Phiaton BT 460 Headphones review

phiaton bt460 headphones 1

When listening to music or watching a movie on a device, I crave great sound and comfort out of my headphones. Since these two criteria are often quite subjective, it would seem that what works for one person, may not for another which seems to be the challenge of producing headphones that are within a […]

Phiaton BT 460 Headphones review Read More

Bosch GLL 30 Professional Level review

BoschLevel 10

Hanging pictures, wallpaper, and leveling furniture is tough sometimes. For those who live in an older home, it’s even worse, because sometimes, there’s not really a level or plumb surface to reference and you have to furnish your own. For those jobs, a regular spirit level just doesn’t cut it. You need to use a

Bosch GLL 30 Professional Level review Read More

Zero Gravity Racks, 24 hour watch, a printing toaster and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns


This week’s notable crowdfunding campaigns round up post includes four Kickstarter campaigns  that were interesting enough to pique my interest. Click through to check out my list of this week’s notable Kickstarter projects.  SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin It

Zero Gravity Racks, 24 hour watch, a printing toaster and more – Notable crowdfunding campaigns Read More

Your loved one is only a heartbeat away when wearing this ring

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This soon to be released HB Ring, with a sapphire crystal unibody (the 2nd hardest material on earth), packed with over 2.5 years of development and over 100 tiny components, promises to be the most sophisticated ring in the world. Now, not only can hearts be connected…they will be seen and felt – in real time.  You simply

Your loved one is only a heartbeat away when wearing this ring Read More

This water bottle can play your favorite music and charge your smartphone

hydra smartbottle

Staying hydrated is important if you want to stay alive, but drinking water from a boring water bottle can make you lose all zest for life. This is obviously a first world problem and the solution to this meaningless problem is the Hydra SmartBottle. What is it? It’s a 20-ounce BPA-free water bottle that is

This water bottle can play your favorite music and charge your smartphone Read More

Make them swoon with the new Fender Tune iOS app

Fender Tune

Fender music, you know the folks who make cool guitars and amps, have entered the mobile app market with the new self-produced Fender Tune iOS app. This free app has been designed for beginners and seasoned players alike and offers an auto-tuning mode, pre-set and customizable custom tuning options. The Fender Tune app also has

Make them swoon with the new Fender Tune iOS app Read More

Helping our less gadget-savvy Android using friends


We’ve all seen FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) spread by various competing vendors to lessen the allure of their competitors. Today, however, a huge flaw was revealed about Android devices using chipsets from Qualcomm that should make everyone take notice. Dubbed QuadRooter by Check Point, the company that discovered and documented it, the exploit gives complete

Helping our less gadget-savvy Android using friends Read More

Bosch laser measuring tool, chargers, cables, Colonel Littleton tote and more – Review updates


Are you ready for a new batch of review updates? Today we have seven quick updates from Kathleen Chapman. She took the time to sort through her gear to look for items that she’s still using weeks and months after she posted her review. How did some of the chargers, cables, and other gear stand

Bosch laser measuring tool, chargers, cables, Colonel Littleton tote and more – Review updates Read More

This mosquito trap covers 1/2 acre without using chemicals

mosquito trap

This attractive outdoor wall-mounted mosquito trap has been designed to attract and kill disease-carrying mosquitoes without using expensive propane refills or other chemicals. Instead, it uses a 3,000-hour rated UV fluorescent bulb that reacts with the titanium dioxide coating inside the trap to emit odorless carbon dioxide (the same gas we breathe out) to attract

This mosquito trap covers 1/2 acre without using chemicals Read More

VOLT hearing aids from MDHearingAid charge by USB

volt hearingaid

Hearing impaired Gadgeteers now have an alternative to switching out tiny batteries for their hearing aids. The MDHearingAid VOLT hearing aids have built in lithium-ion batteries run for 18-22 hours on a single charge and can be recharged using a simple micro USB cable. The VOLT hearing aids also feature dual microphones and a one-size-fits-most

VOLT hearing aids from MDHearingAid charge by USB Read More

Astropad + iPad Pro and Pencil = no need for Wacom


Early last year we told you about Astropad, the software that turns your iPad into a drawing tablet for your Mac and Adobe Photoshop. Now they have released Astropad 2.0 that supports the iPad Pro and Pencil. Astropad 2.0 offers improved performance and features that elevate the drawing experience to the level that some artists

Astropad + iPad Pro and Pencil = no need for Wacom Read More

Withings Thermo, Motorola VerveOnes+, ILIFE4 robot vacuum and more – Weekly roundup


Can you believe that it’s August already? Where is the year going? For that matter, where did this week go? If you’ve been in a whirlwind like I’ve been and haven’t had time to visit every day this past week, then click through for a quick list of all our news, reviews and articles that

Withings Thermo, Motorola VerveOnes+, ILIFE4 robot vacuum and more – Weekly roundup Read More