Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

AltusLumen Lightgear-Gre LED Light Review

light use vert

Camping and outdoors season is almost here in the Midwest, so it is time to start thinking about your outdoors gadgets.  Since it is impractical to bring the campfire into your tent or trailer, the outdoors person needs some form of artificial light source.  Let me ‘turn you on to the latest, the AltusLumen Lightgear

AltusLumen Lightgear-Gre LED Light Review Read More

When is a lawnmower a gadget?

neuton duracell

When it’s a Duracell-Powered Neuton mower which can be charged on only 10 cents worth of electricity. Neuton’s are the quietest lawn mowers available and are powered by a rechargeable 24 or 36-Volt Duracell battery so they don’t require gas or oil, which means no more messy, smelly stuff on your hands and clothes. They

When is a lawnmower a gadget? Read More

EXOTAC nanoSTRIKER and MATCHCAP Firestarter Review


Our family does a fair amount of camping during the year, nothing steep and deep, but out in the sticks none the less. Camping,  my Air Force survival training, being a diehard MythBuster fan, etc., I try to be prepared for nearly any circumstance. That being said, EXOTAC has several products that not only adds

EXOTAC nanoSTRIKER and MATCHCAP Firestarter Review Read More

Photograph your feathered friends with the Brinno BirdWatchCam

birdwatch cam

My sister and I used to be birdwatchers when we were kids. We even kept notebooks where we would write down the birds we saw and the times we saw them. We didn’t take pictures of birds back then, but the Brinno BirdWatchCam has me thinking about getting back into the hobby. It’s a motion

Photograph your feathered friends with the Brinno BirdWatchCam Read More