DNA Vibe Jazz Band Vibe review – Light therapy device

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REVIEW – Aches and pains, we all have them or will have them at some point in our lives. Whether these pains come as a result of epic workouts or from arthritis and other chronic medical conditions, finding a way to alleviate inflammation and pain without drugs can be a struggle. That’s where the DNA […]

DNA Vibe Jazz Band Vibe review – Light therapy device Read More

Celia & Perah M2 Portable Hi-Fi Speaker review – Can a small speaker be called hi-fi?

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REVIEW – At the beginning of the pandemic lockdown in the spring of 2020, I reviewed two DIY speakers—the R1 and R2—from a boutique audio company called Celia & Perah. I stated that building these speakers was perfect for doing something together as a family and having something useful to show for it—a decent-sounding speaker/radio.

Celia & Perah M2 Portable Hi-Fi Speaker review – Can a small speaker be called hi-fi? Read More

Flexispot Sit2Go 2-in-1 fitness chair review – Workout while working from home

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REVIEW – When I’m back at work I clock a couple of miles of walking a day, so although I spend a fair amount of time sitting, I didn’t worry about the whole “sitting is the new smoking” thing.  However, thanks to unlimited access to streaming services and remote working, I’m far more sedentary than

Flexispot Sit2Go 2-in-1 fitness chair review – Workout while working from home Read More

Create your own custom multi-tool with Keybar!

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NEWS – Keybar might not be a brand that comes to mind when you think about pocket multi-tools, but let’s change that right now. Keybar has been creating aluminum, copper, brass, titanium, carbon fiber, and micarta EDC key organizers for a while now but did you know that they also offer a variety of unique

Create your own custom multi-tool with Keybar! Read More

Obsbot ME AI selfie mount review – it’s a cameraman you don’t have to pay!

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REVIEW – In a world that is increasingly connected via video, everyone is looking for a way to step up their game, to be noticed by more and to produce higher quality product.  Selfie sticks have been with us as close to forever as we can imagine, but in all that time they have hardly

Obsbot ME AI selfie mount review – it’s a cameraman you don’t have to pay! Read More

Computer Engineering for Babies – so they’ll pay for your retirement

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – Remember the Baby Einstein books?  Well, a guy named Chase Roberts has one-upped them with a new Kickstarter campaign – Computer Engineering for Babies. The book teaches the basics of computer engineering – AND logic, OR logic, and so on.  Because little kids love buttons and lights, the book breaks down the

Computer Engineering for Babies – so they’ll pay for your retirement Read More

AutoBrush Pro review – This gadget brushes your teeth for you

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REVIEW – Your oral health is extremely important. Brushing and flossing your teeth is a habit that you should do at least twice a day. But it can be a habit that is easily skipped. What if there was a gadget that could brush your teeth for you? That’s what the AutoBrush Pro claims to

AutoBrush Pro review – This gadget brushes your teeth for you Read More

Oclean X Pro Elite smart electric toothbrush review

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REVIEW – The newly released Oclean X Pro Elite app-connected electric toothbrush is super quiet, has induction charging, a higher frequency motor, and has other enhancements compared to the Oclean X model that I reviewed in December 2019. Is it worth upgrading?  I have one to review. Read on to see what I think! What

Oclean X Pro Elite smart electric toothbrush review Read More

SOUNDPEATS T2 Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling Wireless Earbuds review – quality sound in an affordable package

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REVIEW – I listen to a lot of podcasts. I have a single Bluetooth earbud in one of my ears most of the day. I buy true wireless earbuds so I can keep one in my ear and one charging. This is where a set of Bluetooth earbuds like the SoundPEATS T2 Hybrid Active Noise

SOUNDPEATS T2 Hybrid Active Noise Cancelling Wireless Earbuds review – quality sound in an affordable package Read More

Leatherman has something new!

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NEWS – What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions Leatherman? Multi-tools right? Well, this newly launched product from Leatherman isn’t quite the multi-tool that most of us imagine. The new Leatherman Raptor Response Emergency Shears are a pair of folding shears that have been designed for emergency responders. They are

Leatherman has something new! Read More

Think Keto Protein Bars review – All the yum without the carbs

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REVIEW – The latest Keto-friendly food that I’ve had the pleasure to taste test are the Keto Protein Bars from Think. They are low carb and are available in 3 flavors, let’s check them out. What is it? The Think Keto Protein Bars are snack/meal bars that provide 10g of protein with only 2-4g of

Think Keto Protein Bars review – All the yum without the carbs Read More

BLUETTI’s AC300 and B300 power stations are finally here!

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SPONSORED NEWS – Approximately 2 months ago in July 2021, Bluetti – the portable solar storage pioneer, announced their release of an industry first, modular solar power station – the AC300 and its accompanying LFP battery module, the B300 (3,072Wh). Word spread fast, and before anyone knew it, the AC300 was trending throughout the United

BLUETTI’s AC300 and B300 power stations are finally here! Read More

The Electricianz Blue Z watch review – A watch fit for a Blade Runner

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REVIEW – A little while ago, I wrote up a news article about a new hybrid electric/mechanical watch by The Electricianz.  The Electricianz fancy themselves as creators of unusual watches that feature interesting colors and lighting. Electricity keeps the world moving. The Electricianz is on a mission to put that energy in the spotlight. We

The Electricianz Blue Z watch review – A watch fit for a Blade Runner Read More

Anycubic Photon Ultra launches on Kickstarter – The first affordable consumer DLP 3D printer

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SPONSORED NEWS – Anycubic, a well-known 3D printer brand and a pioneer in the resin 3D printer sector, is back with a cutting-edge technology printer Anycubic Photon Ultra. Anycubic has been making excellent quality and affordable printers for years. Anycubic Photon Ultra, with no exception, will come with appealing details and an outstanding balance between

Anycubic Photon Ultra launches on Kickstarter – The first affordable consumer DLP 3D printer Read More

Cycplus A8 air inflator review – A handy air pump to have around

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REVIEW – I ride my motorcycle almost every weekend.  I always do a safety check on my bike before I ride and make sure the tire pressures are set where they need to be.  Unlike a car, a flat tire on the road can result in a very long wait for a tow, or even

Cycplus A8 air inflator review – A handy air pump to have around Read More