Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Can a pulsing light solve your insomnia problems?


Maybe the NightWave can. This is a small device that you place on your bedside table that uses a soft blue light to silently guide your breathing and focus your mind. Users lie with their eyes open and synchronize their breathing with the rise and fall of the soft light as its movement becomes slower

Can a pulsing light solve your insomnia problems? Read More

Better Lighting for Your Computer – With F.lux

flux app for computers

I’ve read that staring at a bright computer screen or television at night can interfere with sleep patterns.  I often have trouble sleeping, so I was interested to read about f.lux, an application for computers that adjusts the lighting of your computer screen to match the time of day.  F.lux says their application adjusts your

Better Lighting for Your Computer – With F.lux Read More

Concept: How to watch a baby in the womb – PreVue


Melody Shiue, an industrial designer of the University of New South Wales Australia won an award for her product design called, PreVue. It is a device that employs latest stretchable display technology over the abdominal region, letting other family members to connect with the fetus. The PreVue gives you the chance to watch the baby’s

Concept: How to watch a baby in the womb – PreVue Read More

Songbird Clear Sound Enhancing Device

SongbirdClear Packaging

The Gadgeteer has discussed various gadgets and devices designed to make the lives of the aging safer and more tech-friendly.  The Songbird Clear is a device to help anyone with difficulty hearing things as clearly as they used to hear.  The Songbird uses Texas Instruments technology to provide outstanding sound quality with low distortion.  It

Songbird Clear Sound Enhancing Device Read More

Gunnar Optiks Phenom Gaming Eyeglasses Review

Gunnar 01

If you’re like me who sits in front of a computer monitor for long hours, in my case two monitors side by side next to a TV monitor editing music videos, PayPerView programs and PSA/TV commercials, your eyes tend to become strained from the effects of staring at the monitor.   But never fear, there is

Gunnar Optiks Phenom Gaming Eyeglasses Review Read More

aXbo sleepphase alarmclocks get a smart snooze feature

The aXbo Sleepphase Alarm Clock knows the perfect time to wake you up and now it knows just the right length of time to let you snooze when you press the snooze button. aXbo has launched a new feature called iSnooze which considers your sleep phases unlike snooze features that wake you at fixed intervals.

aXbo sleepphase alarmclocks get a smart snooze feature Read More

What do you get when you cross a helmet, lasers and earphones?


You get the iGrow hair restoration helmet. No, I’m not kidding. The iGrow features 21 laser diodes and 30 LED lights that are built into this hands-free device.  The picture above might look like the helmet is melting your brain, but it’s really designed to stimulate hair follicle growth while allowing you to listen to the soundtrack

What do you get when you cross a helmet, lasers and earphones? Read More

Withings will introduce a blood pressure monitor for your iPhone

Withings, the producer of the WiFi body scale, is going to introduce a blood pressure monitor that connects to any iOS device. The device comes with an iOS application that can display your current pressure reading, while also automatically tracking previous results. The blood pressure monitor is a new addition to the existing medical apps

Withings will introduce a blood pressure monitor for your iPhone Read More

Products to Help the Hearing Impaired from Amplicom

amplicon clocks and phones

If you have hearing loss, doing things that many take for granted – talking on the phone, hearing the alarm clock – can be difficult. Amplicom makes products that can help make your daily life a little easier.  They have a line of PowerTel phones – with cordless or corded handsets, single or multiple stations

Products to Help the Hearing Impaired from Amplicom Read More

Smartfish announces the Engage Keyboard, the world’s first intelligent keyboard

Smartfish the maker of the Whirl Desktop Laser Mouse has introduced a keyboard companion, the Engage Keyboard with ErgoMotion. The keyboard uses the ErgoMotion technology that prevents Repetitive Stress Injury. The Engage Keyboard with ErgoMotion tracks the user’s work pattern and makes incremental changes to itself so the user’s hands and wrists are never in

Smartfish announces the Engage Keyboard, the world’s first intelligent keyboard Read More

Your Hips Won’t Lie With the Hoopnotica Travel Hula Hoop


Who knew that hoolahoopers (is that an actual word?) were so into their ‘sport’ that they would need a travel hoola hoop? I guess Hoopnotica did because they are offering a collapsible Travel Hoop Kit in either Pink or Blue for $49.99. You can choose from a 42 inch hoop or a 44 inch hoop,

Your Hips Won’t Lie With the Hoopnotica Travel Hula Hoop Read More

ElliptiGO – An elliptical machine that you can ride to work


The ElliptiGo is a strange looking scooter / bicycle style vehicle that can get you from point A to point B, while giving you a great workout at the same time. We’ve all seen elliptical machines at the gym, but this one isn’t stationary (unless you also purchase an optional indoor stand) and has been

ElliptiGO – An elliptical machine that you can ride to work Read More

ila SPORT Helps you Stay Fit and Safe

Ila sport

The ila SPORT is a pedometer, milometer and personal safety alarm in one. Now that it’s dark when we get up in the AM and it gets dark earlier in the evenings, runners, joggers and dog walkers might appreciate this small device which includes a calorie counter, pedometer, distance traveled, clock and backlight plus 130Db

ila SPORT Helps you Stay Fit and Safe Read More