Batteries and Chargers

Satechi Aluminum Type-C PD & QC Wireless Charger review

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REVIEW – It’s been a while since I had a smartphone with wireless charging capabilities but having recently splurged on a Huawei P30 Pro, I’ve been on the lookout for a Qi charger worthy of taking up space on my desk. The first one up for testing is the Satechi Aluminum Type-C PD & QC […]

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VicTsing 10W Qi Wireless Fast Charger Car Mount review

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REVIEW – One of the joys of getting to review gadgets is being introduced to obscure brands. Sometimes, they really do surprise you — in a good way — like this little Qi Wireless Fast Charger Car Mount (which is the official product name I believe) from a heretofore unknown manufacturer, VicTsing. What is it?

VicTsing 10W Qi Wireless Fast Charger Car Mount review Read More

MyCharge Unplugged10K wired/wireless charging pad review

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REVIEW – We all count on our phones.  We count on them for different reasons, calls, texts, social media, calendars, cat videos, games, and so on. No matter what your particular reason is, the underlying common denominator is that all those activities drain your battery. The MyCharge Unplugged10K can help alleviate dead-battery anxiety by giving

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Nomad Base Station Apple Watch Edition review

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REVIEW – Looking for an alternative to Apples now defunct Airpower wireless charging pad? I finally got my hands on Nomad’s Base Station Apple Watch Edition, and it just might be the perfect replacement. What is it? The Nomad Base Station Apple Watch Edition is a wireless charging pad for Apple iPhones and AirPods with

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ROBOQI Self Gripping Fast Wireless Car Charger review

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REVIEW – Late last year, I tested and reviewed a car cell phone mount with wireless charging, and I was very happy with the functionality and the with the product overall. That device remained in my truck and was used daily, but about a month ago it just stopped charging and the clamping arms no longer

ROBOQI Self Gripping Fast Wireless Car Charger review Read More

Naztech Power Hub4 charging station review

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REVIEW – Even though our household only consists of my husband and myself, I always seem to have issues finding an available outlet on our kitchen bar to charge up a piece of tech.  We both own tablets and we both own phones.  Then there are the plethora of other gadgets like watches, bicycle computers,

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Xcentz xWingman 10000mAh powerbank review

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REVIEW – No real Gadgeteer has only one power bank in 2019. There are high-capacity ones for long-term travel, lighter ones for your EDC top-ups, and mid-range ones that you can share with a friend and still have some juice for your own devices. The Xcentz xWingman 10000mAh fits perfectly into this third category. What

Xcentz xWingman 10000mAh powerbank review Read More

Xcentz universal travel adapter review

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REVIEW – World travelers are exposed to different cultures, languages, food, sights, and AC power plugs and sockets. The Xcentz universal travel adapter makes dealing with different types of plugs and sockets more convenient. As a bonus, this device has three USB-A ports and a USB-C port. Read on to see what I think! What

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Apple Airpad cancelled, Nomad offers alternative

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NEWS – Apple has just announced that they are putting the final nail in the AirPad coffin. (Photo credit for above shot goes to The Verge.) Matthew Panzarino at TechCrunch has the dirty details: “After a delay of over a year since it was first announced in September of 2017, the AirPower charging mat has

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moshi Symbus Q USB-C docking station with wireless charger review

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REVIEW – Laptop + large monitor = a boost in productivity. But how do you connect your laptop to your monitor? When you have a 12inch MacBook like I do, you have to have a USB-C dock like the moshi Symbus Q USB-C docking station with wireless charger. Let’s check it out. What is it?

moshi Symbus Q USB-C docking station with wireless charger review Read More

Bezalel Prelude Portable Wireless Charger review

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REVIEW – The struggle to keep your phone battery is real, and while there are many portable power options out there, there are quite a few with wireless charging as an option. One of the more unique entries into this niche is Bezalel’s sleek Prelude wireless charger, a portable battery pack that sports a sticky

Bezalel Prelude Portable Wireless Charger review Read More

Thyrm CellVault and CellVault XL waterproof attachable gear storage review

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REVIEW – As most active outdoor enthusiasts know, many of our personal lighting solutions still rely on replaceable or swappable batteries. These battery-hungry lights always seem to run out of power at the most inopportune times. The Thyrm CellVault and CellVault XL offer a solution to carrying and keeping your batteries dry. After having my

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The Grovemade Apple Watch Dock is tech that doesn’t look like tech

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NEWS – Most charging docks available today for the Apple Watch are either too gadgety or too techy looking. The new Grovemade Apple Watch Dock is a fresh, elegant option for charging your Apple Watch. This disk-shaped charger forgoes the plastic that many chargers use for more elegant materials. The top of the dock is made

The Grovemade Apple Watch Dock is tech that doesn’t look like tech Read More

Naztech MagBuddy Wireless Chargers review

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REVIEW – With Google’s Pixel line finally joining the party, most of the latest cellphones now utilize wireless charging  This option can be both convenient and frustrating, but it has most certainly meant a boon for accessory makers. Dozens of new wireless charger options are now available and the list grows longer every day. Naztech

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