Travel Gear

News, reviews and articles about travel gear and accessories.

Destinator 9 iPhone App

destinator 9 iphone app

Intrinsic Software International has introduced the Destinator 9 iPhone/iPod navigation app.  Destinator 9 uses voice turn-by-turn directions and 2-d or 3-d maps to guide you.  On-board maps keep you on track regardless of your connection.  You get traffic conditions, points-of-interest information, and weather informaton where available.  You can plan a multi-destination route with the trip-planning […]

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MobileAction i-gotU USB GPS Travel & Sports Logger Review

@trip PC

The MobileAction i-gotU is a small, on-the-go geo-tagging device may look like a tiny paperweight, but it packs a whole lot of feature and comes with three pieces of distinct software (@trip, Where am I and Sports Analyzer) for various utilizations. Whip this plastic box out while traveling to get accurate satellite tagging of your location for photos,

MobileAction i-gotU USB GPS Travel & Sports Logger Review Read More

New Road-Warrior Gadgetry Holders from Skooba


Show of hands of road warriors among use who carry a lot of gadgetry.  That’s what I thought.  And that’s what Skooba Design thought too, so they’ve released some new gear-hauling goodies.  The Cable Stable DLX is like a mini-suitcase that can hold multiple gadgets (even a netbook) and accessories in near-limitless combinations. The SkoobaWrap

New Road-Warrior Gadgetry Holders from Skooba Read More

Saddleback Leather Company Briefcase Thin Review

saddleback briefthin frontback

First off, I REALLY love Saddleback Leather Company‘s motto of ‘They’ll fight over it when you’re dead’. That is saying something in today’s disposable society; where electronics are engineered to last a few years before their battery dies, motherboard fries, or they simply self destruct. Saddleback believes their products are so well made they guarantee

Saddleback Leather Company Briefcase Thin Review Read More

Tripp-Lite Travel-sized Surge Suppressor with USB Charging Ports

tripp lite traveler

If you’d like to travel with a surge suppressor but don’t have room for one in your laptop or gear bag, the Tripp-Lite travel-sized surge suppressor may  be your answer.  The Traveler3USB has three A/C outlets, with room for one large transformer without blocking the other two outlets.   It supplies 120 V A/C, 50/60 Hz, 15A

Tripp-Lite Travel-sized Surge Suppressor with USB Charging Ports Read More

Icetech I-9005 Solar Portable Solar Charger

icetech solar charger

When The Gadgeteer has had news posts about solar chargers in the past, many commenters said that chargers for a single specific device seemed a waste of money.  The Icetech I-9005 comes with seven different connectors that work with a variety of phones, iPods, and other mp3 players.  The Icetech units have a battery capacity of 2500

Icetech I-9005 Solar Portable Solar Charger Read More

Neat Way to Hold Your Maple Syrup, Er, Water Bottle

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Don’t know if y’all have seen these, but in case you haven’t, just more cool stuff to attach to your belt buckle, back pack, purse, or ear lobe.  There are a couple of different styles, just do a search for “carabiner water bottle clip”.  I actually lucked out and found these at The Container Store

Neat Way to Hold Your Maple Syrup, Er, Water Bottle Read More

Speedtech SM-28 Skymaster Handheld Weather Monitor

speedtech sm 28 weather monitor

If you’re an outdoorsman (or if you are impacted by the current winter storm), you need a way to monitor weather conditions.  The Speedtech SM-28 Handheld Weather Monitor is a lightweight weather tool that lets you monitor most every possible environmental condition.  It has a lanyard to keep it handy, and the cover flips open to

Speedtech SM-28 Skymaster Handheld Weather Monitor Read More

Environmentally Friendly with a Sense of Humor

i am not a paper cup

These tabletop items from Vat19 can help you do your part to reduce waste and appeal to your sense of humor.  They offer a line of reusable melamine plates and cups that look like their wasteful cousins.  There are melamine “paper” plates that look like the thin, pleated edge paper products – set of four

Environmentally Friendly with a Sense of Humor Read More

Brunton Solaris i6 Foldable Solar iPod Charger

brunton solaris i6 charger

If you are the outdoor type who likes to take along your iPod or iPhone, you’ll need a way to keep your device charged.  The Brunton Solaris i6 is a foldable solar charger that comes with an iPod charging cable.  It opens up to 29 X 9 inches and weighs 7.1 ounces.  It has four

Brunton Solaris i6 Foldable Solar iPod Charger Read More

Kamiliun cHiCkEn oR tHe eGG Messenger Style Backpack Review

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More then just funny capitalization (yes, that’s really how they spell it) Kamiliun uses a modular system to create a flexible backpack/bag system from mix-and-match components. I received the Chicken or the Egg package consisting of a ‘letterbox’ back on the left, above, designed to carry a laptop or other large slab-like objects, and a

Kamiliun cHiCkEn oR tHe eGG Messenger Style Backpack Review Read More

Tom Bihn Tri-Star Travel Bag and Accessories Review


Before I kick off, full disclosure; I’m a fan! A fan of Tom Bihn and nearly everything that comes out of their Seattle factory. I bought my first Tom Bihn bag in 2002, an Empire Builder, and shortly after bought the Brain Bag. These were painfully expensive at the time, but when I eventually sold

Tom Bihn Tri-Star Travel Bag and Accessories Review Read More

Duracell GoEasy AA NiMH Rechargable Review

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As can be seen in the figure, the main draw of the Duracell GoEasy Recharger ($12.99) is its succinct size — no wall wart nor long cable needed.  One of the several new Duracell “Smart Power Initiative” devices, it is a an unpretentious little charger for AA or AAA Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries.  It

Duracell GoEasy AA NiMH Rechargable Review Read More

Fact or Fiction: Smooth Away Review It Works No It Doesn’t Yes It Does No it…

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The purpose of the Smooth Away Hair Removal System is to rid one’s self of furry follicles from the extremities by way of a “crystallized smoothing pad”.  The main advantages are: removal of said particles without the need for a razor; without water; without soap; without waxing; without pain; and (if you read some product

Fact or Fiction: Smooth Away Review It Works No It Doesn’t Yes It Does No it… Read More

Equal Time for Cold Drinkers – The Fridge

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There are plenty o’ devices and gizmos out there to help keep your coffee hot, but for those who prefer refreshments at the opposite side of the thermometer there is only a dearth of either lame Styrofoam “coozies” or tepid “peltier effect” boxes with fans.  But I had forgotten about The Fridge — a freezable

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