Batteries and Chargers

Tekkeon’s “myPower ALL Plus” MP3700 External Laptop Battery Review


Sleek. That is the word that seems to describe the Tekkeon MP3700 “myPower ALL Plus with Auto Detect” portable power unit the best. Boasting a smooth, nicely curved, shiny form with a simple button and LEDs on the top, this is one sharp-looking peripheral. Just looking at it, I knew this was going to be

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Callpod Fueltank Rechargeable Dual Device Power Charger Review

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Callpod has recently released a dual device rechargeable battery charging system called the Fueltank. The Fueltank can charge two mobile devices simultaneously and act as a through-put charger when you are near a electrical outlet. This mobile charging system utilizes the same adapters as their ChargePod charging system. While the ChargePod system is able to

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Spotlight Gadget – Brando Multi-purpose Solar Charger

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Have any of you considered solar power for charging your devices? If you have, the Portable Multi-Purpose Solar Charger from Brando looks like it might be a pretty good (although somewhat bulky and expensive) way to accomplish that task. It can output 24V, 22V, 16V@4A and 5V@500mA power. High power capacity is provided by a

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Energizer Rechargeable Compact Charger Review

Most of the gadgets that I use have batteries that recharge via USB. But one of the most important devices that I use for every review that I write for The Gadgeteer, uses AA batteries – a speedlight flash for my Nikon digital camera. Of course I don’t use regular old alkaline AAs to power that flash, I use rechargeable NiMH batteries. To charge them, I have an ancient Radio Shack charger that takes forever to charge. For that fact, I’ve been on the lookout for a smaller and faster charger. The folks at Engergizer have sent me their compact charger to review. Let’s take it for a test drive…

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macally PowerTune iPod Battery Pack Speaker Case Stand Review

Are you the type of person that sacrifices perfection to buy one gadget that can do multiple things, but is the master of none of them. Or do you prefer to buy the best gadget for each task? I fall somewhere in the middle of those two scenarios, but want a multi-tasking device to be a master of all ;o) The PowerTune All-in-One iPod Battery Pack / Speaker / Case / Stand from macally is a four function device. But is it the master of all them? Let’s find out…

macally PowerTune iPod Battery Pack Speaker Case Stand Review Read More

Richard Solo Backup Battery for iPhone / iPod Review

The Smart Backup Battery for iPhone / iPod by Richard | Solo is a great accessory for those who travel or need additional power for their iPod or iPhone during the day. It is definitely small and light enough to have in your laptop bag whenever you leave the house… just in case you need a little extra juice on the fly.

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ReSource Power Station Organizer

My guess is your list of personal gadgets rival Julie’s. With your coveted collection, you probably have a charger for each item and an issue with storing the chargers. If you’re like me, you have a countertop full of phones and charges taking up much-needed counter space. Or, you have trouble remembering to charge your phone. Here to streamline the charging of your devices is the Power Station Organizer by ReSource. The nice folks at X-Treme Geek sent one to me to review.

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Soldius 1 Universal Solar Charger With iPod Kit

There is one power source that is available to everyone, almost regardless to their global location. This power source that doesn’t require sending humans into the bowels of the earth, the use of fossil fuels, nuclear reactors or the creation of pollution as a by-product. Of course I am referring to solar energy, and today

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Tekkeon myPowerALL Universal Battery Recharger

Last week we had to take an impromptu overnight trip to Austin. Because Steve had things that he needed to keep up with email-wise, he brought along mini-me, my aging Fujitsu P2110. The battery on that laptop is not holding much of a charge anymore, but he figured it would last for at least an

Tekkeon myPowerALL Universal Battery Recharger Read More

SideWinder Emergency Cell Phone Charger Review

Product Requirements: Device: Various mobile phones (see site for list) Here at the Gadgeteer, we’re always on the lookout for something ‘different’ to review. So, when the folks at SideWinder contacted me to ask if I was interested in reviewing a manual powered cell phone charger, I said sure! Just the idea of cranking for

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NEXcell Optima Smart Rapid Charger/Conditioner Review

One of the features that I like best about my Olympus digital camera, beside the fact that it takes such great photos, is that it can use regular AA batteries instead of relying solely on a rechargeable battery pack. Of course, this mainly comes in handy when I am on vacation and can’t charge the

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Kirrio 5-in-1 Charger for Palm PDAs Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm m125, m130, m500, m505, m515, i705 When you first buy your PDA, you basically have one option for charging the internal batteries… thru the cradle or cable that was supplied with it. This is perfectly fine for those of you that don’t travel often, or don’t care about alternative ways to

Kirrio 5-in-1 Charger for Palm PDAs Review Read More

Seido Emergency Chargers Review

Product Requirements: Device: Various PDAs and mobile phones I really appreciate products that have been designed to be functional as well as innovative. The power charging products that I’m about to review from Seidio show true ingenuity. As a Gadgeteer, I have quite a few Palm and Pocket PC PDAs. When I travel, I always

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Instant Power 3-in-1 Sony CLIE Charging Kit Review

Product Requirements: Device: Sony CLIÉ T, NR series devices Having the ability to charge your PDA when you are no where near an AC outlet, can be a very important thing when your PDA is either dead or on its last few gulps of juice. The Instant Power 3-in-1 Charger Kit from Electric Fuel gives

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