Travel Gear

News, reviews and articles about travel gear and accessories.

Mezzi Gold M-Zero Molded “Chuck” Briefcase Review

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Anyone watch the NBC television nerd series “Chuck“?  It’s all about this average computer whiz guy nerd who works at a Best Buy-like store.  He’s harmless, nerdy, a little on the wussy side.  One day Chuck receives an encoded email from an old college buddy who is now with the CIA.  The email  embeds the […]

Mezzi Gold M-Zero Molded “Chuck” Briefcase Review Read More

elgato EyeTV Hybrid Review

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The elgato EyeTV Hybrid is a beautiful little USB 2.0 TV Tuner for Mac or Windows computers. It’s “hybrid” in that it will tune just about anything you’ve got: analog cable/tv, Digital/HDTV, and Clear QAM digital cable. It even has adapters so you can hook up a Composite or S-Video source (such as an analog

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Organize your gadgets with GRID-IT!

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Let’s face it.  Some of us gadgetophiles tend to be gadget collectors, even hoarders.  No shame in that, but how do you organize it all, especially your EDC, daily commute or travel items?  The GRID-IT! Organizer from Cocoon Innovations may be a good solution.  It’s a rubberized woven elastic object retention system for gadget organization. 

Organize your gadgets with GRID-IT! Read More

IOGEAR Bluetooth Optical Mini Mouse Review

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I’m always on the hunt for spacing-saving, lighter-weight gadgets for my gear bag.    I’d been trying out a few different travel mice when a colleague at work showed me a “little dinky Bluetooth mouse” he had just bought, which turned out to be the IOGEAR Bluetooth Optical Mini Mouse.  It was even smaller than the

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booq Boa Flow M Laptop Backpack Review

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It has been more than 20 years since I have regularly carried a backpack (college to be exact). It was a ratty (at least by the time I got done with it) old JanSport with mediocre construction, little comfort, and zero accommodations for tech-stuff, being the 80’s and all ;). Jumping to present day, today’s

booq Boa Flow M Laptop Backpack Review Read More

Diamond DP1800 Mobile Battery Review

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Last year, Julie was kind enough to send over the Artwizz Powerbat for me to review and I thought was a great piece of kit.  It was small, light, looks great and it’s a cinch to use.  And, since having done the review, I’ve used it countless times to provide power to my gear whilst traveling, without any issues whatsoever.

Diamond DP1800 Mobile Battery Review Read More

Mission Workshop Vandal Backpack Review

Mission Workshops The Vandal Backpack

There are backpacks and then there are BACKPACKS.  I love backpacks, always have.  I’m the ultimate Bag Lady in that I just love all kinds of bags.  I’m not “fashionista” in that I carry around a Coach bag with all the Cs all over it or a Louis Vuitton with the tapestry logo.  No. Seriously,

Mission Workshop Vandal Backpack Review Read More

Aural Oreos? Naw – Swix Ear Muffs

One of the nice things about The-Gadgeteer is that we review products that we have a passion for or that deserve attention even though the product may not require electricity.  Or wires.  Or Bluetooth compatibility.  Or a touch-screen display. The set of SWIX earmuffs shown here is one of those products.  Simple, subtle, compact and

Aural Oreos? Naw – Swix Ear Muffs Read More

AltusLumen Lightgear-Gre LED Light Review

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Camping and outdoors season is almost here in the Midwest, so it is time to start thinking about your outdoors gadgets.  Since it is impractical to bring the campfire into your tent or trailer, the outdoors person needs some form of artificial light source.  Let me ‘turn you on to the latest, the AltusLumen Lightgear

AltusLumen Lightgear-Gre LED Light Review Read More

Universal Wrist Charger from ThinkGeek

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ThinkGeek offers a very portable, wearable universal charger they call the Bracer of Battery Life +2.  Unlike most charge-as-you-go chargers, this battery-extender doesn’t ruin the sleek lines of your phone, mp3 player, or gaming device, and you don’t need a different one for each of your gadgets.  You wear the Bracer on your wrist like

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Can’t Find a Parking Spot? There’s an App for That.


 iSpotSwap is an iPhone app that helps you find a parking spot or lets you alert others when your spot will be free.  You can use your current location to search for a nearby available parking spot that others have listed in the iSpotSwap database.  You can also create a list of favorite locations and search

Can’t Find a Parking Spot? There’s an App for That. Read More