Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

LarryAlert is a portable security device


We’ve reviewed a dozen or more wireless cameras that can be used as a home security system. They are usually setup to send alerts to mobile devices when detecting motion or sound. These simple systems are a viable alternative to higher priced systems that require a hefty monthly fee and significantly more complex installation. They […]

LarryAlert is a portable security device Read More

Annke C301 720P Digital Game Cam Trail Camera review

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Home security cameras are perfect for keeping an eye on the interior and exterior of your home, but how can you easily find out if there are animals (or people) creeping around in your woods or yard without having to run Ethernet cables for communications and wires for power? One way is to setup a

Annke C301 720P Digital Game Cam Trail Camera review Read More

YodelUP lets you stay connected and rock out with your gloves on!

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Having a phone with you on the slopes is great; it allows you to coordinate your runs with your group and allows you to enjoy some tunes at the same time. But trying to access your mobile while wearing winter gloves usually means taking them off.  And even with a pair of conductive gloves you

YodelUP lets you stay connected and rock out with your gloves on! Read More

Summer is on the way, unfold the Oru Kayak!

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The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and the air is warming (at least here in California). It’s time to start thinking about breaking out the flip-flops and heading to the water. The Oru Kayak Beach Foldable Kayak makes getting out on the bay, lake, pond or a slow river even easier. Folded, it’s

Summer is on the way, unfold the Oru Kayak! Read More

This modular compact fishing pole looks so cool that I want to buy some worms and find a lake


I haven’t been fishing in decades, but the Wor.my compact fishing pole has me wishing it was summertime and I was standing on a dock soaking up the sun and catching Bluegills! This compact fishing pole system was designed in Hungry, and was a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign that raised over €16,186. Now it’s being

This modular compact fishing pole looks so cool that I want to buy some worms and find a lake Read More

Turn your existing water bottle into an EDC gear holder


If I can find one product that can do five things, the minimalist in me will choose it over five separate products that can only do one thing each. That’s why the Kickstarter project for the PACE lid caught my eye. The PACE lid replaces the existing lid of wide mouth Nalgene, MSR, and Klean

Turn your existing water bottle into an EDC gear holder Read More

Foscam FI9900P Outdoor 1080P Wireless IP Camera review

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Cloud based security cameras like the Nest Cam, Logitech’s Logi Circle cam, the FLIR FX security camera and others are very popular because they are easy to setup, have a mobile app and don’t require special wiring to use them. Then there are wireless IP cameras like those from Foscam that are also easy to

Foscam FI9900P Outdoor 1080P Wireless IP Camera review Read More

Always be prepared with the Readyman Wilderness Survival Card

Readyman Wilderness Survival Card

As many of you may know, I am a sucker for card size tools. I have reviewed and posted news stories on several throughout my years with The Gadgeteer, so it takes something a little different to catch my eye. The Readyman Wilderness Survival Card is that product. The Readyman Wilderness Survival Card is a

Always be prepared with the Readyman Wilderness Survival Card Read More

Klarus AR10 rechargeable flashlight review

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We Gadgeteers love our flashlights, don’t we? Small and large, piercing the darkness like a searchlight or dimly preserving our tactical night vision, we love them all. I was recently sent my first Klarus unit to test, the AR10 rechargeable flashlight. It’s a pretty straightforward torch, at first glance, but there are hidden superpowers within.

Klarus AR10 rechargeable flashlight review Read More

Mujjo Leather Touchscreen Gloves review

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With less than a week until winter officially begins, it’s time to break out the gloves for my morning drive to work. Gloves keep my hands warm, but they make it impossible to interact with my phone while I’m wearing them. That’s why touchscreen gloves are a necessary tech accessory for gadgeteers. This year Mujjo

Mujjo Leather Touchscreen Gloves review Read More

Surefire Titan Plus Ultra-Compact Variable-Output LED Flashlight review

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It is difficult to believe I reviewed the Surfire T1A Titan compact flashlight more than 6 years ago…crazy how fast time flies. To this day, I use the T1A often to light my way. It has withstood the test of time and continues to operate flawlessly. Recently Surefire has released an updated follow-on to the

Surefire Titan Plus Ultra-Compact Variable-Output LED Flashlight review Read More

PatchPALS review

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Velcro®-backed patches have become very popular in some circles, especially within military and related communities where they are often called “morale” patches. Additionally, clothing, backpacks and other soft goods designed for military, police or similar occupations include strips of webbing that can be used as modular attachment points for the customized addition of pouches and other accessories.

PatchPALS review Read More

Baubax may be the most useful jacket ever

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I don’t get very excited over clothing, but I seriously want one of these (I hope my wife is reading this). Baubax is a collection of jackets that have an uncanny amount of useful features, especially for gadget enthusiasts. It comes in four different styles: windbreaker, bomber, blazer, and sweatshirt. Each style has a male

Baubax may be the most useful jacket ever Read More

StrongVolt Solar 18 with SunTrack Technology solar charger review

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Let’s face it. We are a battery operated world. With all of our electronic gadgets, like our iPads, smartphones, iPhones, MP3 players, GPS, handheld games, and tablets, they will still have to be plugged into a power source to recharge the battery that powers them.

StrongVolt Solar 18 with SunTrack Technology solar charger review Read More

Kahtoola adds traction to your running and hiking shoes


Casual and not so casual runners and hikers don’t have to let bad weather keep them indoors. Kahtoola MICROspikes and NANOspikes will have you running and hiking like a mountain goat with no fear of slips and skids. MICROspikes have been designed for hiking boots and feature a low profile elastomer harness that should be

Kahtoola adds traction to your running and hiking shoes Read More