Mackie Element Series Chromium Microphone review – A desktop mic for musicians


REVIEW – Hot on the heels of my Carbon Microphone review, another Element Series mic arrived. This time it’s Mackie’s top-of-the-line Element Series model, the Chromium Microphone. What is it? The Mackie Element Series Chromium Microphone is a desktop USB Mic with built-in support for instruments and aux sources with level and mixing controls all

Mackie Element Series Chromium Microphone review – A desktop mic for musicians Read More

Datacolor ColorReader EZ review – Match and find paint colors in a click


REVIEW – Color is big business. It’s something most of us take for granted, but getting the color right can be quite complicated. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about paint colors, or the space gray of a MacBook Pro; in either case, there’s someone (or many someones) behind getting that exact shade right. It’s

Datacolor ColorReader EZ review – Match and find paint colors in a click Read More

Acoustik Attak review – Technical guitar picks that add unique qualities to your sound

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REVIEW – Guitar news typically focuses on the artists themselves (and why shouldn’t it) or the core equipment (guitars, amps, strings, pedals). However, there is an unsung component that rarely gets mentioned… the guitar pick. It could be that it’s just taken for granted, relegated to band merchandising or that everyone assumes a pick is

Acoustik Attak review – Technical guitar picks that add unique qualities to your sound Read More

Kensington StudioCaddy review – Your desk might just thank you


REVIEW – How’s your desk organization game? Mine seems to ebb and flow with the phases of the moon, or maybe it’s just when inbound review products start to gang up on me. Regardless, I strive to keep my desk clean whether it’s cables, chargers or where my laptop sits. Kensington has a new solution

Kensington StudioCaddy review – Your desk might just thank you Read More

Scosche MagicMount MSC 4-in-1 review – A versatile, MagSafe compatible dashboard mount for iPhone

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REVIEW – Our phones are indispensable when driving, often providing directions, music, audiobooks and more. But, did you know that at least 24 states here in the US ban the use of a hand-held cell phone while driving? That doesn’t mean you can’t use your phone for directions, but it does mean that you need

Scosche MagicMount MSC 4-in-1 review – A versatile, MagSafe compatible dashboard mount for iPhone Read More

NumWorks Graphing Calculator review – You can teach an old calculator new tricks


REVIEW – I’ve always thought graphing calculators just looked cool. I can also say I’ve never had to use one for anything other than normal calculator functions. My son on the other hand starting using one for Calculus in high school and has since pretty much had to use it daily. When this NumWorks Graphing

NumWorks Graphing Calculator review – You can teach an old calculator new tricks Read More

Rolling Square MagSafe® Desk Stand review – A wooden stand designed to take it, or leave it


REVIEW – MagSafe charging for iPhone has been out for a while now and it works really well. Apple’s charger is pretty slim, packs easily for travel and all but guarantees location on your phone when it’s time to charge. There’s lots of options out there when you’d rather have a dock, but they typically

Rolling Square MagSafe® Desk Stand review – A wooden stand designed to take it, or leave it Read More

FreeX Thermal Label Printer review – Say goodbye to ink cartridges


REVIEW – I’ve had a number of multi-function printers over the years (anyone remember printing on CDs?) and they’ve all more or less done their job. I haven’t however had any single purpose printers, and that’s where this review is leading. Both my wife and I work on consumer products and we always have samples

FreeX Thermal Label Printer review – Say goodbye to ink cartridges Read More

ManaDrink and ManaPowder meal replacement products review – Complete meal solutions made easy


REVIEW – You don’t have to be on a diet or an athlete to benefit from dietary science. The rule of thumb when it comes to food is really just to know what you’re eating. Mana has created complete meal solutions that come in either a powder that needs to be mixed or a ready-to-drink

ManaDrink and ManaPowder meal replacement products review – Complete meal solutions made easy Read More

Logitech Combo Touch review – A near perfect keyboard and trackpad case for iPad Pro

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REVIEW – Many of us have had those moments where we’re trying to decide if we can take a trip without the laptop. iPad has made that possible for a while, but depending on what you need to get done, a keyboard is almost a requirement. When Apple enabled trackpad support it got even closer

Logitech Combo Touch review – A near perfect keyboard and trackpad case for iPad Pro Read More

Twelve South MagicBridge Extended review – Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard


REVIEW – Twelve South started joining Mac keyboards to Mac trackpads back in 2011 with their original MagicWand. This was back when you had to use a penny to unscrew the AA battery compartment on those Apple devices. Good times. Well it’s 2021 and they’ve released the updated, extended version of their MagicBridge which connects

Twelve South MagicBridge Extended review – Connects Apple Magic Trackpad 2 to Apple Magic Keyboard Read More

Nomad Base Station Mini and 20w USB-C Power Adapter reviews – Beautiful chargers that charge beautifully


REVIEW – Nomad has created a similar look and feel with all their products and the Base Staion line of products is no exception. The new Base Station Mini certainly takes its cue from previous versions while defining its own diminutive footprint that looks classy on any desk. Their 20w USB-C Power Adapter fits right

Nomad Base Station Mini and 20w USB-C Power Adapter reviews – Beautiful chargers that charge beautifully Read More

Fender Mustang Micro guitar amp review – Your guitar’s new best friend


REVIEW – Learning to play guitar, and getting to a point where others might want to listen, can be a very large gap. Even when you sound really good, the required repetition to nail a lick can take a toll on anyone listening. Headphones have long been a great solution for this, but without good

Fender Mustang Micro guitar amp review – Your guitar’s new best friend Read More