Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

Griffin adds Fitbit Flex and Fitbit One holders to their line of wearable accessories

griffin fitbit

If the wrist strap and belt clip that comes with the Fitbit Flex or Fitbit One activity trackers are a little too dull for your liking, consider these three new wearable accessories from Griffin. Designed specifically for the Fitbit Flex or Fitbit One, there’s the Courier Clip for Fitbit ($19.99), KaZoo Clip for Fitbit ($14.99), and the Tracker Clip ($14.99). […]

Griffin adds Fitbit Flex and Fitbit One holders to their line of wearable accessories Read More

Portable, convenient ultrasonic humidifier

vaporb ultrasonic humidifier

Winter is here with a vengeance, and you may be plagued with dry skin and static shocks as a result of the dry air the extreme cold brings.  The VapOrb USB Ultrasonic Humidifier can moisten your air and reduce your discomfort.  Best of all, it’s only 2″ in diameter, so you can take it with

Portable, convenient ultrasonic humidifier Read More

A travel shaver for the man who likes to travel ultra-light

mini travel electric shaver and cigarette lighter

I told you about the travel kit I put together for my husband who wet-shaves with vintage double-edged razors in a previous post (see links at the end of this post).  His kit is loaded with all of the luxuries of home, but it’s big and heavy and takes a lot of room in his

A travel shaver for the man who likes to travel ultra-light Read More

Cycling skinsuit can turn you into a “Tron” lookalike

podiumskinsuits tron

I’m not much of a cyclist myself, but I am a big fan of the “Tron” films, particularly the newer “Tron: Legacy.” The futuristic costumes worn by the characters inside their imaginary computer reality were way cool. When I randomly stumbled onto this Tron-Inspired Cycling Skinsuit from Podium Cycling, I had to share it. Due

Cycling skinsuit can turn you into a “Tron” lookalike Read More

Misfit’s new Swarovski Shine puts the bling in fitness

misfit swarovski

The Misfit Shine was one of the first activity trackers designed to look more like a piece of jewelry than a step counting gadget. Now Misfit is offering a new collection of Shine trackers that make use of light for both charging the tracker’s battery and for attracting envious looks from fashion conscience health nuts.

Misfit’s new Swarovski Shine puts the bling in fitness Read More

Keep your hands warm with this backup battery

rechargeable hand warmer

If your hands are always cold as ice, you need one of these rechargeable hand warmers.  (My daughter needs one; her hands are always as cold as ice.)  Its lithium-ion battery charges from USB power, and then it can provide you with up to 6 hours of heat (up to a maximum of 130oF) to

Keep your hands warm with this backup battery Read More

Vida lets you carry your own personal health coach in your pocket


We all want to be healthy and fit, but it takes effort to get that way and to stay that way. Most of the time it might feel like it’s too much effort to even bother. That is unless you have help like a Vida health coach. Vida is an iOS app that lets you

Vida lets you carry your own personal health coach in your pocket Read More

RestOn Sleepace smart sleep monitor review

reston sleepace 2

A lot of high end fitness trackers that are designed to keep track of your steps and physical activity can also give you insight on your sleeping habits with the hope of improving them. Everyone could use a better night’s sleep right? The only problem with most of these trackers is that you have to wear them on

RestOn Sleepace smart sleep monitor review Read More

Liif is a pillbox that reminds you when to take your medication


Medicine won’t do its job unless you take it when you’re supposed to take it. If you or a loved one is prone to forgetting to take medications, the Liif pillbox looks like a useful gadget that will remind you and alert caregivers when doses are missed. The Liif comes in two versions. One with four pill

Liif is a pillbox that reminds you when to take your medication Read More

VERT proves that white men can (or can’t) jump

vert jump

The VERT is a small wearable inertial measurement device that accurately measures and records jump data for athletes who play volleyball, basketball, track and field and other sports that require jumping. The device pairs with a free iOS app that can be monitored by coaches during use, and instantly provides jump rate and jump height. VERT

VERT proves that white men can (or can’t) jump Read More

iBill will identify currency for the visually impaired

ibill money identifier

The iBill scans US currency in just a couple of seconds and indicates to the user what the denomination of the bill is.  It identifies most bills in less than a second, and it will announce the denomination in a female voice or will use tone and vibration modes for privacy, or you can plug

iBill will identify currency for the visually impaired Read More

This Waterfield Razor Case is the finishing touch for a luxurious travel kit for the man who wet shaves

waterfield razor case

A few months ago, I told you about the luxurious travel kit I had assembled for my husband after he discovered wet-shaving with vintage razors.  Whether you use vintage razors or new ones, you need a case to protect it in your Dopp kit, and Waterfield has introduced a nice-looking Razor Case that could be

This Waterfield Razor Case is the finishing touch for a luxurious travel kit for the man who wet shaves Read More

Garmin fēnix 2 multisport training GPS watch review

garmin fenix2 1b…ever. I have used many fitness and running watches over the years, none of them perfect. Some came closer than others to running-Zen, but many never even left the gate. I have been using the Garmin fēnix 2 on and off for months now and continue to be amazed how much it impresses me. I know my first

Garmin fēnix 2 multisport training GPS watch review Read More

Saffron Drift Light Self-Dimming Sleep bulb review

saffron drift light bulb 3

Sleep is very important to health.  If you don’t get sufficient sleep, you’ll find yourself unable to deal easily with everyday life, because lack of sleep can negatively impact your emotional state and your mental acuity.  With long-term sleep disruption, you’ll also increase your chances of developing life-threatening illness, like diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.

Saffron Drift Light Self-Dimming Sleep bulb review Read More