Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Turn your free weights into kettle bells with Kettle Gryps

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Setting up a home gym can quickly become expensive when buying a variety of fitness equipment. All that workout gear can take up a lot of space as well. One way to cut down how much you spend and how much space you need for your equipment is to turn your existing free weights / […]

Turn your free weights into kettle bells with Kettle Gryps Read More

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… defibrillator?

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Yep, here it comes to save the day! Alec Momont, a graduate student at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, created the Ambulance Drone project. Their intent was to develop a drone that would deliver life-saving equipment like an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), medicines, and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) aids to the scene of an emergency.

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… defibrillator? Read More

Oreck WK16001 Air Response HEPA air purifier review

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From allergens to smelly pets (or kids), we could all use a little fresh air now and then.  I’m one of those “misses work” type allergy sufferers. I’ve spent a lot of money over the years in an effort to get some relief, especially when I’m home and out of the deadly winds of the

Oreck WK16001 Air Response HEPA air purifier review Read More

The Molekule Air Purifier breaks down indoor pollution on a molecular level

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”Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe…” To some allergy and asthma sufferers, this cute line from the Hollies classic song is a way of life. What most people take for granted can be a life-long problem for others. Pollutants, mold, pollen, viruses, and dust that we breathe is five times more

The Molekule Air Purifier breaks down indoor pollution on a molecular level Read More

A celiac’s new best friend: the Nima portable gluten sensor

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For people with celiac disease, an autoimmune condition for which there is no cure, eating gluten-free isn’t just a way of life. It is life, considering a mere 20 ppm of gluten is all it takes to trip an immune response. Enter Nima, a portable gluten sensor that tests food for the presence of gluten

A celiac’s new best friend: the Nima portable gluten sensor Read More

Is the Welbean Heartscope a Star Trek medical tricorder for your ticker?

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I remember watching episodes of Star Trek when I was a kid and wishing I had a tricorder or a communications badge. Those types of gadgets aren’t sci-fi anymore. We already have small communicators in our pockets that can call people anywhere in the world as well as so many other things. We also have

Is the Welbean Heartscope a Star Trek medical tricorder for your ticker? Read More

Relieve tension and sleep better with Relax Pro by Thync


If you are having trouble sleeping or you’re feeling overly anxious, trying Relax Pro by Thync could be a drug-free and fairly inexpensive way to get some relief. This device stimulates your nerves to trigger a natural mechanism inside your body which signals your autonomic nervous system to allow your mind to tell your body

Relieve tension and sleep better with Relax Pro by Thync Read More

Polar’s new A370 fitness tracker has 24/7 continuous heart rate tracking

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Tracking your steps and other physical activity is a great way to hold yourself accountable for your health goals, but keeping track of your heart rate throughout the day is a better measure of how well you’re progressing towards those goals. Polar’s new A370 fitness band has that feature and more.

Polar’s new A370 fitness tracker has 24/7 continuous heart rate tracking Read More

Ringly makes smart jewelry for those times when you want to feel pretty

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Let’s face it, fitness bands and smartwatches aren’t the most attractive accessories on the market. They usually have either a masculine or unisex style that does not blend well with fancier feminine attire. Ringly is a company who offers a more glamorous alternative to boring black silicone banded wearables.  

Ringly makes smart jewelry for those times when you want to feel pretty Read More