Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

MudFighter tools declare war on muddy shoes


The Mudfighter-series is a collection of tools that have been designed to help you remove mud and rocks from the soles / treads of your shoes. They are perfect for cross country runners, hikers, and even people that have dogs 😉 I could have used one of these tools several years ago when I had […]

MudFighter tools declare war on muddy shoes Read More

The Olight H15S Wave headlamp is controlled with hand gestures

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Remember that time you were in a cave and your hands were all muddy, so you didn’t want to touch your headlamp to turn it on? Yeah, me neither… But the NEXT time you do find yourself in a similar situation, make sure you have an Olight H15S Wave rechargeable LED headlamp on your head.

The Olight H15S Wave headlamp is controlled with hand gestures Read More

Tailgate or camp with the comforts of home

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It hardly seems possible, but it’s only a few weeks until my daughter leaves for college – and that means football and tailgating season isn’t far behind.  And of course, it’s still summer, so it’s still camping season.  Why should you have to rough it while participating in either outdoor activity when you can take

Tailgate or camp with the comforts of home Read More

You can even cook in this emergency preparedness kit

SOLKOA survival kit

This survival kit is expensive, but it has 25 life-saving items inside a box that you can even use to cook in.  The SOLKOA Survival Kit for Best Made is stored in an 18.75-cubic inch box machined from a single block of aircraft grade 6061 aluminum.  The box can be used for cooking or for boiling drinking water.

You can even cook in this emergency preparedness kit Read More

Wicked Lasers Flashtorch flashlight review

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A couple of years ago (2012) I reviewed the Wicked Lasers Torch (see Other Articles to Read at end of post), touted at the time as “the most powerful handheld flashlight in the World”, and at a whopping 4100 lumens, it was wickedly bright, extremely hot, but sadly very utilitarian looking.  The designers at Wicked Lasers have recently introduced

Wicked Lasers Flashtorch flashlight review Read More

When they call this cooler The Coolest, they aren’t kidding around!

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Picnic coolers are just simple insulated boxes that hold ice to keep your drinks and food cold, right?  Wrong!  This Kickstarter project for what has to be the most functional cooler ever just started on July 8, but already they have far exceeded their original goal of $50,000 by raising more than $4.5 million dollars

When they call this cooler The Coolest, they aren’t kidding around! Read More

Monitor your exposure to the sun and know when you should take cover with Sunscreen Bands

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Slathering on sunscreen doesn’t make you impervious to the sun, it just extends your safe period in the sun by a bit.  Even reapplying sunscreen during the day only keeps you safe for so long before you need to get out of the sun to prevent damage.  You can use these Sunscreen Bands to monitor

Monitor your exposure to the sun and know when you should take cover with Sunscreen Bands Read More

Turn your kettle grill into a pizza oven with the KettlePizza

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Earlier this year, we told you about a wood-fired pizza oven for your backyard that promised to make great pizza but cost $2700.  You like pizza, but you don’t have that kind of cash to dedicate to a large piece of equipment that can only make pizzas, you say?  What about a piece of equipment that

Turn your kettle grill into a pizza oven with the KettlePizza Read More

Your keys won’t be swimming with the fishes with the WaterBuoy


Summer means swimming, fishing, boating, and other water-related activities for many people.  It’s good, relaxing fun until you lose something overboard.  With the WaterBuoy, you won’t have to worry about losing your keys, fishing tackle, camera, or anything weighing under 2.2 pounds.  With the WaterBuoy attached, your dropped items will float to the surface within

Your keys won’t be swimming with the fishes with the WaterBuoy Read More

Firefly turns wheelchairs into 3 wheeled “motorcycles”


Rio Mobility’s Firefly offers a new method of transportation for adults and children who are confined to a wheelchair but still have use of their hands and arms. The Firefly is an electric powered handcycle that straps to an existing wheelchair that doubles the speed and distance of conventional power wheelchairs. It’s fully adjustable for

Firefly turns wheelchairs into 3 wheeled “motorcycles” Read More

The new SCOTTeVEST protects your identity with RFID blocking

scottevest rfid vest

If you’ve read The Gadgeteer for a while, you’ve surely seen a review of a SCOTTeVEST product.  Their clothing is designed to look sleek on the outside while storing a plethora of tech gadgets and the other gear you need for the day hidden in interior pockets.  Their new RFID Travel Vests are designed with the

The new SCOTTeVEST protects your identity with RFID blocking Read More

When is a flashlight not just a flashlight? When that flashlight is the new Capsule Task Light

Striker Capsule

Now I know what you may be thinking, wow another flashlight and you may be right. The Capsule Task Light from Striker caught my eye not only for its design, but the accessories included with it. The Capsule Task Light operates on three standard AAA batteries, has an LED array that produces up to 60

When is a flashlight not just a flashlight? When that flashlight is the new Capsule Task Light Read More

Be ready for a picnic in the park with a blanket you can carry in your pocket

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Having a picnic in the grass, spending the day at the beach, going to a concert in the park, taking a long walk and deciding to sit in the shade and talk before heading home – all these things can involve you sitting in the grass, dirt, or sand.  Sometimes you might not mind getting

Be ready for a picnic in the park with a blanket you can carry in your pocket Read More

Build your fire in a back-to-the-future fire pit

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I’ve had a life-long love of mid-century architecture and design.  We finally are living in a mid-century building, but it’s a condo building, so I’m not free to decorate the outside of my home.  In case you are lucky enough to have a fabulous atomic-age home with your own outdoor area, here’s the perfect fire

Build your fire in a back-to-the-future fire pit Read More

It’s easy to score with Hat Trick BBQ tools

Hat Trick BBQ

Hockey season is over and you’re jonesing for some stick time, but the temperature outside could melt steel let alone your backyard ice rink. Hat Trick BBQ has the solution to get that stick back in your hands, or at least part of a hockey stick. Hat Trick BBQ has come up with a concept

It’s easy to score with Hat Trick BBQ tools Read More

Would you believe – bike fenders you can carry on a keychain?

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If you’re a bike commuter, you know how a sudden rainstorm can wreck your day.  If your bike doesn’t have a rear fender, you can end up with mud, water, or road grease sprayed up the back of your clothing – not how you want to show up for a meeting or your work day.

Would you believe – bike fenders you can carry on a keychain? Read More