Health and fitness

News, reviews and articles about health, fitness and sports products and accessories.

The new Microsoft Band 2 is available now for pre-order

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The release of the Microsoft Band 2 was announced on October 6. It is a Bluetooth 4.0 (low energy) activity tracker that has continuous heart rate monitoring to track your heart rate, calorie burn, and sleep. It also provides tracking data for the number of steps taken, running, biking, golfing, or working out and has […]

The new Microsoft Band 2 is available now for pre-order Read More

Jabra Sport Coach Wireless Earbuds review

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Most people will agree that working out isn’t exactly fun, but add some music and it becomes more bearable. Add a pair of Jabra Sport Coach sweat-proof wireless earbuds and a virtual coach who talks in your ear and you might just start looking forward to your next workout session. Let’s find out.

Jabra Sport Coach Wireless Earbuds review Read More

Withings Aura Connected Alarm Clock will now let you wake up to your favorite tunes

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Withings has split their Aura sleep tracking gadget into two different packages. One without the sleep sensor and one that performs just as a connected alarm clock. The Aura Connected Alarm Clock + Sleep Sensor Accessory is priced at $299.95 and the Aura Connected Alarm Clock is priced at 189.95. The difference is that the

Withings Aura Connected Alarm Clock will now let you wake up to your favorite tunes Read More

Nike Vision Run X2 Sunglasses (EV0798) review

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There’s just nothing worse than exercising in glasses or sunglasses when they slip, bounce and fog up because of perspiration. When the Gadgeteer was asked to review the Nike Vision Run X2 Sunglasses, I volunteered to see if they might function better than others during exercise. What I found was that they are excellent sunglasses

Nike Vision Run X2 Sunglasses (EV0798) review Read More

Adlens glasses have lenses that can be adjusted as your eyes change


I’ve worn glasses since I was in third grade. I don’t know what the definition of legally blind is, but without my glasses, I have a feeling I’d fall into that group. If I’m awake, I’m wearing my glasses. Now that I’m older and wiser, I have progressive lenses that allow me to read and

Adlens glasses have lenses that can be adjusted as your eyes change Read More

Kahtoola adds traction to your running and hiking shoes


Casual and not so casual runners and hikers don’t have to let bad weather keep them indoors. Kahtoola MICROspikes and NANOspikes will have you running and hiking like a mountain goat with no fear of slips and skids. MICROspikes have been designed for hiking boots and feature a low profile elastomer harness that should be

Kahtoola adds traction to your running and hiking shoes Read More

Zackees are cycling gloves with built-in turn signals


Cyclists who want to enjoy their sport and transportation method while remaining safe and visible, should check out Zackees. Zackees are cycling gloves that have designed with built-in LED turn signals that light up with a simple press thumb press. A bright LED arrow lights up to let drivers know your intention to turn. Zackees

Zackees are cycling gloves with built-in turn signals Read More

Alcon Multifocal contact lenses are an alternative to reading glasses and bifocals


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Alcon. All opinions are 100% mine. Are you at an age where you need reading glasses or bifocals in order to read or see things up close? Do these glasses make you feel older when you’re using them? I know that it took me

Alcon Multifocal contact lenses are an alternative to reading glasses and bifocals Read More

Underwater Audio Swimbuds Sport Waterproof Headphones and iPod bundle review


Underwater Audio has outdone themselves with this product.  I have used these headphones for over two months now and whether I’m walking, running, mowing my lawn, weeding my garden or swimming (in that order every Saturday or Sunday) these babies are with me.  Let me tell you why I love them so much. 

Underwater Audio Swimbuds Sport Waterproof Headphones and iPod bundle review Read More

Organs-on-Chips may take the place of animal testing in the future

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Scientists Donald Ingber and Dan Dongeun Huh at Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering (Whew, that was a mouthful!) have developed microchip-like devices called Organs-on-Chips. These devices are transparent, flexible polymers (plastic) that contain microscopic channels. When living human cells from different organs like the lungs, gut, kidney, and liver are introduced through

Organs-on-Chips may take the place of animal testing in the future Read More

Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern review

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In the central Texas, mosquitoes are a year-round problem. We have those tiny Asian Tiger mosquitoes that love shade, hit quick, and bite hard. When the weather is nice, we love to sit outside at night in our live oak-shaded back yard and chat, drink iced tea, and occasionally toss a ball for the dogs.

Thermacell Repellent Camp Lantern review Read More

Motorola launches Moto 360 (2nd gen) smartwatch

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Yesterday, I reported the news that the latest version of Android Wear will be compatible with iPhones. Based on the feedback I received, it is clear that our readers are as excited as I am that they will have more options than the Apple Watch to join the smartwatch revolution. Today, Motorola announced the availability

Motorola launches Moto 360 (2nd gen) smartwatch Read More

Misfit and Speedo have teamed up to offer the Speedo Shine activity tracker

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The Speedo Shine is a new activity tracker from the partnership of Misfit and Speedo. Just like Misfit’s other trackers, it tracks your activity, steps, calorie burn and sleep automatically. Although you don’t have to be a swimmer, the Speedo Shine is made with swimmers in mind and features a proprietary lap counting algorithm that

Misfit and Speedo have teamed up to offer the Speedo Shine activity tracker Read More

Workout Sandbags are an alternative to pumping iron


One of the latest crazes in the fitness world is “functional fitness” (strength, mobility and endurance training for real-world use rather than very specific gym-type exercises) and one of the tools that is growing in popularity for functional fitness training is the humble sandbag. Sandbags can be made in varying weights and sizes, plus they are

Workout Sandbags are an alternative to pumping iron Read More

Collect your vitals with the BodiMetrics Performance Monitor

bodimetrics performance monitor

I love to collect and analyze data, especially my health data. I like seeing the changes that take place as I make alterations to my exercise program or eating habits. The BodiMetrics Performance Monitor (this is how it is marketed in the United States; it is also known as the CheckMe Monitor according to Gizmodo) sounds

Collect your vitals with the BodiMetrics Performance Monitor Read More

Improve your indoor air quality with Airocide

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Texas is blazing hot in the summertime and thus many homes are sealed up tight with their air conditioners constantly running recirculating indoor air.  According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission on indoor air quality, In the last several years, a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other

Improve your indoor air quality with Airocide Read More

Easybreath allows you to breathe easy while surface snorkeling

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The Easybreath full-faced snorkeling mask by Tribord allows you to breathe normally through your nose while exploring the fascinating world just beneath the surface of the ocean (or the not-so-fascinating world of your pool). This is a surface snorkeling mask that uses a dry top system to prevent water from entering the snorkel due to

Easybreath allows you to breathe easy while surface snorkeling Read More