Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Rescue GoCLIP Yellow Jacket and Mosquito Repellent review

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REVIEW – When enjoying the outdoors it is almost inevitable that you will have to deal with the biting and stinging pests with whom we share the outdoors. There are many options that may be tried to combat these flying and crawling menaces, but they all have their disadvantages. The Mosquito GoCLIP and Yellowjacket Repellent […]

Rescue GoCLIP Yellow Jacket and Mosquito Repellent review Read More

Decathlon expands to USA with practical, prolific sportsgear options

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NEWS – When we lived in the Netherlands, we had a go-to, big-box store for anything sports or camping related: Decathlon. For my boys’ weekly swimming lessons, Decathlon’s mini-backpacks and microfiber towels were the perfect combination of light, efficient and effective, which was crucial since my family car was a Dutch grandma bike (omafiets). Decathlon’s thermoses

Decathlon expands to USA with practical, prolific sportsgear options Read More

Forget about tiny homes, here’s a tent for your motorcycle!

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NEWS – The next time you get your motor running when you’re heading out for the highway (sorry), pack the Goose tent on the back of your motorcycle. with this one man (person) tent from Goose. This waterproof ripstop canvas one person tent provides shelter for you and your gear while keeping the breeze in

Forget about tiny homes, here’s a tent for your motorcycle! Read More

CountyComm’s Survival Titanium Fishing Card is a pocket-sized fishing kit that isn’t sold by Ron Popeil

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NEWS – If you’ve ever found yourself far from the nearest tackle shop and wanted to test your skill at the local fishing hole, or you’ve found yourself lost in the wilderness and needing to catch a fish for your next meal, the CountyComm Survival Titanium Fishing Card may be just the tool you need.

CountyComm’s Survival Titanium Fishing Card is a pocket-sized fishing kit that isn’t sold by Ron Popeil Read More

The LOGOSOL Smart-Splitter makes splitting logs easier and safer

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NEWS – Everyone enjoys cozying up to a warm fire during these cold winter months. But nobody loves the chore of splitting the wood for the said fire. Enter the LOGOSOL smart log splitter. The LOGOSOL Smart-Splitter is a safer more ergonomic way to split firewood all without swinging an ax. Instead of an ax,

The LOGOSOL Smart-Splitter makes splitting logs easier and safer Read More

Become Aquaman with these wearable swimming fins

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These silicone webbed swim gloves will let you channel your inner Aquaman or mermaid. They are like driving gloves for swimmers. Will you be able to swim faster and farther with these gloves? Maybe. But even if they don’t, they are sure to start some interesting conversations. And even better is the fact that they

Become Aquaman with these wearable swimming fins Read More

You’ll want this camping lantern to attract mosquitoes!

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NEWS – Usually, using a light when you’re camping or sitting around outdoors simply attracts mosquitoes to bite and bother you, but this little ENKEEO 2-in-1 Camping Lantern Bug Zapper is designed to lure them in and zap them.  In addition to the light for you to see by, the lantern also has a 360nm-400nm ultraviolet light to

You’ll want this camping lantern to attract mosquitoes! Read More

Kids may not balk so much at sunscreen applications if they can help roll it on themselves

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NEWS – Kids don’t want to delay getting to the pool or the beach for a time-consuming application of sunscreen.  They don’t care how important it is; it’s just boring.  Maybe getting to help apply it with this Solar Buddies Roll-on Sunscreen Applicator will make the activity a little more fun for the kiddo, and

Kids may not balk so much at sunscreen applications if they can help roll it on themselves Read More

In the midst of a storm when all else fails, the Kovea Spider Stove will do the trick

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NEWS – Every year when hurricane season is approaching, I cannot help but remember my ordeal in NYC during Hurricane Sandy. During that storm, I spent 14 days without electricity and heat, and many nights I purchased food from the only restaurant that was somehow able to survive. While I did have gas during the

In the midst of a storm when all else fails, the Kovea Spider Stove will do the trick Read More

Skeeter Screen Yard Sticks will rid your backyard celebrations of mosquitos

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NEWS – Nothing ruins a 4th of July celebration faster than mosquitos. Over the years I’ve tried several different products. Sprays, candles, even bracelets and each has there issues. Candles blow out, sprays are messy and who really wants to wear a bracelet. Skeeter Screen has come up with something just a little different, Yard

Skeeter Screen Yard Sticks will rid your backyard celebrations of mosquitos Read More

WORX 20V GT Revolution Trimmer/Edger/Mini-Mower review

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REVIEW – I’ve been a homeowner since 1989, but I have never used a weed eater to trim around trees or the edges of sidewalks. How can this be you ask? I’ve always had problems starting pull string style equipment because I have crummy shoulders and not enough upper body strength. So Jeanne has done

WORX 20V GT Revolution Trimmer/Edger/Mini-Mower review Read More

The new EGO Power+ 15” POWERLOAD String Trimmer comes with strings attached

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Are you a fan of cordless yard tools? I hadn’t thought much about it until I reviewed the EGO Power+ 530 CFM Blower. After that, I was a convert. Granted, the battery life is limited and extra batteries can be expensive, but my driveway and walkways are cleaned more often simply because I can just

The new EGO Power+ 15” POWERLOAD String Trimmer comes with strings attached Read More

Too busy to mow your lawn? Let the WORX Landroid do it instead!

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The WORX Landroid cuts out more time for you to enjoy your outdoor space when the weather is at its best. Similar to a Roomba — a robot vacuum, — the Landroid combs your lawn looking for disorderly grass in order to leave a well-manicured lawn in its wake. Think about all you could do

Too busy to mow your lawn? Let the WORX Landroid do it instead! Read More

This tracker keeps hikers from getting lost

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Compared to the general population, serious hikers are often better than average at understanding environmental factors and keeping themselves safe. Part of the planning process associated with upcoming excursions almost always involves studying maps and routes. However, as new technologies become available, hikers often invest in tracking devices that make it easier for rescuers to

This tracker keeps hikers from getting lost Read More