Home and Kitchen

News, reviews and articles about home and kitchen products.

Here’s a table top heater and diffuser that looks amazing and doesn’t use electricity!

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CROWDFUNDING NEWS – The Italian-designed Tornado tabletop indoor/outdoor heater and oil diffuser is made of terracotta and is powered by clean burning bioethanol. When lit, the unique chimney design causes the flame to spin like a tornado and not only looks cool but releases the heat for maximum warmth. How much heat does it put

Here’s a table top heater and diffuser that looks amazing and doesn’t use electricity! Read More

EKO Deluxe Mirage-T 50 liter smart trashcan review – handsfree, cordfree, and affordable

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REVIEW – Ever since I reviewed the Simplehuman 58 liter dual compartment sensor trash can, I expect all trashcans to open with a wave of my hand. It’s a bit madding and it makes me look like a nut when I wave my hand over a non-smart trash bin. I wanted to get another hands-free

EKO Deluxe Mirage-T 50 liter smart trashcan review – handsfree, cordfree, and affordable Read More

BlueDri DH-76 Compact Commercial Dehumidifier review

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REVIEW – During the summer months, the moisture level in my basement is quite high. It is so high that it would start to smell musty. I noticed this issue shortly after purchasing the house and immediately bought a large dehumidifier that has been working well ever since. So, the musty smell is no more,

BlueDri DH-76 Compact Commercial Dehumidifier review Read More

Wirsh 20 Bar Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine review – So easy even I can do it

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REVIEW – I love coffee! I take it black. I like cappuccinos, espressos, macchiatos, cold brew, and pretty much every other way you can get it. But, like everything else these days, coffee can get expensive especially if you go to the local coffee bar often to get your fix. So when the Wirsh 20

Wirsh 20 Bar Home Barista Plus Espresso Machine review – So easy even I can do it Read More

Gevi nugget ice maker V2.0 review – The ice maker of my dreams

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REVIEW – Did my secret stop on my commute home just get eliminated?! I understand that secrets are not the best policy in relationships, but if my partner was aware of how many times I’ve driven out of my way to get a Route 44-sized cherry limeade (IYKYK) after a really hard day in the

Gevi nugget ice maker V2.0 review – The ice maker of my dreams Read More

Joy Pebble countertop ice maker review – piles of pleasant pebble ice posthaste

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REVIEW – Most people I informally surveyed while reviewing the Joy Pebble countertop ice maker prefer nugget/pebble  ice to other larger forms of ice. I’ve personally always enjoyed pebble ice but hadn’t previously sought it out, but now that the pebble ice maker has been sitting on our countertop for a few weeks, I’m feeling

Joy Pebble countertop ice maker review – piles of pleasant pebble ice posthaste Read More

Brita Denali Water Pitcher with Elite Filter review – Tasty water fast


REVIEW – We’ve used another brand of pitcher-style water filter for years. We had a large, heavy one and it was aging, so it was PUR coincidence when this Brita pitcher came up for review. Our municipal water is great, so why do I filter anyway? In a word, chlorine. I like drinking water that

Brita Denali Water Pitcher with Elite Filter review – Tasty water fast Read More

ThermoPro Tempspike II dual wireless meat thermometers review – Now I know my Traeger was lying to me!

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REVIEW – Summer is officially here in South Texas, and for me and my family, that means BBQ!  I am not talking about tossing some hamburgers on the grill or loading up your kettle grill with charcoal and grilling up a steak.  I am talking about hours of slow-cooking a big chunk of meat into

ThermoPro Tempspike II dual wireless meat thermometers review – Now I know my Traeger was lying to me! Read More

HiCOZY Vacuum Food Sealer review – How much is your food worth?

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REVIEW – A few years ago, a friend gave me a FoodSaver vacuum sealer she never used. I barely knew what one was, but accepted it anyway because it is a . . . gadget. I am glad I did. If you aren’t familiar with what a sealer can do, it literally sucks the air

HiCOZY Vacuum Food Sealer review – How much is your food worth? Read More

AAOBOSI 24″ wine and beverage cooler review – room for so many beverages

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REVIEW – I’ve had a small mini-fridge in my basement office for years, which has been very handy for whatever cool beverage I want while working. Said mini-fridge is pretty cramped and the temperature is unreliable though, and the noise and form factor is not ideal. I hadn’t even considered a higher end beverage cooler,

AAOBOSI 24″ wine and beverage cooler review – room for so many beverages Read More

Typhur InstaProbe kitchen thermometer review – Way faster than the rest?

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REVIEW – I cook with thermometers all the time because I don’t trust my skills. One day, the sleek Typhur InstaProbe thermometer popped up in my social media feeds. It LOOKS pretty neat but is it good enough to dethrone my reliable Thermoworks Thermapen One? What is it? The Typhur InstaProbe is a battery-operated thermometer

Typhur InstaProbe kitchen thermometer review – Way faster than the rest? Read More

Ca’Lefrot 15 inch 80 Can Beverage Refrigerator review

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REVIEW – When I planned my DIY work for my new home, my own warm and inviting media entertainment area with a full-size bar was near the top of my list. Once I built the bar, I purchased a beverage fridge to occupy the space I designed for that purpose, but its performance left much

Ca’Lefrot 15 inch 80 Can Beverage Refrigerator review Read More

DREO ChefMaker Combi Fryer review – It’s an air fryer with super powers

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CROWDFUNDING REVIEW – When I was contacted by DREO to see if I would like to test their ChefMaker Combi Fryer, I had to check the company name again because the DREO I know makes heaters, fans, and air purifiers. But now they also make air fryers so let’s take a look at the DREO

DREO ChefMaker Combi Fryer review – It’s an air fryer with super powers Read More

Ganiza 5-in-1 Hand Blender review – one package, four appliances

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REVIEW – When it comes to serious blending of ingredients in our kitchen, there’s no doubt that our Blendtec blender is the tool of choice.  There’s no blending task that it can’t handle.  Some recipes, however, don’t really require that kind of power, and it would be handy to have a smaller, hand blender available. 

Ganiza 5-in-1 Hand Blender review – one package, four appliances Read More