Verizon Wireless USB727 Modem Review

WiFi access points seem to be easier and easier to come by these days. Heck, even McDonald’s and Dairy Queen allow you to get your net fix while you’re chowing down on a burger and shake. But what do you do during the times when you need net access from your laptop and there’s no WiFi at your location? If you have Verizon Wireless cellular coverage, you could use the USB727 Modem.

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Rovio Mobile Webcam Review

I have a dog at home and I have a mounted webcam to check in on him. This system works fairly well but occasionally he isn’t on the couch in the living room and it is at times like that, that I’ve wished for a camera that I could pan and tilt. I was really excited when I heard about Rovio, I thought it would be the perfect solution! Forget pan and tilt, I could actually go find my dog and check in on him where ever he might be.

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Griffin AirCurve Review

Have you ever wanted to amplify the sound of your iPhone, but didn’t want to spend a bunch of cash on a speaker system? Or maybe you’re trying to be as ‘green’ as possible, and don’t want to make your carbon footprint larger with yet another device that requires batteries or AC power… If either are the case, then Griffin’s AirCurve might be a viable solution.

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BlueMic Snowflake USB Microphone Review

You’ve no doubt heard of, or have seen the Snowball microphone from BlueMic.
It’s a very popular microphone for podcasters and anyone that wants to record audio. BlueMic have a new microphone
to add to their product line – the Snowflake USB mic. This is their first professional portable USB microphone, and I
think they have another winner on their hands.

BlueMic Snowflake USB Microphone Review Read More

Buffalo Technologies DriveStation HD-CEU2 External Hard Drive Review

Hard drive capacity gets larger each year and many of us keep filling what space we have with critical, precious, or useless data. That is what happened to me. My 250gb LaCie external drive was down to less than 5gb of remaining space. I had been erasing data I probably shouldn’t and it was definitely time to invest in more space. I thought about 500gb or 750gb drive but decided to bite-the-bullet and get a 1TB drive.

Buffalo Technologies DriveStation HD-CEU2 External Hard Drive Review Read More

Remote Controlled Intelli UFO Review

There are all kinds of small RC flying toys on the market these days. We’ve reviewed our share of them here on the Gadgeteer. They are fun to play with, but I really am not very good at flying them. If I take one outdoors, it ends up on the roof. If I fly indoors, I tend to crash them into walls, people’s heads, etc. Some people can fly RC toys and some can’t. If you find yourself in the same group as me, then you’ll love the Intelli UFO from Trend Times Toys. Anyone can fly this one!

Remote Controlled Intelli UFO Review Read More

Palm Treo Pro Smartphone Review

I’ve been a big fan of Palm Treo smartphones for
quite awhile. Since I purchased my very first smartphone (Treo
), I’ve been using one as my main phone on and off
for over three years now. During most of that time, I’ve been a Palm OS user,
but I have also used Windows Mobile Treos during that period too. We’ve all
watched the slow evolution of Treo hardware and even slower evolution of
software – at least on the Palm OS side, throughout the past several years. That’s why I tend
to be an on again, off again Treo user. I get bored with either the hardware or
the software and get the itch to try something new for awhile. I really liked the
Treo 800w
and was looking forward to an unlocked GSM version of that model. But instead of doing
that, Palm decided to release the Palm Treo Pro. Let’s check it out…

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Albyte’s The Belt 2120 – Palm OS Game Review

New Palm games are getting less and less frequent. This really saddens me- I really love my Palm Centro and I get bored with games quickly, so constantly need fresh blood… er, I mean ‘games’- yeah, that’s what I meant.

Ashley Glenister wrote ‘The Belt: 2120’ in her spare time, and it compares nicely to games offered by many of the ‘big boys’.

Albyte’s The Belt 2120 – Palm OS Game Review Read More

Callpod Dragon v2 Bluetooth Headset Review

Callpod has recently updated its uniquely shaped, ultra powerful bluetooth headset, the Dragon v2. While the shape, function, and battery life have remained more or less the same, Callpod has improved incoming and outgoing call quality, redesigned the earbud, and upgraded the earhook to a pivoting, more comfortable design.

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Duracell Daylite LED Flashlight Review

If you’ve been shopping for a good LED flashlight, you’ve probably realized how expensive some brands are. Not everyone can afford to spend 100’s of dollars on a flashlight and even if they could afford it, they might not want to. Duracell, the same folks that bring you the copper top battery, have introduced a new LED flashlight called the Daylite. Priced less than $35, let’s see if it’s worthy…

Duracell Daylite LED Flashlight Review Read More

Tom Bihn Empire Builder Bag (2008) Review

For the past seven years, I’ve been using the same messenger bag as a laptop bag. I got it for free at a conference, and by the end of those seven years, it looked like they should have paid me to take it. So, when the opportunity arose to review the re-designed version of the Tom Bihn Empire Builder bag, I jumped at the chance.

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