
Posts about a variety of topics which are not news and are not reviews.

Julie’s Gadget Diary – 2nd look at Qi wireless charging

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A few weeks ago I published a gadget diary post sharing my experiences with trying to get Qi wireless charging working with my Verizon Samsung Galaxy S3. Long story short, I ordered a wireless charging patch (receiver) and a Nokia DT-900 Wireless Charging pad and it didn’t work. One of our frequent readers (Haesslich) left

Julie’s Gadget Diary – 2nd look at Qi wireless charging Read More

Here’s the Kid Mode for iOS devices that I mentioned earlier

guided mode ios

In my  recent How to prevent your child from making in-app purchases on your iPad article, I mentioned that Apple should make it possible to restrict access to only certain apps for kids.  Little did I know that there was already a way to lock a user into only a single app.  Combine this feature with blocking

Here’s the Kid Mode for iOS devices that I mentioned earlier Read More

Julie’s Gadget Diary – Is the Samsung Galaxy Note II too big?

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How big is too big when it comes to the size of a smartphone? That’s the question I’ve been trying to answer for myself lately. I’ve been using a Samsung Galaxy S III for the past 6 months, but only recently I decided to try a Verizon Wireless Samsung Galaxy Note II. The Note II

Julie’s Gadget Diary – Is the Samsung Galaxy Note II too big? Read More

How to prevent your child from making in-app purchases on your iPad

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Every day, I see stories about some person contacting the media to complain Apple wouldn’t reimburse them for in-app purchases their kids made on an iPad.  You see people complaining about charges of a couple hundred dollars to well over $1000 made in a 10 minute period.  The latest story I’ve been seeing is about

How to prevent your child from making in-app purchases on your iPad Read More

Finally! A tablet simple enough for even a woman to use!

epad femme

Have you seen the all the news items about the ePad Femme from Eurostar Group?  (Scroll down to their February 14, 2013 entry for the announcement.)  All the news sites have articles about it.  You can’t swing a string of pearls without hitting one.  It’s a tablet designed just for women, and even June Cleaver

Finally! A tablet simple enough for even a woman to use! Read More

Different battery mod types for e-cigarettes


I felt it was time for a quick followup on my original Joyetech e-cigarette review.  I’ve now been almost six months cigarette-free, that’s approximately 4500 cigarettes I haven’t smoked!  So no 4000+ nasty chemicals, a huge saving in money, my taste has returned, I’m feeling way healthier and my clothes (and I) don’t stink !

Different battery mod types for e-cigarettes Read More

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team in 2012

2012 andy

2012 was a busy year for The Gadgeteer. We published a total of 2006 articles of which 411 were reviews. That is a lot of product reviews my friends. The bulk of that work would NOT have been possible without my hardworking gadget crazed team of writers. We all thought it would be interesting to

The Year in Review – Favorite gadgets of The Gadgeteer team in 2012 Read More