
News, reviews and articles about crowdfunded projects from Kickstarter, Indiegogo and more.

Thin is in with the Flatlight flashlight

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Bucking traditions in the flashlight form factor, Flatlight, a Kickstarter project by Tater Tot Designs, brings in the thin. The Flatlight is 3.57″ X 1.99″ X 0.11″, giving it a credit card-like profile. An array of LED transmits light to a fiber optic backlight that evenly distributes the light through the lens. Although I don’t think […]

Thin is in with the Flatlight flashlight Read More

The New Tronic Carbon Fiber card wallet is flexible but not RFID-proof

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It seems the ongoing new trends in card wallets is thin, hard-cased and RFID-safe, but the new Tronic Flexible Carbon Fiber card wallet bucks that trend. The Tronic wallet is an ongoing Kickstarter project being developed by Peter Wright out of the United Kingdom. What makes this wallet different from others I’ve seen lately are

The New Tronic Carbon Fiber card wallet is flexible but not RFID-proof Read More

HALO ZERO – A messenger bag with frickin laser beams!

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Messenger bags are my favorite style of gear bags. I carry one every day and am constantly on the look out for new brands and new ideas to make this style of bag even better than it already is. Enter the HALO ZERO, a Kickstarter project by the HALO Belt Company in collaboration with Rickshaw Bags. “We wanted to design

HALO ZERO – A messenger bag with frickin laser beams! Read More

It was lost but now it is found with Stick-N-Find Bluetooth location stickers

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So are you like me and always misplacing your car keys or phone throughout your day? If you suffer from this affliction, you may want to take a look at the Stick-N-Find Bluetooth-powered ultra small location stickers from a start up project on the indiegogo web site. The Stick-N-Find location stickers are about the size and

It was lost but now it is found with Stick-N-Find Bluetooth location stickers Read More

Fish to be tied with the Fish Bone knotless gear tie

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Are you a paracord junkie? Do you like to use paracord for any and all situations possible? Do you find after knotting paracord, it is next to impossible to get unknotted? Well folks, knot no more with the Fish Bone Knotless Gear Tie, a KickStarter project by Brent Garcia. The Fish Bone is a small

Fish to be tied with the Fish Bone knotless gear tie Read More

Let’s get fit with the Amiigo fitness bracelet

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In keeping with my fascination with wearable fitness devices, I bring you the Amiigo fitness bracelet, which is a project currently in the funding stage on the indiegogo website. Unlike other wearable fitness wrist devices (the Nike FuelBand and Fitbit Flex), the Amiigo is a two piece fitness device; one piece  you wear on your

Let’s get fit with the Amiigo fitness bracelet Read More

Your iPhone is about to get even more “Tidy”

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Last year I reported on a project running through Kickstarter called TidyTilt–an earbud cord wrap, mountable frame, and kickstand for the iPhone 4.  It was successfully funded and then some, leading the creators to launch a second Kickstarter for their latest projects: TidyTilt+ and Just Mount. TidyTilt+ is a streamlined and enhanced version of the original

Your iPhone is about to get even more “Tidy” Read More

Handsfree Bluetooth headset for women

auranova bluetooth necklace

This Kickstarter project promises a fashionable, handsfree Bluetooth headset for women.  Instead of the uncomfortable earpieces that you have to keep wedged into your ear, the Auranova keeps everything in a pendant around your neck.  A vibration module lays on the back of your neck to alert you to calls, and the earpiece stows in

Handsfree Bluetooth headset for women Read More