
Brigii M1 cordless 3 in 1 vacuum cleaner review – Rechargeable compact vacuum for small cleanups

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REVIEW – Crumbs in your keyboard? Dust on your camera lens? I realize that these are both first-world problems, but if you’re looking for a solution to these and other small cleaning tasks, the Brigii M1 cordless 3 in 1 vacuum cleaner may be the answer. Let’s find out if it is. What is it?

Brigii M1 cordless 3 in 1 vacuum cleaner review – Rechargeable compact vacuum for small cleanups Read More

Ultenic T10 Robot Vacuum and Mop with Self Empty review – Great vacuum but mediocre mop

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REVIEW – The Ultenic T10 Robot Vacuum and Mop with Self Empty (I feel like there was a missed opportunity to shorten this to “U.T.R.V.M.S.E”) ticks off all the boxes I would want for a robot vacuum: LiDar navigation, self-empty, and mopping functions. Ultenic sent it over for review, so I used it regularly for

Ultenic T10 Robot Vacuum and Mop with Self Empty review – Great vacuum but mediocre mop Read More

Dreametech T30 cordless stick vacuum cleaner review – a worthy successor to the T20?

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REVIEW – Wow, no sooner had I reviewed the Dyson clone Dreametech T20 cordless stick vacuum cleaner when they release the updated (and upgraded) T30. The T30 has a few new features along with increased suction power, but otherwise, it’s almost identical to the T20. I’m not sure if the T30 will replace or be

Dreametech T30 cordless stick vacuum cleaner review – a worthy successor to the T20? Read More

Dreametech T20 cordless vacuum cleaner review – great suction for less money

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REVIEW – Any tech company knows they are the “King” of their domain when many other companies duplicate what they’re doing—usually with more affordable options. Apple, Tesla, Dyson—you name it. They set the bar that others follow. Case in point: Dyson re-invented the vacuum cleaner with their innovative cyclone technology and more recently, cordless stick

Dreametech T20 cordless vacuum cleaner review – great suction for less money Read More

360 S7 Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop review – “cleaning makes me happy!”

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REVIEW – Robot vacuums have come a long way from the original Roomba I used circa 2004.  New technology like AI and Lidar result in impressive mapping and eye-pleasing zig-zag carpet lines, instead of the chaotic randomness of the early robot vacuums.  The 360 S7 Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop has just about every feature

360 S7 Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop review – “cleaning makes me happy!” Read More