Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Eton/Red Cross ARCFR360R Solarlink Emergency Radio Review

Eton SolarLink FR360R

After reviewing the Eton/Red Cross Aluminator Flashlight , I was happy to receive an Eton/Red Cross ARCFR360R SolarLink Emergency Radio as a gift. Being a preparedness-minded kinda gadgeteer, I was really looking forward to adding this feature-filled gadget to my kit. Note: This is a 2nd opinion on this product. Janet reviewed the ETON Solarlink

Eton/Red Cross ARCFR360R Solarlink Emergency Radio Review Read More

Panasonic demonstrates solar-power table with QI wireless charging technology


The wireless power consortium is trying to drive a standard for wireless charging, called QI wireless charging. The goal is to enable a future where there is no need to connect your gadget to any cable for charging. Panasonic took advantage of the security show in Japan to show a solar power table with QI

Panasonic demonstrates solar-power table with QI wireless charging technology Read More

FireStash Keychain Lighter for Your Everyday Carry Kit

firestash keychain lighter

ThinkGeek is offering a small, waterproof lighter that would make a great addition to your everyday carry kit.  This little lighter is only 1.8″ long X 0.6″ in diameter, and it’s made of a dark chrome-plated zinc alloy.  It uses standard lighter fuel and has a wheel striker, like those used in Zippo lighters.  It

FireStash Keychain Lighter for Your Everyday Carry Kit Read More

Fido can stand under my Dogbrella ella ella ay ay ay


If you have a dog, you have stood in the rain with him while he does his business. No big deal for you, if you have an umbrella, but what about Fido? If you want to avoid wet dog smell, get your pooch his own umbrella – the Dogbrella. It’s a 29″ diameter canopy (think

Fido can stand under my Dogbrella ella ella ay ay ay Read More

Airspresso – Bike pumps aren’t just for bikes anymore


I’m not a coffee person, not even an itsy bitsy bit. I prefer a nice hot cup of tea thank you very much. But for all my java bean loving friends, I have something to share that may get you pumped up… with caffeine. Sorry, couldn’t resist. It’s the Airspresso espresso maker. Yes, I know

Airspresso – Bike pumps aren’t just for bikes anymore Read More

Fetchtastic – Automated Fetch for Dogs


Humans were too lazy to get up off their bums to change the channel on the TV, so the remote control was invented. We were too lazy to go to the library so eBook Readers were invented. Now we’re apparently too lazy to play ball with our dogs, so the Fetchtastic was invented. The Fetchtastic is

Fetchtastic – Automated Fetch for Dogs Read More

The M55 Beast is not your Grandfather’s Schwinn Bicycle

m55 bike

The M55 Beast is a handmade hybrid bike that combines the fun and exercise of a regular pedal bicycle with an electric bike that can accelerate up to 40 mph and travel as 75 miles on one charge. The Beast has been designed for off-road fun, but will also get you from point A to point B in the

The M55 Beast is not your Grandfather’s Schwinn Bicycle Read More

Bored with your spork? Get a foon instead.

gsi foon

Spice up your next camping trip with the GSI Outdoors telescoping ultralight foon. It’s a combination spoon and fork made of Lexan polycarbonate resin that goes from 5.75 inches to 4 inches long with a flick of the thumb. It’s available in several colors and can be found for $1.75 at Sierra Trading Post.

Bored with your spork? Get a foon instead. Read More

Fatheadz – Glasses for guys with large noggins


Fatheadz specializes in eyewear for men that can’t wear average sized sunglasses and prescription glasses. With modern, sleek and trendy styles for men, Fatheadz is the only eyewear maker catering to men with bigger heads. Fatheadz are sold online for $29.95-79.95 and also come in standard and intermediate sizes.

Fatheadz – Glasses for guys with large noggins Read More

Headphones that keep your ears warm!

Firebox Midland SubZero Headphones1

The guys over at Firebox are now selling the perfect winter gadget, that will help keep your ears warm whilst you listen to you favourite tune, or make a call. They’re called the Midland SubZero Headphones.  Aimed at the iPhone, iPod and Blackberry users, these rather cool looking wrap-around muffs are lined with warm faux fur, which help keep your

Headphones that keep your ears warm! Read More

Harness the sun with the Brunton Restore Solar Battery

burton restore

Being the wannabe hippy tree hugger than I am, I’d love to be able to charge all my devices with a solar charger. So far the ones I’ve tried haven’t worked out so well, I don’t know if it’s my Southern Indiana location that is the problem, or if they just don’t work well in

Harness the sun with the Brunton Restore Solar Battery Read More

Coast Emergency Area Light Review

Coast EmergencyAreaLight 01

As a kid, I remember using those gas lanterns powered by propane or white gas.  Someone’s dad would pump up the lantern, light the fragile mantles, and a bright glow would descend upon the campground. The Emergency Area Light  from Coast Products provides an adjustable brightness like the classic gas-powered ones, but goes a few steps

Coast Emergency Area Light Review Read More

ila SPORT Helps you Stay Fit and Safe

Ila sport

The ila SPORT is a pedometer, milometer and personal safety alarm in one. Now that it’s dark when we get up in the AM and it gets dark earlier in the evenings, runners, joggers and dog walkers might appreciate this small device which includes a calorie counter, pedometer, distance traveled, clock and backlight plus 130Db

ila SPORT Helps you Stay Fit and Safe Read More

Real time GPS for Alpine Skiers – Recon-Zeal Transcend Goggles

gps goggles

My idea of a perfect cold activity is to stay INSIDE where it is warm, curl up on the couch and read a good book. If you are prefer a more extreme activities like alpine sking or snow boarding, you might like to check out the Recon-Zeal Transcend goggles. These are the world’s first googles with a built in GPS enabled  head-mounted display

Real time GPS for Alpine Skiers – Recon-Zeal Transcend Goggles Read More