
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

iVANKY Dual 4K MacBook Pro Docking Hub review

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REVIEW – If you’ve been a long-time MacBook user then you’re familiar with the way Apple makes port changes to their line. It’s a no-looking-back approach that can be refreshing and frustrating at the same time. The switch to USB-C was one that visually cleaned up the sides of their laptops leaving only the headphone

iVANKY Dual 4K MacBook Pro Docking Hub review Read More

Arboleaf CS20A WiFi and Bluetooth smart body composition scale review

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REVIEW – Of course, we’ve all heard of COVID-19 by now.  To be clear, the “19” on the end is not supposed to be the number of pounds we each have gained by sitting in quarantine, eating Cheetos and Oreos. If that has happened to you, you need a tool to track that tonnage and

Arboleaf CS20A WiFi and Bluetooth smart body composition scale review Read More