Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Carry a complete set of cookware when you enjoy the great outdoors

stanley camping cookware set

We recently told you about the Stanley Mountain Vacuum Coffee System that lets you make fresh coffee while camping or hiking.  Today we have the Stanley Adventure Two Pot Prep and Cook Set that contains all the cookware you’ll need at your campsite.  The Set contains a folding cutting board, two 20oz bowls with lids, one melt-resistant nylon […]

Carry a complete set of cookware when you enjoy the great outdoors Read More

Into the abyss – underwater photography goes 360 degrees

360heros 360abyss

The people at 360Heroes offer a variety of products for mounting multiple GoPro cameras to generate 360 degree photos and videos. They also sell the software used to stitch the output from multiple GoPros into usable 360 degree formats without a lot of post production headaches. The 360Abyss pictured above mounts 6 GoPro Hero cameras

Into the abyss – underwater photography goes 360 degrees Read More

Ditch that bulky life-jacket and grab a Kingii

kingii kingii 1

For many of us, summer means ample time spent in or on the water. Whether it’s taking a dip in the pool, catching a wave, or casting a line, summer and water activities go hand in hand. Regrettably, many of us fail to take appropriate safety measures when taking in the summer fun. I’m sure

Ditch that bulky life-jacket and grab a Kingii Read More

As seen on TV: Mighty Blaster Fireman’s Nozzle Garden Hose Sprayer review

mighty blaster 1

Do you need to buy a new spray nozzle for your garden hose every summer because they are cheaply made and fall apart before the end of the season? The folks at TeleBrands sent me the Mighty Blaster fireman’s nozzle and a Pocket Hose to try for a few weeks and so far it’s a

As seen on TV: Mighty Blaster Fireman’s Nozzle Garden Hose Sprayer review Read More

This TripleLite flashlight illuminates a greater area than any other flashlight on the market

180 degree triplelite led flashlight

Why use a flashlight that only lights a small circular area in front of you (top right image) when you could light up a full 180o around you (bottom right image)?  The TripleLite 180o Flashlight uses “patented technology and a Smart Widescreen LED Arrangement” to light a bigger, brighter area than standard flashlights can.  It has three

This TripleLite flashlight illuminates a greater area than any other flashlight on the market Read More

iFork is a great idea with a really dumb name


Wasn’t there a law passed several years ago banning the practice of adding an “i” in front of a product name just to sound techy and hip? Probably not, but there should be, call your congressman now. Anyway, the iFork (just saying the name makes me roll my eyes because it has nothing to do

iFork is a great idea with a really dumb name Read More

Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee when you’re in the great outdoors

stanley mountain coffee maker

If you camp or work outdoors, you may find yourself without a cup of coffee when you really want one.  With this compact kit, you’ll be able to have coffee whenever you have a fire or a camp stove to heat some water.  The Stanley Mountain Vacuum Coffee System packs up to look like a

Enjoy a fresh cup of coffee when you’re in the great outdoors Read More

REI Mini MultiTowel review

REI minimultitowel 051

In the worlds of rucking, backpacking, hiking and travel, there is an axiom: “Ounces become pounds.” This is loosely translated as, “Even small, lightweight items can add up to a lot of extra weight when walking around carrying that weight for miles.”  That’s one reason why absorbent microfiber towels have become popular among folks who participate in

REI Mini MultiTowel review Read More

What’s a barbecue without bacon for the burgers?

stainless steel bacon grilling rack

With the Stainless Steel Bacon Grilling Rack, you can cook some crispy bacon for your burgers right on the grill.  The rack is made of 430 stainless steel and measures 4.88″ x 10.79″ x 5.63″.  It’s big enough to hold 4-6 slices of bacon (you may need a couple if everyone wants bacon), and it cooks the

What’s a barbecue without bacon for the burgers? Read More

Beautiful lighting for your deck that doesn’t require expensive wiring

solar panel led postcap light

Outdoor lighting makes using your deck much more enjoyable, but it can be expensive when you have to have an electrician come out and wire them.  These Solar LED Stained-Glass Postcap for 4X4 Posts lights don’t need wiring because they have solar panels built in to charge the included 1 AA NiMh rechargeable battery that powers

Beautiful lighting for your deck that doesn’t require expensive wiring Read More

Protect your property with a network of light

netbright wireless network security lighting

Motion sensors are great in concept – illuminating your property when they sense nearby motion – but they can lack in execution.  Normal motion sensors light up only a relatively small area around the light when they detect motion.  This isn’t a problem when the motion is from an animal, but could allow a more

Protect your property with a network of light Read More

With the Wind ‘n Go lantern, you’ll always have light

wind n go emergency light

The Wind ‘n Go Vers-A-Light is a rechargeable LED lantern that can serve as a hand-held flashlight, camping light, reading light, or an emergency light.  You can carry it or hang it by its loop handle, or you can attach it to metal items with its built-in magnets.  It has 16 white LEDs that operate

With the Wind ‘n Go lantern, you’ll always have light Read More

Here’s the perfect gift for the Star Trek-loving gardener Dad

star trek garden gnomes 2

You can combine Dad’s love of Star Trek with his pride in his lawn with these garden ornaments.  The Star Trek Garden Gnomes are made of durable cast polyresin, so they’ll stand up to the weather for years.  There are four designs to choose from (with the phrase shown on the bottom of the statue):

Here’s the perfect gift for the Star Trek-loving gardener Dad Read More

Colter Co. taught us nautical and survival knots. Now they’re teaching us fly-tying knots!

fly fishing knots bandana

Earlier this year, we told you about the Know Your Knots Bandana with 16 of the most useful outdoor, sailing, climbing and survival knots with instructions printed on it.  Now, Colter Co. is introducing a new bandana:  the Fly Fishing Knots Bandana.  Of course, you can use it for all the useful functions normally performed by a

Colter Co. taught us nautical and survival knots. Now they’re teaching us fly-tying knots! Read More

Easily remove ticks without touching them or needing tweezers

ticked off tick remover 2

The Ticked Off plastic spoon may remind you of the sporks KFC used to use, but don’t use this to eat with!  This little tool is the easy way to remove ticks that have bitten a human or an animal.  You just place the slot near the tick and slide the implement forward.  It will

Easily remove ticks without touching them or needing tweezers Read More

The Lil Trucker claims to be the ultimate multi-tool

lil trucker multi tool

The Lil Trucker is a current Kickstarter project.  This multi-tool is designed by firefighters and built in the US.  You can see from the image that it packs a lot of functionality in a small space.  It has rescue tools – a belt cutter and a window breaker – to get you out of a

The Lil Trucker claims to be the ultimate multi-tool Read More

Safe drinking water is in the bag

squeeze water filtration system

If you camp, hike, or enjoy other outdoor activities, you’ll need fresh, safe drinking water, but carrying along enough for your outing can be difficult.  You don’t want to risk drinking water from streams and ponds, because you don’t know if it’s safe.  With the Squeeze Water Filter System, you can have all the drinking

Safe drinking water is in the bag Read More

Protect yourself from mosquitos with this flameless torch

mosquito repelling flameless torch

It’s that time of the year that everyone dreads here in the South – mosquito season.  The joke is that the mosquito is the state bird, but it’s no joke when you can’t even enjoy your outdoor spaces because it seems you and everyone with you are the main course at the mosquitoes’ banquet.  Set

Protect yourself from mosquitos with this flameless torch Read More

Coolbox is a handyman’s toolbox that goes to 11

coolbox coolbox 1

I frequently find myself working around my house, trying to do an adequate impersonation of a handyman. I firmly believe for every job there is the right tool, but recently I discovered a tool that may be right for every job. The Coolbox is a toolbox for the modern handyman. It features two built-in marine

Coolbox is a handyman’s toolbox that goes to 11 Read More