Kid Gadgets

News, reviews and articles about kid gadgets, toys and accessories.

Barbie Goes Geek Follow Up

Barbie laptop Photo courtesy of Tech Tickler

If you remember, a few months back, I broke the  “big tech” story on The Gadgeteer with Mattel’s new offering of Software Engineer Barbie.  She had all the nerdly accouterments and stylish outfit to boot.  Mattel’s intention (?!) was to “empower” young girls and motivate them towards exciting careers in computer technology.  However, I will […]

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Kidz Gear (Wired) Headphones for Kids Review

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Spring and Summer will be here before we know it (yes, my fingers are crossed in hope of sooner rather than later) and with warmer weather comes an increase in travel.  Whether it is a 12-hour drive south for spring break or a 30 minute drive to a local water park or beach, when the kids are

Kidz Gear (Wired) Headphones for Kids Review Read More

Why go outside to collect bugs when you can buy a HEXBUG Nano instead?


Did you collect bugs as a kid? I remember doing an exhibit for the 4H fair one year where I collected various local bugs. Catching them was fun, but I found the whole killjar thing a bit distasteful. Even as a kid, I was a tree hugger… or would that be bug hugger? HEXBUG Nanos

Why go outside to collect bugs when you can buy a HEXBUG Nano instead? Read More

Wireless Headphones for Kids

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If you have a kid and a car with a built in DVD player, you should check out the IR68KG02 Wireless Headphones from Kidz Gear. They have been designed to be 100% compatible with U.S. vehicles equipped with built-in IR DVD/video systems and are lightweight, with child-sized headbands and comfortably padded ear-cups. An external IR

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Protect Your Child’s Hearing with Ultimate Ears’ LoudEnough Earbuds

loud enough earbuds for kids

It seems like most everyone, even young children, have portable mp3 players of some sort.  The big concern with the in-ear buds that come with most of these players is hearing damage.  Ultimate Ears is making a line of earbuds for children that can help prevent hearing damage.  The LoudEnough earbuds uses an “energy dissipating

Protect Your Child’s Hearing with Ultimate Ears’ LoudEnough Earbuds Read More

It’s a Little Pitchy, Dawg–Karaoke Game

Just in time for the kick off of the ninth season of American Idol, there is the lengthily named The Only Scoring Karaoke Game to tell you just how pitchy your rendition of “Hey Jude” really is.  Featuring a wireless microphone with an adapter that plugs directly into your television, this karaoke game measures your pitch

It’s a Little Pitchy, Dawg–Karaoke Game Read More

Keep a watch on your child with the nu.m8

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Lok8u has created the world’s first GPS locator device specifically designed to be worn by children. The nu.m8 is a child’s digital watch which cannot be removed or deactivated without your knowledge. If this should happen an instant alert is sent straight to your phone and/or email with your child’s location. You can even set

Keep a watch on your child with the nu.m8 Read More

My Child ID – Child information storage device

The My Child ID is a small USB flash memory keychain device that securely stores, organizes and manages your child’s vital information, medical information (medications, allergies, physicians, etc.) and emergency contact information. It also stores images that can be shown in a slide show on its 1.4in LCD. It is a proactive tool for parents,

My Child ID – Child information storage device Read More

LeapFrog Fly Fusion Pentop Computer Review

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When I was a kid, the closest thing that I had for an electronic homework helper was a Texas Instruments calculator.  As you are probably aware, those days are long gone.  Families today have countless options for electronic tutoring; ranging in price, complexity and effectiveness. Today I am reviewing one of such option.  LeapFrog’s FLY

LeapFrog Fly Fusion Pentop Computer Review Read More

Be in the movies with Yoostar


Think you would make a better Sarah Connor?  Or maybe you see yourself as a natural addition to Mad Men or Sesame Street?  With the Yoostar system, it’s possible to insert yourself as a character from one of your favorite movies and then share your scene-chewing with others.    Think of it as Rock Band

Be in the movies with Yoostar Read More

Does your child have an idea for a book?

Tikatok is an online book community where kids write, illustrate and publish their very own books. The site provides easy-to-use Web tools so that any child can become a published author and turn his story ideas into real books and incorporate his very own artwork as illustrations. Children can then take their book and share

Does your child have an idea for a book? Read More

Huru Humi Heidi and Friends

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First of all– whoa— these are some horrifying  looking little  monsters toys.  The Huru Humi clan feature digital faces, a speaker built into the chest, and since they are marketed towards girls they of course must have interchangeable bodies/clothing and hair.  In a functionality they seem part tamagotchi and part neopet- you talk to them

Huru Humi Heidi and Friends Read More

At what age did you get your child their first cellphone?


Being one of the writers here at the-Gadgeteer and the father of the Gadgeteer Kid, I am wondering when you tech-savvy, gadget-junkies got your children their first cellphones??? The Gadgeteer Kid is nearing his eighth birthday and that got me thinking at what point should we get him his very own phone. We have various

At what age did you get your child their first cellphone? Read More