Outdoor Gear

News, reviews and articles about outdoor gear and accessories.

Hiker Garden 10 person tent review – spacious and sturdy all weather tent

Hiker Garden tent 10

REVIEW – I’ve used quite a few tents in my days, from tiny to huge and cheap to mid-range/name brand. In fact, some of my earliest memories of camping are of my father connecting separated pole segments for a big canvas tent that was leaky and heavy and took nearly an hour to set up

Hiker Garden 10 person tent review – spacious and sturdy all weather tent Read More

Greenworks 24V 12-inch string trimmer / edger review

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REVIEW – A reliable string trimmer is an indispensable tool for yard work.  However, gas models are loud and create noxious fumes, and corded electric units are inconvenient. The Greenworks 24V 12-inch string trimmer with edger mode is a lightweight, feature-rich, battery-powered tool. I have one to review. Read on to see what I think!

Greenworks 24V 12-inch string trimmer / edger review Read More

Here is the folding lantern that you’ll want for your next camping adventure

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NEWS – The Helix Backcountry lanterns from Princeton Tec have a unique design that allows them to fold down to a much smaller size when they are not in use. There are 4 different models of the Helix lanterns available including one that is USB rechargeable and can be controlled via Bluetooth. The lanterns have

Here is the folding lantern that you’ll want for your next camping adventure Read More

The Fireflower Spark is a 2-in-1 fire pit grill that goes where ever you go

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NEWS – No room to set up or store a full-sized a fire pit or a grill? Or would you like an easy-to-use fire pit and grill for your camping adventure? Then check out the Fireflower Spark. Constructed of 14 gauge 304 stainless steel and created with a no tools needed design, the Fireflower Spark

The Fireflower Spark is a 2-in-1 fire pit grill that goes where ever you go Read More

WalkingPod Mesh with Bug Screens – A new type of “wearable”?

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NEWS – So the WalkinPod Mesh with Bug-Screens is a real thing. I did a double-take and started laughing when I first saw the photo in a CNET post. Apparently, the product was released in preparation for the Brood X cicadas. I commented to my husband that it looks like someone flipped a mesh clothes

WalkingPod Mesh with Bug Screens – A new type of “wearable”? Read More

SnapFresh Cordless Lawn Mower review – not enough power

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REVIEW – In the last year I’ve been transitioning to battery-powered tools for working in my yard.  After I reviewed WORX’s cordless fan, I purchased their weed eater.  SnapFresh then sent me their leaf blower and their hedge trimmer, both of which I liked.  The most recent lawn tool that I’ve been testing is a

SnapFresh Cordless Lawn Mower review – not enough power Read More

Litheli 40V 22″ Cordless Hedge Trimmer + 2.0Ah Battery & Charger review

Litheli 20V 20 Cordless Hedge Trimmer 1

REVIEW – As I continue to enjoy reviewing Litheli tools and how much they help me around my home, I have been focusing on gardening. This Litheli 40V 22″ Cordless Hedge Trimmer is my next test as I deal with some unruly trees that I need to shape up. What is it? The Litheli 40V

Litheli 40V 22″ Cordless Hedge Trimmer + 2.0Ah Battery & Charger review Read More

Greenworks 2 x 24V (48V) 17″ Brushless Lawn Mower and Drill review – a gateway into the Greenworks ecosystem

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REVIEW – Most of us have spent our entire lives using gasoline or corded electric lawn tools. I had infamously bad gas lawnmowers when I was a kid, where you had to yank the starter cord 10 or more times with all your kid-strength to get it going, then you had the hassle of mixing

Greenworks 2 x 24V (48V) 17″ Brushless Lawn Mower and Drill review – a gateway into the Greenworks ecosystem Read More

The perfect fishing gear for minimalists

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NEWS – The Rodless Reel might look a little bit like a fidget toy, but it’s actually a fully functional fishing reel but without a rod. That’s right, you can catch fish without needing a collection of bulky fishing gear when you have the Rodless Reel. Even though it features a compact lightweight all plastic

The perfect fishing gear for minimalists Read More

Litheli 20V 12″ Cordless String Trimmer / Edger review

Litheli String Trimmer 1

REVIEW – Here I go again with another exciting opportunity to review another Litheli tool. This time around it is the Litheli 20V 12″ Cordless String Trimmer / Edger. Here we go!! What is it? The Litheli 20V Cordless String Trimmer,12-Inch Battery Powered Grass Trimmer & Wheeled Edger features an automatic line feed for grass

Litheli 20V 12″ Cordless String Trimmer / Edger review Read More

This tool turns one log into an outdoor grill or firepit

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NEWS – Made in Canada of heavy duty eighth-inch thick laser-cut stainless steel, this tool will turn a log into an outdoor firepit or grill in minutes. The Sportes MITI-001 log grill aka Canadian candle requires that you split a log into quarters with an ax and then set the MITI-001 on top to form

This tool turns one log into an outdoor grill or firepit Read More

This shovel is the multi-tool you need for your next outdoor adventure

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NEWS – The Tyger Auto Shovel is a 16-in-1 multi-tool shovel that is constructed of military-grade solid carbon steel and aerospace-grade anodized aluminum tubes. The magic is in the tubes which screw together to create the shovel handle. But that’s not all they do. Each tube is its own tool. In addition to the shovel

This shovel is the multi-tool you need for your next outdoor adventure Read More

WORX Hydroshot Ultra WG649 High Pressure Hand Held Cleaner review

WORX Hydroshot Ultra WG649 2

REVIEW – Once I purchased my new home a few months ago, I started working on obtaining the tools that are necessary to keep the DIY projects going and the cost to pay the PROs down. A pressure washer is a great tool for jobs around the house. I got the opportunity to test the

WORX Hydroshot Ultra WG649 High Pressure Hand Held Cleaner review Read More