Travel Gear

News, reviews and articles about travel gear and accessories.

Travel light with the RichardSolo Wall and Car Combo Charger Pro

richardsolo convertable charger

RichardSolo has a great addition to your travel gear.  Their Wall and Car Combo Charger Pro looks like a regular USB wall charger.  It has a single USB port that provides up to 2.1A for fast charging of tablets as well as phones.  It takes 100/240V input, which means you’ll be able to use it internationally […]

Travel light with the RichardSolo Wall and Car Combo Charger Pro Read More

Eton FRX3 American Red Cross Emergency Radio review

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Unless I’m in the car, I don’t listen to terrestrial, broadcast radio anymore.  At work I have satellite radio, and at home it’s an iPod in a dock.  I haven’t had a dedicated “AM/FM” radio in ages, but since I live in earthquake country (San Francisco Bay Area), I’m overdue.  Thank goodness the Eton FRX3

Eton FRX3 American Red Cross Emergency Radio review Read More

Worried about dents in your new luggage? Don’t with Crash Baggage

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In a world of careless baggage handlers, damage to your luggage is not uncommon. Crash Baggage has introduced a line of luggage that takes the worry out of dings and dents by pre-molding them into the their luggage line. Crash Baggage markets this unique feature as a way to easily identify your luggage as well

Worried about dents in your new luggage? Don’t with Crash Baggage Read More

TSA relaxes ban on knives and sharp sticks on planes

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Though you still can’t carry your complete Zombie Apocalypse toolkit with you on a plane (my personal favorite, the Dead On Annihilator Superhammer is shown), as of April 25th, 2013, the TSA is changing the rules on small pocketknives, toy bats, ski poles, hockey and lacross sticks, pool cues, and golf clubs. Now, if I

TSA relaxes ban on knives and sharp sticks on planes Read More

Wallet-sized ChargeCard cable now available.

chargecard travel cable

Last July, Julie told us about a crowd-funding project for a charging cable that could be carried in a credit-card slot in your wallet.  That project was very successfully funded at more than 3 times the goal, and now the ChargeCard is ready for shipping to the general public.  BiteMyApple, a website that sells only

Wallet-sized ChargeCard cable now available. Read More

The Solid Gray Backpack – A backpack even a Storm Trooper would wear

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I may be the only one, but I love gadgets and gear that look like they could have been used in my favorite “Sci Fi” movies.  The Solid Gray Backpack is one of those products, and I’m  thinking of Star Wars. Made from polypropene block copolymer, the backpack measures 19.7 X 12.6 X 7.9 inches

The Solid Gray Backpack – A backpack even a Storm Trooper would wear Read More

Get your mobile java on with Nomad, The Go Everywhere Espresso Machine

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Out camping and need that espresso fix, but can’t find a coffee shop? Nomad, The Go Everywhere Espresso Machine, a Kickstarter project from UniTerra, can solve that problem. Nomad is a portable hand-pumped espresso machine that is small and sturdy enough to carry almost anywhere. To use the Nomad, you add hot water to the water

Get your mobile java on with Nomad, The Go Everywhere Espresso Machine Read More

Barrett Alley Smuggler’s belt

Barretts Alley Smugglers Belt

Carrying cash and worried about pickpockets? Need to smuggle that micro-fiche past those foreign border guards? (oops micro-fiche… am I showing my age?)  The Smuggler’s Belt from Barrett Alley may be your friend.   It’s made of 10 oz (4 mm) US vegetable-tanned cowhide, 1.25″ (3 cm) wide and hand-cut and sewn in Texas and has an individually

Barrett Alley Smuggler’s belt Read More

HoodiePillows = Hoodie – Jacket + Pillow


I saw the HoodiePillow Pillowcase pitched on ABC’s Shark Tank last Friday and thought the idea of a hood built into a pillow was a pretty silly idea. I still do. But the same company has another product that isn’t so silly and one that I would even use. It’s their Travel HoodiePillow. It’s a

HoodiePillows = Hoodie – Jacket + Pillow Read More

Tactical yet practical – the Kato tablet + netbook mini-messenger

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Are you always on the lookout for the the perfect iPad carrying bag, like me? Something that is not so small that I can’t put my accessories in but not so big that I feel like I am toting a suitcase around. The Kato tablet + netbook mini-messenger from Hazard 4 may just fit that

Tactical yet practical – the Kato tablet + netbook mini-messenger Read More

Fish to be tied with the Fish Bone knotless gear tie

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Are you a paracord junkie? Do you like to use paracord for any and all situations possible? Do you find after knotting paracord, it is next to impossible to get unknotted? Well folks, knot no more with the Fish Bone Knotless Gear Tie, a KickStarter project by Brent Garcia. The Fish Bone is a small

Fish to be tied with the Fish Bone knotless gear tie Read More

SLAPPA Velocity SPYDER PRO laptop backpack, Green Manalishi padded 15.4″ sleeve, and Damask black padded 10″ sleeve review

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This review covers three bags from SLAPPA – the Velocity SPYDER PRO 15.4″ laptop backpack, the Manalishi 15.4″ laptop sleeve, and the Damask 10″ sleeve. They are a representative sample of the wide range of styles and sizes SLAPPA offers. The 15.4″ sleeve isn’t too distinctive, but the other two show SLAPPA’s focus on unique styling

SLAPPA Velocity SPYDER PRO laptop backpack, Green Manalishi padded 15.4″ sleeve, and Damask black padded 10″ sleeve review Read More

Misemet r.pod multifunction electronic pod and solar charger review

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The Misemet r.pod multifunction electronic pod and solar charger is not only a mouthful to say, it’s also a multifunction workhorse for off-the-grid power and light. Available in red, yellow, or green colors, it consists of the r.pod itself, which looks for all the world like a gigantic cold capsule, a handful of accessories, and

Misemet r.pod multifunction electronic pod and solar charger review Read More

Trakdot – Lost your luggage? No you haven’t…


Although it’s never (yet) happened to me personally, million of bags go missing each year from airports around the world. The Trakdot luggage tracker will not prevent your bag from being lost, but it will provide city-specific information on the whereabouts of your checked baggage. The small device fits into your checked bag and reports

Trakdot – Lost your luggage? No you haven’t… Read More

Kanex DoubleUP USB charger can charge two iPads at once

kanex doubleup usb charger

If your household is like mine, you have a lot of USB-chargeable devices that require a lot of chargers.  And like me, you’re probably running out of places to plug them up.  Kanex can take care of charging up to two devices, even two tablets, at once with their DoubleUp USB charger for iPhone, iPod,

Kanex DoubleUP USB charger can charge two iPads at once Read More