Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Carry a chainsaw in your pocket

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You’ll be ready to take down a tree at a moment’s notice with the Pocket Chainsaw in your gear kit.  The chain has 124 bi-directional teeth, and it’s made of high strength, heat-treated steel – specially coated for rust resistance.  It’s 28″ long, and it comes with hooks and handles; it all stores in a flat tin […]

Carry a chainsaw in your pocket Read More

Never trip over your tent’s guy lines at night again

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These tent stakes are made of 6000 series aluminum, so they are built to last.  The UCO StakeLights also have an LED light that marks the perimeter of your tent with light and makes the location of the guy lines clearly visible.  The LED is encased in a highly water-resistant TPE housing (IPX 6), and it uses

Never trip over your tent’s guy lines at night again Read More

The Cardiff Skate Company S1 skate review

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Skate technology has come a long way since the first patented version of roller skates from the 1760’s. Things like polyurethane wheels over steel wheels, strap on skates over lace up boot skates and four wheel inline over the quad version skate. So, where’s the next big improvement? The Cardiff Skate Company thinks they have

The Cardiff Skate Company S1 skate review Read More

The Nokero bulb is the “world’s only solar light bulb”

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I don’t know if this is the world’s only solar light bulb, but the Nokero Solar Light Bulb certainly looks useful for off-grid situations.  It charges its AA-sized NiMH batteries with a high-efficiency solar panel, and it can provide 6+ hours of 13.5 lumens of light from its four LEDs.  The bulb has a shatter-resistant polycarbonate globe,

The Nokero bulb is the “world’s only solar light bulb” Read More

The Seven Year Flashlight will be ready whenever you need it

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The Seven Year Flashlight from Hammacher Schlemmer is a rechargeable flashlight that can hold a charge for seven years.  It has “specially-designed nickel metal hydride batteries that minimize power loss, ensuring reliable, full-power light for seven years on a single charge.”   It produces 200 lumens of light for 6 hours on a full charge,

The Seven Year Flashlight will be ready whenever you need it Read More

If you own a pickup truck, you’ll have a dry, covered place to sleep in case of emergency with this Rightline Gear tent

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Well, the title says it all.  This Rightline Gear tent is bottomless, so you can set it up without emptying the bed of the truck.  It’s made of gray and orange water-resistant polyester fabric with tape-sealed seams (PU 2000mm), and it has fiberglass poles.  It has two gear pockets, a lantern hanging hook, glow-in-the-dark zipper pulls,

If you own a pickup truck, you’ll have a dry, covered place to sleep in case of emergency with this Rightline Gear tent Read More

Survival Pucks Compact Emergency Kits

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Each of these little 3.25″ diameter X 1.1″ thick canisters contain emergency supplies.  The containers are made of 5000-series aluminum and have knurled screw-on lids; they are waterproof and have waterproof labels.  When you pull the label off, the the lid is a serviceable signal mirror.  What’s inside these little canisters are the kits that can

Survival Pucks Compact Emergency Kits Read More

SunJack Phone portable solar charger review

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These days, it is impossible to conceive of life without our phones, tablets gaming and other mobile devices. And I would guess for most of us having a backup power source is a must. But what happens when you decide to go off the grid to go camping or worse yet, you end up in an area

SunJack Phone portable solar charger review Read More

Be ready for zombies or the hunger games with this folding bow

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Whether you’re preparing for the apocalypse, want to become the next Katniss Everdeen, rob from the rich like Robin Hood or just enjoy shooting arrows with a bow, the Compact Folding Survival Bow is a bow that takes up very little space when it’s not in use. Folded down it’s only 23″ long x 1.5

Be ready for zombies or the hunger games with this folding bow Read More

Buck Knives 941 Travelmate Kit review

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The next time I go camping will be never, but if you love that activity, the Buck Knives 941 Travelmate kit is a nifty addition you should consider adding to your camping kitchen gear. It packs a knife, fork and other tools in a convenient sheath that even prevents the spread of bacteria. Let’s take a

Buck Knives 941 Travelmate Kit review Read More

Stay alive and pop open a brew with SlideBelts Survival Belt

slidebelts survivalbelt

I’ve watched the TV show Survivorman enough to know that in a survival situation, sometimes having the right tool can mean the difference between life and death. The folks at SlideBelts know this too. They took their already innovative no-hole belt design and are amping it up with new survival-type features in a crowdfunded Kickstarter campaign. In addition to

Stay alive and pop open a brew with SlideBelts Survival Belt Read More

Viatek Night Stars Landscape Lighting review

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Ever since my granddaughter visited Disney World, she’s been asking when I was going to put “Fairy Lights”  in the trees around the house.  I’ve been able to deflect, usually with the promise of ice cream, but now I can answer her request using the Night Stars light.  Although my initial thoughts were “who needs

Viatek Night Stars Landscape Lighting review Read More

You won’t need a fancy compass with this nickel that points North

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The Covert Compass from Shomer-Tec is a genuine nickel that has been modified to function as a simple compass that will point to magnetic North. The nickel has a groove around the edge that is used to suspend the coin from a thread. You supply the thread and when dangled, the heads side of the coin

You won’t need a fancy compass with this nickel that points North Read More

Get your hydration fix in a flash with the collapsable Stash Bottle

Hydrapack Stash Bottle

Always on the lookout for neat travel gear, I recently stumbled upon this product from Hydrapak, the Stash Bottle a collapsible TPU walled water bottle. What makes this so interesting to me is that when not in use, the hard molded top and bottom can be collapsed together for storage. This feature is a travelers

Get your hydration fix in a flash with the collapsable Stash Bottle Read More

The Solar Strap lets you wear your solar charger

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There are a lot of solar chargers on the market, and most of them seem to require you to set them up and leave them in direct sunlight.  Those types are more useful if you have set up camp and will stay around the same place for a long while, but they aren’t so useful

The Solar Strap lets you wear your solar charger Read More