Spotlight Gadgets

Spotlight gadgets from the-gadgeteer v2

Appstand iPhone Hands-Free Stand


If the other iPhone hands-free stands The Gadgeteer has featured are just not right for you, check out the Appstand.  It’s a matte black frame that holds any generation of iPhone so you can watch movies, surf, or use any application.  All iPhone controls and the touch screen are accessible, you can still make and receive […]

Appstand iPhone Hands-Free Stand Read More

Modern version of the skeleton key from TAD Gear

You’ve no doubt heard of skeleton keys. They were keys from many years ago that were made to open any lock regardless of the make or model. The TAD Gear Skeleton Key won’t open any lock, but it does have a skeleton engraved on it. 😉 It’s a titanium keychain tool that has a built

Modern version of the skeleton key from TAD Gear Read More

Beamer – The iPhone Case that Shines

beamer iphone case

The Beamer iPhone case is the latest offering from Quirky, an online product development and production company that allows anyone to submit and profit from their product ideas if they are selected for production.  The Beamer case is a 2-piece, hard plastic shell for your iPhone.  It has a built-in LED on the back that

Beamer – The iPhone Case that Shines Read More

Crazy expensive fingerprint reading wallet with a Bluetooth alarm


The iWallet (come on, can we please stop putting an ‘i’ in front of everything to make it sound cool?) is a cabon fiber wallet with a built in biometric fingerprint reader. It also has a Bluetooth alarm that pairs with your smartphone and buzzes when there is too much space between the phone and

Crazy expensive fingerprint reading wallet with a Bluetooth alarm Read More

Mount your netbook with a MiniMount

If you are looking for a way to mount your netbook to surfaces in your home or car, Aileron Designs has introduced an extensive line of hard shell, netbook computer cases and mounting systems. The Minimount case for netbooks is an all-aluminum hard shell enclosure with a quick connect mounting feature. The cases are available

Mount your netbook with a MiniMount Read More

Would you use a special keyboard just for GMail?

The Gboard is a plug and play USB keyboard that has 19 multicolored keys that map to a variety of Gmail shortcut commands. It’s compatible with both Windows and Mac computers and costs $19.99. Would you buy one? Personally, I would just learn the built-in GMail key press combinations that this keyboard is mapped to.

Would you use a special keyboard just for GMail? Read More

Bring your old vinyl albums and cassette tapes into the 21st century with ion U RECORD


If you are my age (erm… 29 and holding!!!), you probably have a bunch of old LPs and cassette tapes that hold music that means a lot to you.  Some of it may not even be available on iTunes or even on a cd.  If you’d like to have this music in mp3 format, check out

Bring your old vinyl albums and cassette tapes into the 21st century with ion U RECORD Read More

Echo Touch Gloves Let You Use Your iPhone or Touch in the Cold

echo touch gloves

If you live in a cold climate, you know that wearing gloves to keep your hands warm isn’t compatible with using an Apple  touch screen.  Julie had a post last week with a link to an article with a DIY fix for your gloves.  If you aren’t the do-it-yourself type, check out Echo Design for the

Echo Touch Gloves Let You Use Your iPhone or Touch in the Cold Read More

Battle of the bulge – Don’t fear the scale

Do you hate stepping on the scale each morning to check your weight? Anticipating your current poundage level can be a scary thing this time of year, with all the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, homemade yeast rolls and pumpkin pie. Anyone would be terrified. To help alleviate that fear, we have the Quantum Scale which

Battle of the bulge – Don’t fear the scale Read More

Would you pay $15 a month for FLO TV?


Jackie sent me an email yesterday saying that we should review the FLO TV Personal Television. It’s a device that can show live TV (if you’re within the coverage area, which I am not). Channels include ABC Mobile, Adult Swim Mobile, CBS Mobile, CNBC, Comedy Central, Disney Channel, ESPN Mobile TV, FLO TV Channel, FOX

Would you pay $15 a month for FLO TV? Read More

Slide your Kindle 2 into an OCTO Sleeve

octo kindle case

Amazon didn’t show Kindle 2 owners any love when it came to including a case for the ebook reader. If you’re still trying to find a case to protect your reader, you might want to head over to OCTO Style and check out several of their offerings, including their seamless leather sleeve. It’s made from

Slide your Kindle 2 into an OCTO Sleeve Read More

BlackBerry’s go hybrid with Case-Mate cases

casemate bb

Case-Mate Hybrid cases for BlackBerry devices provide the Tour 9630, BlackBerry Javelin 8900 and BlackBerry Curve 8520 with dual layers of protection. A form-fitting silicone skin surrounds the Blackberry to absorb shock in the event of a drop. Wrapped around the skin is an ABS plastic shell that gives you a better grip on the

BlackBerry’s go hybrid with Case-Mate cases Read More

From Pocket Knife to Pocket Watch – Swiss Army 1884 Travel Alarm

Pocket watch junkies will want to check out the Swiss Army 1884 Travel Alarm. It’s a limited addition anniversary watch with luminous hands and hour markers. It also has a built-in alarm feature as well as toothpick and tweezers. No knife though… This pocket timepiece is really pricey at $550. If you want one, start

From Pocket Knife to Pocket Watch – Swiss Army 1884 Travel Alarm Read More