Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

GoPro releases Android app (finally)

GoPro Android

GoPro might have been a bit premature in announcing that they would be releasing iOS and Android clients for their Wifi Bacpac back at the end of last year. After many months  they finally released the iOS version recently but the Android app was still MIA.  Well good news for those Android fanbois out there it’s finally available […]

GoPro releases Android app (finally) Read More

Coghlan’s 4″ X 6″ Dry Pouch for iPhone review

coghlans dry pouch iphone 1

I recently posted about using Ziploc Big Bags to keep my daughter’s laptop dry in her backpack.  One reader asked if static discharges from the bag could be a problem – something I hadn’t thought about.  About the same time I posted that item, Coghlan’s, a maker of outdoor gear, contacted The Gadgeteer to ask

Coghlan’s 4″ X 6″ Dry Pouch for iPhone review Read More

SOLOSHOT – Get yourself in the action

Can’t find a camera person willing to film all your heroic exploits?  SOLOSHOT has you covered. The SOLOSHOT sits between your camera and tripod (included) and uses a wireless waterproof armband to track its subject.  It’s capable of rotating 360 degrees with a maximum pan speed of 40 degrees per second. Range is up to

SOLOSHOT – Get yourself in the action Read More

So long Segway, the SBU is the latest urban vehicle for circus clowns


The SBU (Self-balancing Unicycle) from Focus Designs was pitched Friday night on Shark Tank. It uses some of the same self balancing style features of the Segway and puts them in a much more portable package that has only one wheel. According to their website, it only takes 20-30 minutes to learn to ride one.

So long Segway, the SBU is the latest urban vehicle for circus clowns Read More

CamelBak expands their glass water bottle line with the Eddy Glass bottle

camelbak water bottles

If you prefer using glass for your drinking water, check out the new Eddy Glass bottle (left) from CamelBak.  The Eddy Glass is BPA-free, and it has a silicone sleeve (in purple, charcoal, aqua, or lime) for improved grip and to protect against breakage.  You don’t have to tip up this bottle to drink; it

CamelBak expands their glass water bottle line with the Eddy Glass bottle Read More

GoPro HERO3 – smaller, lighter and more powerful


GoPro is trying to keep ahead of  the competition coming from all the newcomers to the action POV camera market with the release of their new GoPro HERO3. “CEO Nick Woodman announces the GoPro HERO3: the smallest, lightest, most powerful way to document your life. The Wi-Fi enabled HERO3: Black Edition is the most advanced GoPro,

GoPro HERO3 – smaller, lighter and more powerful Read More

Give the Gift of Light with LuminAID

The LuminAID is an ingenious portable LED light that was designed by architecture graduate students Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta as a product to assist post-earthquake relief efforts in Haiti.  Simply leave it laying in the sun to charge up the internal battery (rechargeable up to 500 times), inflate the bag, and the LuminAID can provide

Give the Gift of Light with LuminAID Read More

GoPro App available (finally)


After a long wait, GoPro has finally released their app for controlling your GoPro via your smartphone or tablet with their WiFi BacPac. The current version of the app gives you full control of your camera settings and live previews. However, it’s still not all picture perfect.   The additional functions – like being able to share

GoPro App available (finally) Read More

Spotlight Spark LED Torch/Flashlight Review


You’re just come in from a night out, and find that someone’s forgotten to leave the front porch light on for you.  You can’t find the right key, and you can’t see the keyhole properly.  Sound familiar? The Spark from Spotlight is a small and portable flashlight than can easily be connected to your keyring, access card, lanyard, bag

Spotlight Spark LED Torch/Flashlight Review Read More

BEARTek Bluetooth Gloves – Give Your Phone the Finger

Here’s a product for those of you who indulge in sports where you have to wear gloves, like skiing or motorcycle riding, but want to enjoy your music while doing it. (Personally, I’ve never felt comfortable listening to music while riding a motorcycle.)  The BEARTek Bluetooth glove allows you to control your MP3 player or

BEARTek Bluetooth Gloves – Give Your Phone the Finger Read More

Hi-Fun Hi-Call Bluetooth Glove – Talk to the Hand

Hicall Glove

If you live in a cold climate, then you’ll know the issue of trying to use your capacitive touchscreen on your phone or tablet with gloves on.  The Hi-Call glove from Hi-Fun in Italy fixes that with capacitive threads in the fingertips.  But that’s not all!  Integrated into the left glove is a Bluetooth microphone and speaker; using

Hi-Fun Hi-Call Bluetooth Glove – Talk to the Hand Read More

Nomadic CB-01 Backpack – What does it have in its pocketses, Precious?

Nomadic CB 01

Pockets…pockets…need to organise my stuff into pockets.   Nomadic is a Japanese brand of luggage that’s available in the US from Jetpens, and their Nomadic CB-01 Wise Walker has pockets galore. From small pockets meant to carry your train ticket, to big pockets large enough to handle a 13″ notebook (though there’s no padding so you’ll really need

Nomadic CB-01 Backpack – What does it have in its pocketses, Precious? Read More

EnChroma Sunglasses Give People with Color Blindness Better Color Vision


Hundreds of million people worldwide suffer from protanomalous and deuteranomalous CVD (otherwise known as red/green color blindness). This problem is more common in men, with an estimated 1 in 12 having some sort of color related vision deficiency. My Dad is color blind and so is my boss. Women can also have this problem, but it’s

EnChroma Sunglasses Give People with Color Blindness Better Color Vision Read More