Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

AVEX FreeFlow and ReCharge thermal bottle review

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I’ve got a water bottle I’ve carried for about 5 years. I don’t think I’ve biked anywhere without it since I bought my current bike. It’s steel, has one of those pull-up spouts, and sweats worse than I do in our Southern humidity. So when the opportunity to test the AVEX thermal water bottle with […]

AVEX FreeFlow and ReCharge thermal bottle review Read More

Never lose an umbrella again with the Kisha Bluetooth and GPS-enabled umbrella

kisha bluetooth gps umbrella

The only thing worse than not taking your umbrella on a day when rain is expected is losing it.  You won’t have to worry about either event with the Bluetooth Never Lost Umbrella by Kisha.  The umbrella is 100% windproof and corrosion-proof.  It has 16 ribs and a “perfect opening and closing mechanism”.  Pair it

Never lose an umbrella again with the Kisha Bluetooth and GPS-enabled umbrella Read More

AcuRite PRO+ 5-in-1 Weather Sensor review

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Several weeks ago I posted a review of the AcuRite smartHUB Weather Environment System which I’m still using. There were a few comments on the review asking about a wind speed sensor. AcuRite saw those comments and sent me the PRO+ 5-in-1 Weather Sensor which also works with the smartHUB. Let’s take it for a spin.

AcuRite PRO+ 5-in-1 Weather Sensor review Read More

The KA-BAR Tactical Spork is field practical

KA BAR Spork

Over the years of reading and writing for The Gadgeteer, I have seen a fair amount of combo eating utensils. While most of these have a spork like configuration, only a few have had a knife or cutting blade. KA-BAR (known worldwide for their Marine fighting knife) has come up with their version of a

The KA-BAR Tactical Spork is field practical Read More

SitGo is the chair you need while waiting in line for an iPhone 7 tomorrow


I wish I had a SitGo to test tomorrow when I’ll be going to my local Verizon store around 6am to wait in line to (hopefully) buy an iPhone 7. Julie, what’s a SitGo you ask? It’s what inventor Jon Webb calls a portable resting solution, but I like to call it a one-legged tripod

SitGo is the chair you need while waiting in line for an iPhone 7 tomorrow Read More

Put a Suunto M-9 compass on your wrist and never get lost again

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If you’ve been searching for a hands-free navigation tool, look no further than the M-9 Wrist Compass from Suunto. Suunto who are well known for their sports watches, dive computers, compasses, and other precision instruments, also make the M-9 Wrist Compass which features a glow in the dark dial, an accurate sapphire jeweled bearing and

Put a Suunto M-9 compass on your wrist and never get lost again Read More

Grrowler is a 3-in-1 dog collar that transforms into a water bowl and holds doggy bags


The Grrowler from Rocky Mountain Underground is a collar for your pooch that has two extra functions. There’s a zippered pocket that can be used to hold extra doggy waste bags and there’s a roll out water bowl that can be used to keep your best friend hydrated while you’re out on an epic hike.

Grrowler is a 3-in-1 dog collar that transforms into a water bowl and holds doggy bags Read More

leguano barefoot shoes are barely more than socks!

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I’m currently a fan of the “minimalist” movement—the “less is more” or “simpler is better” philosophy. One of the areas in which I’ve applied minimalism is in my footwear. I have a couple pairs of minimal shoes—some trail runners and some casual/dress shoes—that I enjoy wearing because I love the feel of the ground beneath my

leguano barefoot shoes are barely more than socks! Read More

The WASPcam 9906 action camera is almost invisible

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Now you can blend in with nature when you’re out in the woods trying to capture footage of Sasquatch or rabbits. The WASPcam 9906 CAMO is an action camera with a camo patterned case. This camera has been designed to be waterproof down to 98 feet without needing a special case. The WASPcam also features

The WASPcam 9906 action camera is almost invisible Read More

Pants-free manliness with Damn Near Kilt ‘Em kilts

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Do you feel that, “Pants pinch your jiblets and are clearly a sub-optimal part of any man’s attire”? If so, you might want to check out Damn Near Kilt ‘Em, producers and purveyors of—you guessed it—men’s “sport utility kilts” since 2012. Damn Near Kilt ‘Em’s rugged, manly kilts are available in a variety of styles, sizes and

Pants-free manliness with Damn Near Kilt ‘Em kilts Read More

tinderZIP adds emergency firestarter to any zipper

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Just when I thought I’d seen every product for stashing survival items on one’s person, I ran across TinderZIP by Exotac. It’s a clever little product that not only is an easy-to-install replacement zipper pull, the cord portion also includes a waterproof flammable core that provides a 60 second burn time when lit to help

tinderZIP adds emergency firestarter to any zipper Read More

This mosquito trap covers 1/2 acre without using chemicals

mosquito trap

This attractive outdoor wall-mounted mosquito trap has been designed to attract and kill disease-carrying mosquitoes without using expensive propane refills or other chemicals. Instead, it uses a 3,000-hour rated UV fluorescent bulb that reacts with the titanium dioxide coating inside the trap to emit odorless carbon dioxide (the same gas we breathe out) to attract

This mosquito trap covers 1/2 acre without using chemicals Read More

Making s’mores just got better with this glow-in-the-dark skewer

jhoh glow smores sticks

Whether you’re camping in the woods or in the backyard by the fire, you don’t want to lose your marshmallow roasting stick!  I remember as a kid, after an exhaustive search in the woods to find my perfect twig for roasting, I would eventually lose it only to find it later after it’s on the

Making s’mores just got better with this glow-in-the-dark skewer Read More

Sharkbanz is a wearable wrist band that repells sharks

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Summer’s here and the weather is perfect for going to the beach and taking a dip in the ocean. But ever since the 1975 movie “Jaws”, the level of awareness for shark attacks has been heightened. While rare, shark attacks do happen and can be deadly. Recent data shows that shark attacks are on the rise.

Sharkbanz is a wearable wrist band that repells sharks Read More

Light up the meats with Grillight


BBQ masters with nocturnal grilling tendencies will no longer need to juggle a flashlight in one hand while flipping burgers with the other if they use the Grillight Grilling Spatula. Made of restaurant grade stainless steel, this two-in-one meat flipper is also a flashlight too. It features a bright high powered LED in the handle

Light up the meats with Grillight Read More