Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Forget about using a fishing pole, this RC boat will catch your next big one

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Fisherman are well known for exaggerating the truth when they telling stories about their fishing adventures, so help make their next fishing story the most epic story ever with the Radio Ranger RC Fishing Boat from Fish Fun Co. It might look like an ordinary radio remote controlled boat, but it can pull in fish up to […]

Forget about using a fishing pole, this RC boat will catch your next big one Read More

Using a SureCan gas can means never overfilling your lawn mower again

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How many times have you refilled the gas tank on your lawn mower, weed eater, blower, chainsaw, etc. only to have it overflow and make a mess? I can’t count the number of times that I’ve done that and ended up with gas on my shoes, hands, and the ground. The problem is that traditional

Using a SureCan gas can means never overfilling your lawn mower again Read More

Traeger wants to make you a ‘smarter’ griller this summer with their new Timberline grills

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The weather is warming up and that means sun, fun and grilling season. This year Traeger wants to make your grilling and smoking even easier. With their new Timberline 850 and 1300 model grills they’re introducing WiFIRE control. With WiFIRE you can control your Timberline grill from your phone. So you can adjust your grill

Traeger wants to make you a ‘smarter’ griller this summer with their new Timberline grills Read More

Wind chimes that can play the notes of your favorite tune


We have several wind chimes hanging from our front porch including the one shown in the image above. I love the relaxing sound of a wind chime as the breeze blows against it. But my wind chimes don’t play a recognizable tune. They make more of a tinkling, pinging, dinging, and donging type of sound.

Wind chimes that can play the notes of your favorite tune Read More

Solar powered, anti-theft Lifepack offers plenty of juice on the go

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We get it. You don’t like to be tethered to some workstation just to get through your daily workload. What if you could throw your office on your back, take your work with you and keep your mobile devices charged by harnessing the energy of that glowing ball of exploding gas in the sky? Enter

Solar powered, anti-theft Lifepack offers plenty of juice on the go Read More

The Renogy Phoenix is a solar powered generator in a briefcase


The next time you go off the grid, consider taking a Renogy Phoenix solar powered generator. Housed in a briefcase sized package, the Phoenix converts the sun’s rays into easy-to-use backup power for mobile devices, small appliances, laptops, lamps, and more. This lightweight battery backup system features two 10 watt monocrystalline solar panels and can

The Renogy Phoenix is a solar powered generator in a briefcase Read More

ThruNite Archer 2A V3 LED flashlight review

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LED Flashlights continue to multiply like Tribbles. The bright, clean light of an LED is so much better for working, wayfinding, or just searching under the bed between the dust bunnies for something dropped. Recently, we were offered a light from a new company for us, ThruNite. They have many different models to choose from and

ThruNite Archer 2A V3 LED flashlight review Read More

Wicked Lasers FlashTorch Mini flashlight review

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Back in 2012 I reviewed Wicked Lasers’ first generation Torch and in 2014 their second generation more polished FlashTorch. Both touted at the time as “the most powerful handheld flashlight in the World” and at a whopping 4100 lumens, they were wickedly bright, extremely hot, but rather large.  The designers at Wicked Lasers have recently introduced a

Wicked Lasers FlashTorch Mini flashlight review Read More

Mujjo Double Layered Touchscreen Gloves review

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It’s December, so that means that it’s starting to get cold here in Southern Indiana. When the temperature dips to the low 40’s and 30’s (F), it means that it’s time for me to pull out my gloves. But my gloves are not ordinary gloves. They are Mujjo Double Layered Touchscreen Gloves, which  have super

Mujjo Double Layered Touchscreen Gloves review Read More

Jetson JetKart universal hoverboard accessory review

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I’ve always wanted to try a self-balancing scooter or hoverboard but I decided I valued unbroken bones and a bruise free body even more. But turning a hoverboard into a go-cart was just too fun to pass up. So when Jetson offered me their JetKart universal hoverboard accessory, I said let’s do it!

Jetson JetKart universal hoverboard accessory review Read More

The Pocket Shot Arrow Shooting Kit review

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Back in September of 2015, I reviewed a pretty interesting take on the slingshot, The Pocket Shot. I thought The Pocket Shot was a good product not only for everyday adventure but also as a survival tool. I was aware of another add-on for The Pocket Shot that would allow you to shoot arrows using The

The Pocket Shot Arrow Shooting Kit review Read More

Trucker’s Friend is a tool that will help you survive the zombie apocalypse


The Trucker’s Friend is a tough, all-purpose tool that was designed for truckers, but it looks perfect for walker (zombie) head splitting, nail pulling, tree chopping, ice scraping, etc. This tool is made of heat treated steel with a shock absorbing fiberglass handle. It combines the essential functions of an axe, claw hammer, nail puller, crow bar,

Trucker’s Friend is a tool that will help you survive the zombie apocalypse Read More

It’s a snowboard. It’s a scooter. It’s a Ski Skooter!

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Looking for a fun gift for the kids in your family? The Geospace Ski Skooter might be something they’ll enjoy. The Ski Skooter looks like a snowboard but with a foldable handle. The handle allows kids to balance and steer the snowboard down slopes of snow, grass or sand. It also works like a scooter

It’s a snowboard. It’s a scooter. It’s a Ski Skooter! Read More

EGO Power+ 530 CFM Blower review

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Let’s talk blowers. I know what you might be thinking—why would anyone bother reviewing a blower? They either work or not. That’s what I initially thought. EGO, a cordless outdoor power equipment maker, offered one of their products for review and I left it up to them to choose. Imagine my surprise—and disappointment—when I opened

EGO Power+ 530 CFM Blower review Read More

FlipBelt’s Million Mile light is powered by motion


Runners and others (walkers, cyclists, hikers and more) who like to to do their workouts in the wee hours of the morning or the late hours of the night will want to check out the Million Mile light from FlipBelt. This small clip-on wearable light will help keep runners visible to drivers without using batteries.

FlipBelt’s Million Mile light is powered by motion Read More

Roast a perfect marshmallow with this fishing pole

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You’d never know it with this heat wave we’re having in the south this week, but it’s autumn now and time for sitting around a campfire or the fire pit in the backyard.  You’ll be able to roast hot dogs or marshmallows without having to hunt for the perfect stick, and without worrying about splinters

Roast a perfect marshmallow with this fishing pole Read More

RinseKit is a pressurized portable shower, without pumps or batteries

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Ever found yourself in need of a quick hose-down but you’re nowhere near a garden hose? I have. After obstacle course races, GORUCK Challenges and other outdoorsy, get-muddy style events or activities, it would be great to have a quick rinse, but I typically don’t have the luxury of being near a water source. The RinseKit

RinseKit is a pressurized portable shower, without pumps or batteries Read More