Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Stealth core trainer review – Get a 6 pack while playing video games

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REVIEW – Do you have a strong core? How about six-pack abs? Want both? Along with a healthy diet, one way to achieve those goals is to do planks. Don’t groan, they are a good exercise. But I get it, they aren’t fun. One way to make them infinitely more fun is by doing planks

Stealth core trainer review – Get a 6 pack while playing video games Read More

Onyx helps you workout without going to a gym or expensive equipment

NEWS – Have you put on some extra weight from being stuck at home for months due to COVID or do you miss working out with friends? I have an interesting iPhone app that you should check out. The iOS app (sorry, it’s not available for Android yet) is called Onyx and it uses your

Onyx helps you workout without going to a gym or expensive equipment Read More

Look Optic Blue-Light Glasses review – Fear not the fine print


REVIEW – As someone who is just about to hit the half century mark, I started needing reading glasses over the last couple years. I’ve been near-sighted since 3rd grade and have worn a combination of glasses and contacts ever since. Prior to all this work-from-home business, I would wear contacts every day, relegating my

Look Optic Blue-Light Glasses review – Fear not the fine print Read More

FoodMarble AIRE portable breath test device review – A breath of fresh air for checking digestive issues

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REVIEW – I have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that requires I eat a gluten-free diet or suffer potentially life-threatening illness. Many celiac sufferers react to other foods, especially dairy, so I was intrigued at the opportunity to review FoodMarble, an easy-to-use handheld device that helps people identify foods to which their bodies respond badly.

FoodMarble AIRE portable breath test device review – A breath of fresh air for checking digestive issues Read More

C-Face smart mask to provide transcription and translation

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  NEWS – Masks.  They’re everywhere in this COVID-19 world we now live in.  Besides being hot and uncomfortable, they really have a way of hindering communication.  Losing the ability to see someone’s lips makes communicating harder.  If you’re trying to converse with someone that speaks a different language, things get even harder. Enter Donut

C-Face smart mask to provide transcription and translation Read More

Addsfit MAX deep tissue massage gun review

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REVIEW – I saw my first massage gun watching Kyrie Irving’s back being treated during the 2017 NBA finals. Since then, massage guns have gained popularity, features, and become much quieter. I have an Addsfit MAX deep tissue massage gun that looks very similar to a Hyperice Hypervolt. Read on to see what I think!

Addsfit MAX deep tissue massage gun review Read More

Think resistance bands are simple? HYGEAR Gear 1 will change your mind

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NEWS – Last fall when we had to move out of our house for a remodel, I wasn’t able to take my Total Gym with me for my daily workouts. Instead, I took a set of resistance bands and still use them from time to time in my workout sessions when I need to change

Think resistance bands are simple? HYGEAR Gear 1 will change your mind Read More