Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Sportneer Smart Scale review – The perfect gadget for your New Year’s resolution

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REVIEW – We just rang in 2022 and I think we all know what that means:  New Year resolutions to lose weight!  But what if I just made better choices during the holiday season?  Only a cold hard dose of reality could possibly make me do that, and it arrived on my doorstep one day […]

Sportneer Smart Scale review – The perfect gadget for your New Year’s resolution Read More

Daily Deal – Save $395 off the MOBI FITNESS Turbo Bike

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DEAL NEWS – There are only a few more days left in 2021 which means that it’s time to start planning for your new year’s resolutions. For most people, their top resolution is to lose weight and be healthier. Today’s deal is designed to will help you with that. It’s the MOBI FITNESS Turbo Bike.

Daily Deal – Save $395 off the MOBI FITNESS Turbo Bike Read More

BrainTap headset review – Can it unlock areas of your brain with sound and light?

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REVIEW – Hacking your brain is almost a cottage industry these days. From meditation apps to headgear with electrodes to audio that uses your hearing’s phase detection, there are a lot of companies trying to enrich your life in a solid, real way using their technology. We’ve covered a good bit of it here at

BrainTap headset review – Can it unlock areas of your brain with sound and light? Read More

WALK-i-TASK adds a standing desk to your treadmill

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NEWS – If you’ve thought about adding a platform to your treadmill so you can get a little extra exercise/activity in your day while you work, I found a potential solution. The WALK-i-TASK is designed to fit almost any treadmill and adds a height-adjustable work surface for your laptop. You can even adjust the angle

WALK-i-TASK adds a standing desk to your treadmill Read More

FOSOO Apex Electric Toothbrush review – brings the style and the substance to your daily hygiene routine

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REVIEW – What’s so special about the FOSOO electric toothbrush? It certainly looks pretty, which is always nice… but we here at The Gadgeteer are looking for substance behind that style. Does the FOSOO Apex Electric Toothbrush deliver the goods? Let’s find out. To the review! What is it? The FOSOO Apex Electric Toothbrush a

FOSOO Apex Electric Toothbrush review – brings the style and the substance to your daily hygiene routine Read More

POGO Automatic is an all in one blood glucose meter for simplified diabetes management

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NEWS – I’ve been a pre-diabetic since 2004 and I’m always looking for new ways to manage that health issue without drugs. For me, I follow the Keto diet and I have been using the Freestyle Libre 14 day CGM (blood glucose sensor) for the last year. I’m super lucky because my employer and my

POGO Automatic is an all in one blood glucose meter for simplified diabetes management Read More

Wellue ECG/EKG Heart Monitor review – A wearable heart monitor with realtime tracking

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REVIEW – As a younger-ish adult being told you have a heart condition is pretty scary. I was diagnosed with tachycardia during a routine check-up. This means my heart randomly races for no apparent reason. I am also asymptomatic so I don’t even notice when it occurs. Monitoring my heart rate accurately became very important

Wellue ECG/EKG Heart Monitor review – A wearable heart monitor with realtime tracking Read More

The Flosmore Cordless Water Flosser review – packs a punch at a bargain price!

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REVIEW – We should all be using a water flosser as part of our daily routine, right? I’ve gone through a dozen of them over the years. Enter the The Flosmore Cordless Water Flosser, which promises some neat features you’ll find on more expensive units at a great budget price. How do it do? Let’s

The Flosmore Cordless Water Flosser review – packs a punch at a bargain price! Read More

MYXfitness MYX II Plus fitness bike review – it’s more than just an exercise bike

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REVIEW – I walk for 20 minutes 2 times a day on the treadmill and do strength training 4 times a week using a TotalGym. I’ve been doing this for years and although it helps to keep me active, and relatively fit, doing the same thing day after day, week after week, month after month,

MYXfitness MYX II Plus fitness bike review – it’s more than just an exercise bike Read More

Remi custom night guard home kit review – end the daily grind

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REVIEW – The daily grind.  For most, that means going to work. For some, however, that means the nightly activity of grinding teeth.  Grinding can cause serious issues and even tooth loss.  Dentists will make bite guards for you, at a cost, and if you don’t have good dental insurance, that cost can be high. 

Remi custom night guard home kit review – end the daily grind Read More

Skill Board Balance Trainer review – Surfing without waves!

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REVIEW – What was I thinking? I’ve never skateboarded, surfed, or done gymnastics a day in my life. But here I am, learning how to improve my balance with the Skill Board Balance Trainer. I may be nuts. We’re facing our fears with this review, my friends. To the review! What is it? The Skill

Skill Board Balance Trainer review – Surfing without waves! Read More

Use your tech to score custom fit swim goggles with TheMagic5

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NEWS – If you’re a swimmer, you know how hard it can be to get swim goggles that fit the specific contours of your mug.  A little water leaking as you swim can quickly get annoying and ruin your workout. TheMagic5 has taken a unique approach to solving that problem, right from the comfort of your

Use your tech to score custom fit swim goggles with TheMagic5 Read More

But a barrier between your lips and the germy top of a soda / beer can

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NEWS – I’m generally not a germophobe but sometimes I wonder about the microscopic creepy crawlers that might be lurking on the top of soda cans from a vending machine. When I’m home, I use a straw, but when I’m out and about, I usually just suck it up (literally) and chug right from the

But a barrier between your lips and the germy top of a soda / beer can Read More

Embr Labs Wave 2 review – a wearable heater or cooling device on your wrist

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REVIEW – I am an insanely hot sleeper. No matter what I do I always wake up soaked in sweat in the middle of the night. Normally one would use a fan to keep cool but my husband is a cold sleeper and I can’t stand having a fan blow directly on me so I’ve

Embr Labs Wave 2 review – a wearable heater or cooling device on your wrist Read More

Lumen metabolism tracker review – know if you’re burning fat or carbs

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REVIEW -Like many people, this past year of staying and working at home has allowed me to put on a few extra pounds.  I was on my way to losing them by mainly working out (strength training and cardio on a spin cycle) when I broke my wrist.  That was about the same time the

Lumen metabolism tracker review – know if you’re burning fat or carbs Read More