Andy Chen

Former electronics technician for the FBI, current Fire Prevention Officer. Background in electronics, trained EMT, Eagle Scout/Assistant Scoutmaster and dad.

A hidden camera that’s literally “plug and play”

Spy cameras hidden in teddy bears too obvious?  How about something truly ordinary? Yes, this innocent looking “wall wart” actually houses a video camera with an internal DVR that records onto a micro SD card.  It features motion detection activated recording and can record up to 32 hours on a single micro SD card. Cost […]

A hidden camera that’s literally “plug and play” Read More

Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 Review

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I love all things wireless, except when it comes to keeping them powered up.  For some reason, I’ve never latched onto the idea of wireless input devices, like mice and keyboards.  I was always worried that I’d run out of battery juice at the worst possible moment.  But a solar rechargeable keyboard?  Now this is

Logitech Wireless Solar Keyboard K750 Review Read More

Coast Emergency Area Light Review

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As a kid, I remember using those gas lanterns powered by propane or white gas.  Someone’s dad would pump up the lantern, light the fragile mantles, and a bright glow would descend upon the campground. The Emergency Area Light  from Coast Products provides an adjustable brightness like the classic gas-powered ones, but goes a few steps

Coast Emergency Area Light Review Read More

digiZoid zo “Personal Subwoofer” Review

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“Blow Your Mind.  Not Your Ears” was the tagline that caught my attention. In the 1980s, I was always seen walking between high school classes wearing my skinny ties and jeans with a portable cassette player.  At one point, in an effort to improve my listening experience, I even had a battery-operated portable 5-band graphic

digiZoid zo “Personal Subwoofer” Review Read More

Plantronics .Audio 476 DSP USB Headset Review

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When it comes to headsets, I’m really picky.  In 2004 when I started playing on-line co-op games with my younger brothers in-law, I shopped around for various stereo headsets with microphones for gaming.  They were all either too uncomfortable, or had poor outgoing audio.  Eventually, I took drastic measures and made my own, and I’ve

Plantronics .Audio 476 DSP USB Headset Review Read More

Plantronics Explorer 395 Bluetooth Headset Review

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The Plantronics Explorer 395 is the company’s newest reasonably priced bluetooth headset.  Now before I go any further, to put this review into full perspective, I’m also the Moderator at HowardForums for all things Bluetooth.  I sadly own more headsets that I have holes in my head, and every new headset that comes out gets

Plantronics Explorer 395 Bluetooth Headset Review Read More

Face detection? Fuji Z700 series features pet detection

Many digital cameras feature face detection, even smile detection.  But what about Buddy and Fluffy? The FujiFilm Finepix Z700-series digital camera features Pet Detection.  Billed as the world’s first, the Pet Detection camera, it can detect up to 10 dog or cat faces at a time. How does it work?  More info after the jump.

Face detection? Fuji Z700 series features pet detection Read More