Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Get more GOOOOALS with the miCoach Smart Ball

MiCoach Smart Ball

Adidas has created the miCoach Smart Ball for young and adult soccer players who are serious about improving various dead ball shot skills (i.e. penalty kicks, goal kicks, corner kicks, etc.). The sensors inside the ball monitor statistics like speed, power, spin, impact points, and trajectory, which are then sent via Bluetooth 4.0 to the […]

Get more GOOOOALS with the miCoach Smart Ball Read More

Squeaky clean pores with Luna Mini

LUNA Mini Foreo

Perhaps one of the most important beauty/maintenance regimens you can do is taking care of the skin on your face.  Everyone is prone to the occasional breakout due to clogged pores or bacteria buildup.  The Luna Mini is a skincare device that utilizes “sonic pulsations” to break up the bacteria, oil, and makeup that cause breakouts,

Squeaky clean pores with Luna Mini Read More

Salutron LifeTrak Zone C410 activity tracker watch review

lifetrak c410 2

One year ago I reviewed the LifeTrak Core C200 activity tracker watch from Salutron. For the money, that watch offered a nice selection of features with an equally nice price. Their latest activity tracker watch is the Zone C410. It adds two features that were missing in the previously reviewed model: wireless data syncing and

Salutron LifeTrak Zone C410 activity tracker watch review Read More

The epill Cadex Platinum medication alarm watch for women

epill cadex platinum watch

Although epill also makes medication alarm watches in unisex and in children’s models, this Cadex Platinum watch is designed for women.  The watch has a silver case and a stretchy band with silver-colored beads for a dressier look.  You can set up to 12 alarms to remind you to take medication, perform medical tests, or

The epill Cadex Platinum medication alarm watch for women Read More

Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor review

withings bpm 8

High blood pressure (hypertension) can be a silent killer that sneaks up on you with a POW! One minute you feel fine and then next minute you’ve had a stroke, a heart attack or kidney failure. To prevent these problems, it’s best to be proactive and check your blood pressure on a regular basis. But how

Withings Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor review Read More

Change your toothbrush and improve the world

greenerstep snap toothbrush

You know you’re supposed to change toothbrushes every three months for optimum cleaning – and more frequently if you’ve been sick to prevent re-infecting yourself.  But do you ever feel guilty about throwing away all that plastic in the handle?  With a GreenerStep toothbrush, you won’t feel guilty, because you keep the handle and replace

Change your toothbrush and improve the world Read More

Nutrition becomes easier with the Prep Pad smart food scale


If it’s time to get serious about what you put into your body, consider the Prep Pad from The Orange Chef Co. The Prep Pad is a smart food scale that pairs with your iPad and the Countertop iOS app to show the nutritional breakdown of food in a simple, easy to understand way. The

Nutrition becomes easier with the Prep Pad smart food scale Read More

Snag a copy of “Best Fitness Tracker Bands of 2014″

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Best Fitness Tracker Bands of 2014 is a free 64 page guide that covers a diverse group of activity trackers. They compare quite a few trackers that we’ve already reviewed here on The Gadgeteer like the Withings Pulse, Jawbone Up, Misfit Shine and others. But then they also talk about several trackers that I’ve never even heard of

Snag a copy of “Best Fitness Tracker Bands of 2014″ Read More

It may be impossible to swallow, but The Pill can make your golf game healthier

Pill front performance

As a golfer I am always looking for useful tools and ways to improve my game. When looking for training aids, ideally they should offer some form of instant feedback, a way to tell if you are doing it right or wrong. The Pill from The Pill Golf is one tool that meets that criteria.

It may be impossible to swallow, but The Pill can make your golf game healthier Read More

Griffin intros new line of wearable accessories for activity trackers


Griffin has just announced their first line of wearable accessories for popular fitness trackers from Fitbit, Jawbone, Misfit and Sony that combine fashion with comfort and usefulness. Their new products include the Ribbon Wristband ($19.99 for a 2-pack) that accommodates the Fitbit Flex, Fitbit One or Sony Smartband in its concealed pocket. Also available are Caps

Griffin intros new line of wearable accessories for activity trackers Read More

Women’s workout shirts with pockets for your gear

gracies gear long tank

If armbands for you phone or MP3 player aren’t for you, maybe you’d prefer to carry your gear on your chest.  With the  Power Pouch Long Tank from Gracie’s Gear, you’ll have a three-compartment zippered pocket on your chest that can hold your phone, MP3 player, key, ID, or whatever you take with you.  The

Women’s workout shirts with pockets for your gear Read More

LeapBand is a fitness and activity tracker for kids

leapfrog leapband 2

There are a lot of fitness trackers on the market to encourage adults to work on their fitness, but there hasn’t been such a product for children before now.  LeapFrog’s new LeapBand is a fitness tracker for children ages 4-7 that encourages active play and healthy habits with a customizable pet pal.  Audio instructions help non-readers follow

LeapBand is a fitness and activity tracker for kids Read More