Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Zackees are cycling gloves with built-in turn signals


Cyclists who want to enjoy their sport and transportation method while remaining safe and visible, should check out Zackees. Zackees are cycling gloves that have designed with built-in LED turn signals that light up with a simple press thumb press. A bright LED arrow lights up to let drivers know your intention to turn. Zackees […]

Zackees are cycling gloves with built-in turn signals Read More

Live Fire Survival Kit and FireCord review

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Fire, one of man’s greatest achievements, not because we invented it, but more for how we have tamed it throughout the years (except for maybe that Nero/Rome thing and that cow in Chicago). But, when it comes to making fire, especially in emergency survival situations, most of us would be lost. I am not saying

Live Fire Survival Kit and FireCord review Read More

Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern review

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In the central Texas, mosquitoes are a year-round problem. We have those tiny Asian Tiger mosquitoes that love shade, hit quick, and bite hard. When the weather is nice, we love to sit outside at night in our live oak-shaded back yard and chat, drink iced tea, and occasionally toss a ball for the dogs.

Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern review Read More

The VuPoint kinetic emergency flashlight will never run out of juice

vupoint flashlight

How many times do you need to use a flashlight only to discover that the batteries are dead or so drained that the light emitted from the flashlight is too dim to be of any use? The VuPoint kinetic emergency flashlight sounds like a wonderful alternative to traditional flashlights that use standard batteries. The VuPoint

The VuPoint kinetic emergency flashlight will never run out of juice Read More

Life-Saved Sunblock Umbrella offers layers of safety

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The Life-Saved Sunblock Umbrella could save your life. The Life-Saved Sunblock Umbrella features a new coating technology and a sunblock surface to shield you from rain and sun. In an emergency, though, you can use the umbrella handle as a hammer to break a car window and as a seat-belt cutter to help you get

Life-Saved Sunblock Umbrella offers layers of safety Read More

Keep your gear close at hand with a Paxis backpack

paxil backpack

Backpacks are a must have accessory when hiking and camping. They are constructed to let you easily transport all your important gear while exploring the great outdoors. But one of the main problems with traditional backpacks is that you have to take them off in order to get access to your stuff. Paxis has designed

Keep your gear close at hand with a Paxis backpack Read More

Thermacell Mosquito Repellent review

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When you are concerned with mosquito-borne illnesses like the West Nile virus present here in Texas, finding effective ways to repel mosquitoes in addition to the standard repellent sprays (containing DEET) is of great importance. The Thermacell Mosquito Repellent appliance is an outdoor device used to repel mosquitos within a 15′ x 15′ area. I found

Thermacell Mosquito Repellent review Read More

FEBO is an engraver that uses the sunlight to power your creativity

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I remember using a magnifying glass as a kid to burn leaves or bugs or my brothers leg, but never did it occur to me that it could be used for art. FEBO is a crowdfunded project that has far exceeded its goal thus far.  The unique glass on top will harness the suns rays

FEBO is an engraver that uses the sunlight to power your creativity Read More

Keep your phone charged and your path lit with Cydekick

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If you’re cyclist and a gadget geek, I’ve found the perfect Kickstarter project for you. Cydekick is a generator you attach to your bike that allows you to power a high intensity LED headlight. Additionally, you can purchase a USB hub allowing you to charge a phone, GPS, or action camera. It works using electromagnetic

Keep your phone charged and your path lit with Cydekick Read More

Here’s an katana umbrella for Michonne and Walking Dead fans

samurai umbrella

The Samurai Sword Umbrella from Brando looks like a Katana, which is a long, single-edged sword used by Japanese samurai. But that’s not the first thing that came to mind when I saw it. I thought of the Michonne character from one of my favorite shows The Walking Dead. This umbrella is 38 inches long

Here’s an katana umbrella for Michonne and Walking Dead fans Read More

Bomber & Company is back with the Firestarter Paracord Bracelet and Keychain

bomber keychain

Last October Andy Jacobs told us about Bomber & Company’s Bomber Barrel duffel bag which is still Kickstarter’s most successful campaign for a bag. The backers of this campaign kept asking for a keychain to go with the duffel bag and Bomber & Company have answered that request. Their latest crowdfunding campaign is for Bomber

Bomber & Company is back with the Firestarter Paracord Bracelet and Keychain Read More

The FireFly Running & Biking Safety Light Spurs are better than a jar of bugs

FireFly Running Biking Safety Light Spurs

Biking and running are two of the most popular fitness activities around. Now most folks do their outdoor activities during regular daylight hours, but if you are like me and live in the desert, that 4pm walk ain’t happening in the summer. Although I have no issues with walking late at night or early in

The FireFly Running & Biking Safety Light Spurs are better than a jar of bugs Read More

Baendit eyewear = bendable + modular sunglasses


I wish I could wear sunglasses, but I wear normal glasses with Transitions Optical photochromic lenses. That’s just a fancy way of saying that the lenses darken when exposed to sunlight. They work fine but don’t allow me the ability to change styles as easily as I could if I were able to wear regular

Baendit eyewear = bendable + modular sunglasses Read More

Ice Cold Towels use Nasa technology to keep you cool for hours

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It’s going to be in the 90’s this weekend in southern Indiana. Ick. My plan is to stay inside with the AC blowing because I don’t like to sweat. What do you do if you have to work or play outdoors when it’s dangerously warm? Staying hydrated is important, but to keep your exterior cool,

Ice Cold Towels use Nasa technology to keep you cool for hours Read More