Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Under Armour Batman vs. Superman Alter Ego Collection

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While this news blurb is not about tech gear or gadgets, those of you Superman, Batman, and/or Wonder Woman fans might be interested to know that Under Armour has created the Batman vs. Superman Alter Ego Collection…just in time for the new Dawn of Justice movie hitting theaters next month. The Gadgeteer Kid and I both have […]

Under Armour Batman vs. Superman Alter Ego Collection Read More

GoRoll – exercise equipment and storage in one

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Some fitness experts have pointed out you really don’t need super fancy equipment to get into shape. Agreed. But what they don’t say is how they’re juggling their wallet, phone, water bottle and keys when they’re working out. Enter the GoRoll, a foam roller with built-in storage space and a carry strap. Foam rollers help

GoRoll – exercise equipment and storage in one Read More

Summer is on the way, unfold the Oru Kayak!

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The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and the air is warming (at least here in California). It’s time to start thinking about breaking out the flip-flops and heading to the water. The Oru Kayak Beach Foldable Kayak makes getting out on the bay, lake, pond or a slow river even easier. Folded, it’s

Summer is on the way, unfold the Oru Kayak! Read More

Quitbit: The last cigarette lighter you’ll ever need


There are plenty of fitness trackers out there. There are apps to track calories and water intake. Those are meant to encourage healthy habits. Quitbit is doing the reverse. It’s a smart lighter aimed at helping smokers kick the habit. The lighter, which weighs 72 grams, uses a flameless heat coil to light cigarettes. In

Quitbit: The last cigarette lighter you’ll ever need Read More

Get rid of odor and sanitize your shoes with SteriShoe


Our feet sweat. And when wearing shoes, this not only causes odor but also provides a breeding ground for microorganisms that cause foot infections. The SteriShoe is a shoe insert that is made from a steel frame and uses ultraviolet light to kill those microorganisms. Currently, SteriShoe is one of the few devices that has

Get rid of odor and sanitize your shoes with SteriShoe Read More

Analyze the molecular composition of your food with SCiO+DietSensor


Currently, figuring out the nutritional content of your meal means futzing around with labels and sifting through databases of similar-sounding items. SCiO, a pocket-sized near infrared spectrometer, combines with the DietSensor app to up the ante, allowing you to scan the food in front of you and determine its nutritional information with the touch of

Analyze the molecular composition of your food with SCiO+DietSensor Read More

Treat your stress by listening to your brainwaves

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How do you deal with stress or a bad mood? Exercise and listening to music might be some common responses, but if you suffer from chronic stress or have experienced a life-threatening or negative external life experience, you may want to consider actually listening to your brain waves. Just as you use a mirror to

Treat your stress by listening to your brainwaves Read More

Sharpen your workout with the Razer Nabu Watch

Razer Nabu Watch

Razer, a company known for its high-end, high-quality gaming equipment has branched out to the fitness wearables with the Razer Nabu Watch. Razer has some earlier entries into the sports band market with the Nabu X and Nabu, but the Nabu Watch is a step towards a fully functional timepiece. The Nabu Watch is basically

Sharpen your workout with the Razer Nabu Watch Read More

Having problems with ringing, buzzing, or rushing sounds? Try the Tinnitus Relief Wand

tinnitus relief wand

According to WebMD, tinnitus affects about 50 million adults in the U.S. “Tinnitus (pronounced ti-ni-tis), or ringing in the ears, is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds. The noise can be intermittent or continuous, and can vary in loudness. It is often worse when background noise is low, so

Having problems with ringing, buzzing, or rushing sounds? Try the Tinnitus Relief Wand Read More

The Withings Thermo is an app enabled thermometer that is accurate, comfortable and sanitary

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The French company called Withings has done it yet again with their new product simply called Thermo.  Winning honors at the 2016 CES Innovation awards in two different categories, this wifi thermometer promises to be the next best thing in home health care. With the new patented HotSpotSensor™ Technology, the most accurate temperature can be

The Withings Thermo is an app enabled thermometer that is accurate, comfortable and sanitary Read More

Pivotal Living Bluetooth smart scale and fitness band review

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Half of my reviews start with me explaining how I’m trying to live healthier…..this review will be no different. The last year I’ve been trying to get into better shape in terms of weight and cardiovascular ability. The Gadgeteer has been very helpful with this; I’ve had the chance to review heart rate monitors, run

Pivotal Living Bluetooth smart scale and fitness band review Read More

Bandage that fluoresces in the presence of harmful bacteria

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Researchers from the University of Bath in the United Kingdom have developed a smart bandage. This bandage is “a prototype of the color-changing bandage, which contains a gel-like material infused with tiny capsules that release non-toxic fluorescent dye in response to contact with populations of bacteria that commonly cause wound infections.” It would be used

Bandage that fluoresces in the presence of harmful bacteria Read More

New biosensor allows for immediate detection of contaminated drinking water

sbt aqua biosensor

I love how technology can positively impact humanity. SBT Aqua is a Danish company that has come up with a device that will do just that. They have created a biosensor that is capable of instantaneously delivering online results about whether or not drinking water is contaminated with bacteria or not. The technology uses impedance

New biosensor allows for immediate detection of contaminated drinking water Read More

This jump rope projects your jump count in front of you with each jump

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How is your new year’s resolution to get more fit and lose weight working out for you so far? Yeah, same here. Maybe you need a fitness accessory to help motivate you. Last week I showed you a jump rope that can be used to charge your gadgets and today I have another jump rope

This jump rope projects your jump count in front of you with each jump Read More

This jump rope will help you keep your New Year’s resolution and charge your phone

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Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to lose weight and get in shape? The PULSE Jump Rope can help with that because jumping rope is a good cardio exercise. But the PULSE doesn’t just benefit your heart and waist line, it will also charge your phone. Wait, what? It’s true, the PULSE Jump Rope has

This jump rope will help you keep your New Year’s resolution and charge your phone Read More